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Third Eight Weeks
Study Guide – Cell Structure and Function
Unit Assessment – 7th Grade – Life Science
Study Guide with answers
1. What is the function of the cytoplasm in a cell?
The jelly-like substance that contains all the living material in the cell
2. What is a major characteristic of the Golgi bodies?
Golgi bodies are flattened membranes that package cellular substances in the cell
3. What is a cell?
A cell is the smallest unit of a organization that carries on life functions
4. What cell parts is common to both animal and plant cells?
Cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus (DNA – genetic material)
5. Growth in multicellular organisms is due to what?
The growth of multicellular organisms is due to an increase in the number of cells
6. What is a major difference between living and nonliving things?
Only living things are made up of cells
7. Which organisms contain prokaryotic cells?
A prokaryotic cell does not have a membrane-bound nucleus; bacteria is the only prokaryotic
8. What provides energy for work in cells?
To provide energy for work that cells do, all cells need to take in nutrients.
9. What are the characteristics of living things?
Organisms are made of cells, use energy, reproduce, respond to their environment, and grow and
10. What must all organisms have to survive?
Food, oxygen, shelter, water
11. What are the principles of the Cell Theory?
Organisms are made up of one or more cells. The cell is the basic unit of life (organisms). All
cells come from other cells.
12. What is the function of cells in a multicellular organism?
Cells in multicellular organisms all work together to keep the organism alive.
13. What is the organizational hierarchy of organisms from the simplest to the most
cells→ tissues→ organs→ organ systems → organism
14. What cell structure carries the genetic information for the cell?
Chromosomes carry the genetic information in the cell.
15. What is the function of lysosomes in a eukaryotic cell?
Lysosomes contain digestive chemicals that break down and recycle substances in the cell.
16. What is the function of the nucleus in a eukaryotic cell?
The nucleus directs all cell activities in a eukaryotic cell.
17. What are two energy-producing organelles in plants?
Mitochondria and chloroplasts
18. What is the function of ribosomes?
Ribosomes produce proteins for cells to use to grow and develop.
19. What is an organ?
An organ is made up of two or more different tissues that work together.
20. What are the characteristics of a prokaryotic cell?
Cells without membrane- bound structures are called prokaryotic.
21. What is the function of cellulose in a plant cell?
Cellulose in plant cell walls gives the plant protection and support.
22. What is the theory of spontaneous generation?
Living things come from nonliving things.
23. What are eukaryotic cells?
Cells with membrane-bound structures are called eukaryotic cells.
24. What is a stimulus? What is a response? (in living things)
A stimulus is a change in an organism’s environment; a response is a reaction to the stimulus.
25. What are examples of development in living things?
Puppies trying to open their eyes; babies laughing; a plant sprouting from the soil
26. What is the function of the chemical DNA found in cells?
DNA carries the genetic code for all cell activities.
27. What is a tissue?
A tissue is a group of similar specialized cells that work together to do one job.
28. What are structures found in plant cells and not in animal cells?
Cell wall and chloroplasts
29. How do nutrients enter and leave the cell?
Nutrients enter through the cell membrane which is selectively permeable.
30. What is the function of vacuoles in plant and animal cells?
Vacuoles store food, water, or cellular wastes.
31. Why would a heart muscle have a high portion of mitochondria?
Heart needs more energy than other cells because of the job it does for the body.
32. What is the function of endoplasmic reticulum?
The endoplasmic reticulum transports substances around inside the cell.
33. What is the theory of biogenesis?
All living things come from other living things. – Cell Theory
34. What is homeostasis?
Homeostasis is the regulation of an organism’s internal conditions (temperature, blood pressure)
35. What gas do animals need to carry out life processes?
Oxygen is needed to carry out cellular respiration – releasing energy for work.
36. What is the function of a chromosome?
Chromosomes contain the cell’s DNA.