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Semester 2 Review – Senior Final 2016
What is nervous tissue made up of?
Define: neuron, synapse, synaptic transmission, neurotransmitter, reflex arc, withdrawal reflex
3 functions of the nervous system?
Draw a neuron and label the basic parts.
Substances released from synaptic knobs during impulse are?
What does it mean to be polarized?
What are the 3 structural neurons?
Where does the spinal cord begin?
Distinguish between the cervical and lumbar enlargement of the spinal cord.
1. Draw a picture of the eye, identify the following structures and write their function: iris, pupil,
sclera, suspensory ligaments, ciliary body, retina, fovea, vitreous humor, aqueous humor, choroid
coat, optic disc
2. Distinguish between cons and rods.
3. What is conjunctivitis?
4. Distinguish between myopia and hyperopia.
5. List the pathway light takes through the eye.
6. What part of the brain is vision interpreted?
7. Which eye muscle enables the eyelid to open and close?
1. Define: ossicle, cochlea, malleus, stapes, incus, semilunar canals, cerumenous glands, tinnitus,
tympanic membrane, auditory canal, auditory tube, vertigo
2. Cochlear branch transmits hearing to what part of the brain?
3. What does the vestibular branch detect and what part of the brain does it go to?
4. Functions of the ear?
1. Create a Punnett square for the following crosses. Indicate the percent blood type for each
possible offspring.
2. What are the 4 major components of blood?
3. Define: antigen, antibody, anemia, hemoglobin
4. What are the 2 main groups of leukocytes and what types of cells are found in each?
5. Compare/Contrast: genotype/phenotype
6. Name the universal donor
7. Name the universal acceptor
8. What is sickle cell anemia and explain 2 symptoms of it.
9. What does Rh+ mean?
10. What is uncontrolled production of leukocytes called?
11. What is bloods pH?
Cardiovascular System
1. Define: cardiac cycle, pericardium, coronary arteries, capillaries
2. Another name for the SA node? Where is it located? What does it do?
3. Difference between arteries/veins and arterioles/venules?
4. Number of heart chambers and names?
5. What are the atrioventricular valves, where are they located and what is their function?
6. What are the semilunar valves, where are they located and what is their function?
7. List the 3 layers of the heart from inside to out.
1. List the pathway food takes through the digestive system. (Essay Question)
2. Define: peristalsis, digestion, diarrhea, ulcer, frenulum, , hard palate/soft palate, mastication,
3. Total number of teeth if all develops?
4. 5 main taste sensations?
5. List the 3 parts of the small intestine in order.
6. List all of the parts of the large intestine in order.
7. Define: jaundice, hepatitis, hemorrhoid, calorie
8. Give the function: liver (number of lobes and sizes), gallbladder, colon
9. Differentiate between macronutrients and micronutrients.
10. What organic compound includes sugar and starches?
1. Distinguish between female and male gonads and gametes.
2. Define/function: fertilization, zygote, ovulation, uterus, penis, placenta, hymen, menopause,
seminal vesicle, prostate gland, bulbourethral gland
3. Number of chromosomes found in the head of a sperm?
4. Distinguish between spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
5. List the pathway of the ova through the female reproductive system.
6. List the pathway of sperm through the male reproductive system.
7. Name and explain the function of the 2 main female hormones.
8. List 3 things testosterone does for the male.
9. What does semen consist of?
10. What does the decline of progesterone initiate?
11. What structure stores sperm until maturity?
Make sure you know where in the human body the following terms are and know their function.
Lung, trachea, pharynx, heart, diaphragm, liver, gallbladder, stomach, appendix, small intestine, large
intestine, kidney, bladder, pancreas