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Warm-Ups, Closures, and CTQs
Week 18
Monday, January 11th
Explain how signal transduction causes a cell to change into different types of cells.
CTQ #1:
Actin and myosin are both proteins that are essential for muscle cells to contract. In
development, paraxial mesoderm (PM) cells differentiate when actin and myosin are
expressed at high levels. If PM cells have high levels of the transcription factor FOX1A
before they differentiate into muscle cells, they will instead differentiate into bone cells.
Create two graphs showing the levels of actin, myosin, and FOX1A over time. In the first
graph, show the levels inside a PM cell that becomes a muscle cell. In the second graph,
show the levels inside a PM cell that becomes a bone cell. (LO 2.32)
CTQ #2:
Describe, in the context of gene regulation and
development, why people have different height. (LO 3.18)
Explain how regulation of the gene encoding the Na+/K+
channel protein and the gene encoding insulin contributes
to differentiation of embryonic cells into neurons or
pancreatic cells.
Tuesday, January 12th
Describe how a cell differentiates during development.
CTQ #1:
Describe how apoptosis plays a role in development. (LO 2.34)
CTQ #2:
The model below shows a cell with a receptor that is un-activated. Redraw this model and
revise it to show how signals from other cells can promote apoptosis. (LO 4.7)
Tuesday, January 12th (continued)
How do processes occurring in the nucleus affect the lysosome when a cell undergoes
apoptosis? (LO 4.5)
Wednesday, January 13th
What is the role of the lysosome in development?
How does a transcription factor differentiate a cell?
Learning Objectives This Week
LO 2.32 use a graph or diagram to analyze situations or solve problems (quantitatively or qualitatively) that
involve timing and coordination of events necessary for normal development in an organism.
LO 2.34 describe the role of programmed cell death in development and differentiation, the reuse of
molecules, and the maintenance of dynamic homeostasis.
LO 3.18 describe the connection between the regulation of gene expression and observed differences
between individuals in a population.
LO 4.5 construct explanations based on scientific evidence as to how interactions of subcellular structures
provide essential functions.
LO 4.7 refine representations to illustrate how interactions between external stimuli and gene expression
result in specialization of cells, tissues and organs.