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VRA experiences
By Katiella and Nickey
Adjusting Community Based NRM Practices to reduce
climate change risk in the Omusati Region.
The objective of the Project is to increase community-level capacity to be
able to adapt to climate change through implementation of sustainable
natural resources management practices at four (4) farming communities
in Onkani arid lands and the surroundings.
Outcome A
Funding source
1. Capacity for soil conservation increased in the face of climate
change risks.
1.1 Training in cost-effective soil conservation and monitoring
1.2 Demonstration projects developed on farms
1.3 Local level monitoring of soil, vegetation and livestock
initiatives in selected villages
2. Capacity for small-scale rain water harvesting increased
2.1 Training in cost-effective water harvesting methods.
2.2 Rain water harvesting pilot examples established at schools in
surrounding villages including Onkani Primary school
2.3 Selected HH provided with rain water harvesting infrastructure
3. Community capacity to maintaining hand-made wells improved
3.1 Training in cost-effective of maintenance at Onkaankaa and
3.2. Improving hand-made wells infrastructure in selected villages
USD 53,235.28
Outcome B
Funding source
4. Increased forest cover (using appropriate, drought resistant
species) reduces climate change-induced land degradation
pressures by improving soil permeability and reducing
4.1 Training in tree planting and agroforestry
4.2 Tree-planting and agroforestry campaigns led by farmers
implemented in climate-threatened areas: Ondjungulume and
4.3 Identification and introduction of indigenous and
appropriately adapting forestry species in selected areas
4.4 Fire management activities implemented
5. Community awareness raised about long-term climate
change risks
5.1 Trainings held on climate change risks
5.2 School awareness packages developed
5.3 Other CC related and relevant information distributed to
6. Lessons learned from project implementation shared with
stakeholders nationally and globally
6.1 CC forums with policymakers held (at least one parliament
session presentation by OIKE)
6.2 Forums with relevant extension services held
6.3 Progress reports and other informational materials shared
with CBA team globally for dissemination to other country
programmes and included in globally focused knowledge
USD 45,954.13
VRA Process
About 50 people invited/participated
Later, only representatives from four
targeted villages
People collected with two vehicles
Lunch provided (traditional dish)
Other stakeholders invited.. CPP…
Brainstorming done on CC
CC/Greenhouse explain by CPP
VRA process rationaled
Other PRA methods blended with VRA
- only one big piece of paper (ZOPP)
Three quarters of a day on VRA
In the end …experience appreciated
Some lessons
CC not technically known by villagers
A brainstorming session on Climate Change
indicated that the community is not
really conversant with CC.
They might have experience CC in their
villages but never discussed is as such
within a bigger group or even at home.
The CC technical terms are new to them.
..the VRA session to be preceded by
a thorough session on CCA.
discussion on CC in every community meetings
starting with the CBA planning sessions and will be
continued with the implementation of the project.
The H-Form
Supporting Adaptation of Productive Practices among Pastoral
and Agro pastoral Communities in
the Rombou Rural
Commune (Dakoro Department)
Objective: The objective of the project is to build the capacity of the community to
engage in livelihood practices that will maintain and strengthen ecosystem resilience
in the face of climate change including variability
Outcomes Co-Financed
Traditional wells rehabilitated (co-financing)
Creation of grain and seed banks to promote better-adapted and climate-resilient
seeds and to provide a buffer against food insecurity stemming from increasing
climate variability (co-financing)
Outcomes Core SPA
Water points protected against climate-driven siltation, erosion and desertification
(Tree-planting around water points)
Alternative NRM practices piloted in the Tarka valley to promote ecosystem resilience
in the face of climate change (Piloting of cultivated forage, Piloting of dune fixation
measures using hedgerows, Piloting of degraded land restoration measures)
Community members trained to implement and monitor climate-resilient natural
resource management practices.
Lessons learned from project implementation integrated into local-level planning
USD 145,000.00
Development of sustainable agricultural techniques for adapting
to climate change in three villages in the municipality of
Roumbou, Department of Dakoro
Objective: The objective of the project is to build the capacity of the community to engage in
livelihood practices that will contribute to the reduction of climate change-driven soil
erosion pressures.
Outcomes Co-Financed
Measures piloted to restore degraded land (25 hectares of degraded land restored, including
5 hectares of dunes
Community members trained to implement and monitor land reclamation practices.
Outcomes Core SPA
Decreasingly sustainable exploitation of natural ecosystems and extensive agricultural
practices replaced with intensive practices which will reduce deforestation and be more
sustainable in the face of long-term climate change pressures.
– A community-managed bank of agricultural inputs instituted
– Demonstration of quick-maturing seeds
– 15 community-level “brigadiers” trained to disseminate identified best practices in
climate resilient agriculture locally
– Agricultural implements provided to the most vulnerable households (less than 10
households, who would otherwise be forced to subsist on clime-stressed ecosystems)
Lessons learned from project implementation integrated into local-level planning
USD 61,000.00
Background on climate change and
explanation on the VRA methodology given.
Questions repeated several times
More than one facilitator effective and
culturally appropriate.
Follow up questions asked which
successfully elicited detailed information on
how climate change impacts have
manifested themselves in the communities.
Opinions of different gender and age groups
actively solicited.
Appropriate use of humour and other
cultural tools can help to test the accuracy
of the community answers
VRA and Gender
For most of OIKE
project…it is women
Roles and Responsibilities
shared if not
equal….almost within all
Young man and women
actively engage but not as
SGP principle of gender
consideration in projects
What can done?
Introduce the VRA at NCC and field
facilitators levels before the community
Translate into local languages for all
questions need to be agreed before
going to the meeting.
Comprehensive scoring system
Need to limit participant group size
To prepare and adapt the first question
of VRA for the target group.
Baseline-additionality reasoning must
be clearly understood
Reduce the number of questions
Levels to measure
Accuracy of the
VRA and other
existing local M&E
VRA quantitative