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Cell Structure and Function 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lETjhVFpKM&list=PLmEXCrR8Pw1OwETx1KjPOVFbb3rZYW4Vg&index=1 Answer the following questions while you watch the video on our class website. Feel free to pause the video whenever you need to and remember to write down any questions you have and ASK them when you get to class. All questions should be answered in your bill book. What was Robert Hooke observing when he coined the term cells? What is the cell theory? Cell Sizeā¦ How big is an e-coli bacteria? Which is bigger the influenza virus or hepatitis? Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes What 4 structures are found in BOTH prokaryotes and eukaryotes? Prokaryotes (write down at least 2 important facts) Eukaryotes (write down at least 2 important facts) How can you remember which one is which? How is a cell like a factory? How are DNA, chromatin and chromosomes related? Fill in the chart below (you can paste this into your bill book): Organelle Nucleus Function (be sure to include ways to remember what it does) Ribosome Rough endoplasmic reticulum Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Lysosome Vacuole Mitochondria Chloroplast Cytoskeleton List the organelles involved in protein synthesis in order beginning with the nucleus and ending with the cell membrane. Which organelle do you inherit from your mom? Which organelles have their own DNA? What is the endosymbiotic theory?