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Name ________________________________________
What is a cell?
Period _____________
A View of the Cell
Chapter 7
_____________ are the basic units of living things.
Plants, animals, people, and bacteria are made of _____________.
The smallest cells are bacteria called _____________.
The largest cells are _____________.
The longest cells are _____________ and _____________ cells.
Scientists use _____________ __________microscopes to look at cells.
These magnify objects up to _____________ times.
Used to see plant and animal cells, and _____________
Larger microscopes, called _____________ microscopes, were invented
in the 1940s
Used to magnify up to _____________ times
_____________ _____________ microscopes (SEM): scan cell
_____________ _____________ microscopes (TEM): study
structures inside cells
The Cell Theory: 3 Main Ideas
Developed in the _____________
1. All _____________ are made of _____________.
2. The _____________ is the basic unit of _____________ of
3. All _____________ come from _____________ cells.
2 main types of cells
 _____________
 Bacteria
 _____________
 Plants
 animals
Have no membrane bound _____________
Name ________________________________________
Period _____________
Has a _____________ region- coiled _____________
Has _____________ that make _____________
Have no internal membrane-bound structures (_____________)
Very _____________
Very _____________
Have a _____________
Have membrane-bound structures called _____________
Are _____________
Are more _____________
Include algae, yeast, _____________, _____________, _____________
The Plasma Membrane
The _____________ membrane is the boundary between the cell and its
It is made of 2 layers of _____________, called a _____________
_____________ heads face out, _____________ tails face in
Function of the plasma membrane
It _____________ what enters and exits the cells, it is _____________
_____________ enter, _____________ leave
_____________, or balance, is maintained
Fluid Mosaic
The model of the plasma membrane is called the _____________
_____________ model.
It is _____________ because the membrane is _____________.
It is a _____________ because it is made of phospholipids with
_____________, cholesterol and _____________ embedded in it.
Fluid Mosaic
_____________ in the cell membrane is used to stabilize the membrane
and keep phospholipids from sticking together.
_____________ on the surface help cells recognize each other.
_____________ in the membrane are used for transporting molecules
Name ________________________________________
Period _____________
through the lipids.
_____________ is the clear, gelatinous _____________ found inside a
It holds and supports all the _____________
The _____________ is an organelle in eukaryotic cells
It is surrounded by a double _____________
It holds our _____________, found on _____________
“__________________________” of the cell
It is the largest _____________
Shape- strand like, X structure
Size- Very _____________
Made of- _____________ _____________
Function- An organized way to hold DNA together, carries
_____________ for the cell
Location- In the _____________
 _____________ are made by the _____________ (located attached to
the nucleus)
Ribosomes produce _____________
Aka _____________ ER (SER)
Function- Synthesizes _____________, including fatty acids,
phospholipids, and steroids. It also regulates the amount of
_____________ released into the bloodstream
_____________ ER (RER)
Has _____________ attached to the outside giving it a rough
1. to make more _____________
2. to make _____________ that are secreted by the cell
Name ________________________________________
Period _____________
- Named after Italian Biologist Camillo Golgi
- Shape- a series of _____________ sacs that looks like _____________
Function- serves as a molecular _____________ and _____________
factory. It _____________ and _____________ substances
manufactured by the Endoplasmic Reticulum.
Shape- _____________
Very _____________
It is made up of _____________
It functions as a _____________ vehicle for the cell
It transports _____________ from the Golgi apparatus to the cell
membrane so they can exit the cell
Small and Round membranous sac filled with _____________ enzymes
Function- the lysosome _____________ food vacuoles and damaged
organelles, also helps _____________ harmful bacteria
Only in _____________ cells
Membrane bound organelles in _____________ and _____________
cells that make _____________
_____________ from food is converted to _____________, the energy
molecule used by our cells
“__________________________” of the cell
Has a highly folded inner _____________
 The _____________ is a support structure in the cell
It helps a cell maintain _____________
_____________ are thin, hollow cylinders made of protein
_____________ are thin, solid protein fibers
_____________ are short, numerous, hair like projections that move a
Name ________________________________________
Period _____________
cell with a wave like motion
_____________ are longer projections that move a cell with a whip like
Thick wall ONLY in _____________ cells
Made of _____________, used to give structure to cell walls
It _____________ and _____________ plant cells
The cell wall goes _____________ the cell membrane
Found only in _____________ cells
Used for temporary _____________
Store _____________, _____________, _____________, and
Only in _____________ cells
Capture _____________ energy and produce _____________ and
Contain a _____________ pigment called _____________ to trap light
Animal Cells and Plant Cells
_____________ cells, in general, are _____________ than plant cells
and have a cell _____________ but no cell _____________.
_____________ cells, in general, are _____________ than animal cells,
are _____________ or rectangular shaped, and have a large
_____________, a cell _____________, and _____________.