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AP Biology
Semester 2 Final Concepts Review Sheet
Photosynthesis and
Cellular Respiration
Animal Evolution and
Body Systems
AP Biology PC 5/15/14
Evolution – major distinguishing characteristics and examples of bryophytes, pterophytes,
gymnosperms, and angiosperms
Adaptations to life on land – availability of resources, structural support, water
conservation, and water transport
Reproductive adaptations – alternation of generations, flower parts and function (male vs.
female), significance of double fertilization and endosperm
Early plant development – advantages of fruit, dormancy, seeds
Structure/Function adaptations for roots, stems, leaves; leaf anatomy
Function of dermal, ground, and vascular tissue; xylem, phloem components
Monocots vs. dicots – differences in embryo structure, leaves, vascular tissue, roots
Plant growth – apical (root, shoot; primary growth) and lateral (vascular cambium;
secondary growth)
Water transport in xylem – role of root hairs in absorption, Casparian strip, evaporation –
tension – cohesion model; transpiration, guard cells (and how they close and open), water
potential, symplast versus apoplast pathways
Translocation in phloem – pressure-flow hypothesis, role of active transport and osmosis
in loading at source and unloading at sink cells
Tropisms – to light (where is auxin?); to gravity (how does plant grow?); to touch
Phytochrome regulation of seed germination; red vs. far-red light; phytochrome switch
Photoperiodism and control of flowering; short-day vs. long-day palnts
Redox reactions – LEO, GER; where do electrons originate, what pulls them away
Light- Dependent Reactions – location, purpose; role of chlorophyll, water and
photosystems; how is ATP/NADPH produced; reason for noncyclic vs. cyclic electron flow
Calvin Cycle – location, purpose, dependence on light reactions, significance of Rubisco
C3 vs. C4 vs. CAM plants – role of PEP carboxylase, spatial vs. temporal separation of
carbon fixation and Calvin cycle, how evolutionary adaptations limit photorespiration?
Connection between photosynthesis and cellular respiration
Glycolysis – location, purpose, reactants/products; ATP and NADH yield
Fermentation – location, purpose, alcoholic vs. lactic acid, regeneration of NAD+
Pyruvate Oxidation/Citric Acid Cycle – location, purpose, net yield of ATP, NADH, FADH2
ETC/Oxidative Phosphorylation – location, purpose; significance of ETC, H+ ions,
chemiosmotic gradient, and ATP synthase in ATP production; final electron acceptor?
Dynamic Homeostasis; negative versus positive feedback; structure/function relationships
asymmetrical vs. radial vs. Bilateral symmetry
Endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm (what arises from each layer?)
Regulators vs. conformers, temperature regulation
Digestion – mammalian anatomy, role of each organ/gland; mechanical, chemical,
enzymatic digestion; structure/function of SI; glucose regulation via insulin/glucagon,
hormonal regulation of digestion, types of digestive systems
Circulation – evolution (2-4 chamber); blood flow through and anatomy of mammalian
heart; cardiac cycle, SA/AV nodes; blood vessels; blood composition; atherosclerosis,
types of circulatory systems, blood pressure
Respiration – gills vs. tracheae vs. lungs, mammalian anatomy, pressure differences
during breathing and gas partial pressure gradients, O2 and CO2 transport in blood,
countercurrent exchange, bird respiration, hemoglobin binding curves
Immunity – nonspecific defenses; humoral vs. cell-mediated responses; role of B cells, TH
cells, cytotoxic (TC) cells; antibody- antigen recognition and specificity; autoimmunity;
Excretion – advantages/disadvantages of different forms of nitrogenous waste;
mammalian excretory anatomy; secretion, reabsorption of ions and compounds;
composition of filtrate in different parts of the nephron; control via ADH, aldosterone,
Population Genetics
and Chi-squared
AP Biology PC 5/15/14
Nervous – structure/function of neuron; resting potential, threshold, action potential; role of
Na+/K+ ions and Na+/K+ pump; synapse, when and how neurotransmitters are released,
how neurotransmitters are recycled/destroyed after signal is sent; central vs. peripheral
Reproduction – advantages of asexual vs. sexual, internal vs. external; mammalian
anatomy; gametogenesis; function of reproductive hormones in males and females;
reason for and effects of fluctuation of estrogen, progesterone, LH, FSH in menstrual cycle
Development – fertilization, cleavage, germ layers in gastrulation, fetus, neurulation, HCG
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, genotype versus allelic frequencies, equations
Chi-squared analysis—observed versus expected, how to calculate