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Chapter 12.1
Genetics Recap
Mendel, through his experiments, concluded that a organism’s traits are a result of the inheritance of genes
from that organism’s parents
Mendel knew that this inheritance was due to some “factor” but was not able to identify what exactly it was
– This left room for future scientists to discover what these mysterious factors were
Frederick Griffith
Smooth strain caused pneumonia
Rough strain did nothing
Injected mice with various mixtures of the two strains
1.Living smooth cells injected =
2.Living rough cells injected =
3.Heat killed smooth cells =
4.Heat killed smooth cells & living rough cells =
Why did the mice die?
Hypothesized that some factor was transferred from the heat-killed cells into the live cells
Bacterial transformation occurred 
Chemical is responsible for causing transformation
Little did he know that he found DNA
Oswald Avery
 Destroyed all of the various macromolecules and tested to see if transformation still occurred
 When he destroyed DNA, no transformation; proteins, lipids, and carbs still caused transformation
How Do Bacteriophages Work?
Hershey and Chase
Used bacteriophages 
Wanted to see what was responsible for causing transformation in bacteria
– Was it the DNA inside the bacteriophage or the protein coat surrounding the bacteriophage
• Wanted to confirm Avery’s experiment
Labeled the protein coat with a radioactive sulfur isotope and the DNA with a radioactive phosphorous
isotope so that they may follow where each part goes after the infection
Mixed solution of bacteriophage and solution of bacteria together and let virus work
After a time, put mixture into a blender
Purpose was to shake viral coats off of the bacteria
Because the cell is heavier it will go to the bottom of the blender
– This part will have the DNA from the virus
When observing the blender 
Conclusion –
DNA’s Responsibilities
Genes carry information from one generation to the next
Genes determine the heritable characteristics of organisms
Genes can be replicated or copied exactly
DNA’s Components
Bacteriophage lands on the plasma
membrane of the bacteria
Injects DNA into the bacteria
Viral DNA inserts with bacterial DNA
 gets duplicated when bacteria
goes through mitosis
More viruses will be produced and
eventually the bacteria explodes
releasing all of the new viruses
DNA is a nucleic acid
– It has monomers called 
Each nucleotide is composed of three basic parts:
Nitrogenous Bases
There are four nitrogenous bases categorized into two groups
Purines: (two rings)
• Adenine (A)
• Guanine (G)
Pyrimidines: (one ring)
• Cytosine (C)
• Thymine (T)
DNA’s Structure
DNA can be considered to be like a ladder
– They alternate along the sides
They make up the rungs of the ladder
Erwin Chargaff
 Realized the number of A’s equals the number of T’s and that the number of G’s equals the number of C’s
• Base pairing rule
Rosalind Franklin
Revealed that DNA is in helix form (coil or twisted ladder)
Watson and Crick
– Used the work of Chargaff and Franklin to create this model
DNA structure is called a double helix, in which two strands are wound around each other
DNA and Chromosomes
Chromosomes are tightly wound up DNA strands
• Increased organization allows for the tremendous length of DNA to fit into the nucleus of the cell
Chromosome Structure
DNA is tightly wound around proteins called histones
– These form chromatin
• Chromatin tightly wound up makes a chromosome
Prokaryotic Chromosomes
Prokaryotic chromosomes are located floating in the cytoplasm of the cell (not in the nucleus)