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How Does the Body Defend against Invasion? (Figure 22-1)
A. The _________ and _____________ ______________ Are Nonspecific
External Barriers to Invasion
1. The ________ is an inhospitable environment for ______________ growth
2. ________, _________ _________, and _____________ defend mucous
membranes against microbes (Figure 22-2)
B. ___________________ Internal Defenses Combat ____________
1. __________________ cells and natural killer cells destroy invading
microbes (Figure 22-3)
2. The inflammatory response defends against _________ ___________
(Figure 22-4)
3. ____________ combats large-scale infections
What Are the Key Characteristics of the Immune System?
A. The Immune System Consists of ________ and _____________ Dispersed
throughout the Body (Table 22-1)
B. Immune Cells Originate in the __________ _____________
How Does the Immune System Recognize Invaders?
A. ______________ _________Recognize Invaders’ Complex Molecules
1. Foreign invaders exhibit ________________ ___________
B. __________________ and ____-________ Receptors Recognize and Bind to
1. Antibodies both _____________ and help ___________ ___________
(Figure 22-5)
2. T-cell receptors recognize invaders and help trigger the _____________
C. The ____________System Can Recognize Millions of Different Molecules
1. Antibody genes are assembled from several segments of _________ (Figure
2. _________________ are not tailor-made for antigens
D. The Immune System Distinguishes “Self ” from “Non-Self ”
How Does the Immune System Launch an Attack?
A. An ______________ Response Takes Time to Develop (Figure 22-8)
B. ______________ Immunity Is Produced by ______________ Dissolved in
_____________ (Figure 22-9)
1. Humoral antibodies have __________ modes of ____________ (Figure 2210)
2. Humoral immunity __________ invaders that are _____________ cells
C. ______-_____________ Immunity Is Produced by _______________ T Cells
D. Both Humoral and Cell-Mediated Immunity Are Enhanced by ___________
___ Cells (Figure 22-13)
How Does the Immune System Remember Its Past Victories? (Figure 22-14)
How Does Medical Care Assist the Immune Response?
A. Antibiotics Slow Down _____________ ________________
B. __________________ Stimulate the Development of ____________ Cells
What Happens When the Immune System Malfunctions?
A. Allergies Are _________________ _____________ Responses (Figure 22-15)
B. An _______________ _______________ _____________ Is an Immune
Response against the Body’s Own Cells
C. ___________________ _______________Diseases Occur When the Body
Cannot Mount an Effective Immune Response against Invaders
1. Severe combined immune deficiency
2. _______________immune deficiency syndrome (Figure 22-16)
How Does the Immune System Combat Cancer?
A. Most _________________ __________ Are Recognized as Foreign (Figure
B. Treatments for Cancer Depend on _________________ and Selectively
________ _______________ Cells