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AP Biology
Semester 2 Final Concepts Review Sheet
Cellular Respiration,
and Plant Responses
to Environment
Animal Evolution and
AP Biology PT 4/23/06
Determining allelic and genotype frequencies, conditions of Hardy Weinberg
Comparing the predicted genotype frequencies (from the Hardy-Weinberg equations) to the
actual genotype frequencies
Chi-Squared Analysis
Lamarkism vs. Darwinism
Natural Selection
Punctuated Equilibrium vs. Gradualism
Bottleneck Effect, Genetic Drift, Founder Effect
Geographic Isolation
Directional selection, disruptive selection, stabilizing selection
Gene Flow
Heterozygote Advantage
Evidence for evolution (biogeography, developmental biology, comparative anatomy, the fossil
record, or artificial selection)
Sympatric speciation & allopatric speciation -> also including how species form and what
makes two different species unable to reproduce with each other
Evolution – major distinguishing characteristics and examples of bryophytes, pterophytes,
gymnosperms, and angiosperms
Adaptations to life on land – availability of resources, structural support, water conservation,
and water transport
Reproductive adaptations – alternation of generations, flagellated sperm vs. seed, flower parts
and function (male vs. female), significance of double fertilization and endosperm
Early plant development – advantages of fruit, dormancy, seed structure and growth
Structure/Function adaptations for roots, stems, leaves; leaf anatomy
Function of dermal, ground, and vascular tissue; xylem, phloem components
Monocots vs. dicots – differences in embryo structure, leaves, vascular tissue, roots
Meristems – apical (root, shoot; primary) and lateral (vascular cambium; secondary)
Water transport in xylem – role of root hairs and mycorrhizae in absorption, Casparian strip,
evaporation – tension – cohesion model; conflict between transpiration and photosynthesis
controlled via guard cells
Sap transport in phloem – pressure-flow hypothesis, role of active transport and osmosis in
loading at source and unloading at sink
Redox reactions – LEO, GER; where do electrons originate, what pulls them away
Light- Dependent Reactions – location, purpose; role of chlorophyll, water and photosystems;
how is ATP/NADPH produced; reason for noncyclic vs. cyclic electron flow
Calvin Cycle – location, purpose, dependence on light reactions, significance of rubisco
C3 vs. C4 vs. CAM plants – role of PEP carboxylase, spatial vs. temporal separation of carbon
fixation and Calvin cycle, how evolutionary adaptations limit photorespiration?
Connection between photosynthesis and cellular respiration
Glycolysis – location, purpose, reactants/products; ATP and NADH yield
Fermentation – location, purpose, alcoholic vs. lactic acid, regeneration of NAD +
Pyruvate Oxidation/Citric Acid Cycle – location, purpose, net yield of ATP, NADH, FADH2
ETC/Oxidative Phosphorylation – location, purpose; significance of ETC, H+ ions,
chemiosmotic gradient, and ATP synthase in ATP production; final electron acceptor?
Tropisms – to light (where is auxin?); to gravity (how does plant grow?); to touch
Hormones – major effects of auxin, cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid (ABA), ethylene
Phytochrome regulation of seed germination; red vs. far-red light; phytochrome switch
Photoperiodism and control of flowering; short-day vs. long-day palnts
Diversity vocabulary – know examples and how to recognize organisms based on
characteristics (organism chart)
asymmetrical vs. radial vs. bilateral; protostome vs. deuterostome
Body Systems
AP Biology PT 4/23/06
Endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm (what arises from each layer?)
Homeostasis; negative feedback; structure/function relationships, temperature regulation
Circulation – evolution (2-4 chambered hearts); blood flow through and anatomy of mammalian
heart; cardiac cycle, SA/AV nodes & the heartbeat; blood vessels; blood composition;
atherosclerosis, regulation
Respiration – gills vs. tracheae vs. lungs, mammalian anatomy, pressure differences during
breathing and gas partial pressure gradients, O2 and CO2 transport in blood, regulation, marine
mammal diving reflex
Immunity – nonspecific defenses; humoral vs. cell-mediated responses; role of B cells, TH cells,
cytotoxic (TC) cells; antibody- antigen recognition and specificity; autoimmunity; HIV/AIDS
Digestion – mammalian anatomy, role of each organ/gland; mechanical, chemical, enzymatic
digestion; structure/function of SI; glucose regulation via insulin/glucagons, hormonal control
Excretion – advantages/disadvantages of different forms of nitrogenous waste; mammalian
excretory anatomy; secretion, reabsorption of ions and compounds; composition of filtrate in
different parts of the nephron; control via ADH, aldosterone
Nervous – structure/function of neuron; resting, threshold, action potential; role of Na +/K+ ions
and Na+/K+ pump; synapse, when and how neurotransmitters are released; central vs.
Reproduction – advantages of asexual vs. sexual, internal vs. external; mammalian anatomy;
gametogenesis; function and regulation of reproductive hormones in males and females;
reason for and effects of fluctuation of estrogen, progesterone, LH, FSH in menstrual cycle
Development – fertilization, cleavage, germ layers in gastrulation, fetus, neurulation, HCG