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Name __________________________
SEPUP Science Unit D Review
Complete each statement.
Asexual reproduction –
 involves __________ parent
 produces offspring that are _______________ to the parent
 takes place in single _____________ organisms and some
multicellular organisms (__________ in hydras, strawberry
plant ______________)
Sexual reproduction –
 involves ___________ parents
 is the union of the ________ cell and the ___________ cell
 takes place in _______________________ organisms
 produces _______________ that are not identical to the
Genetic information is found in the ______________ of the cells
of most organisms.
The study of genetics –
 scientists study organisms that __________________ quickly
 Gregor ________________ was the first geneticist
 information gained from the study of one type of organism
can be _________________ to other organisms
 proves inherited diseases are usually caused by ___________
Traits can be determined by one ___________ or several
__________. Traits can also be affected by __________________.
Nature vs. nurture (______________ vs. _________________) –
genes and environment affect traits.
Most human cells contain _________ chromosomes organized into
_________ pairs. Egg cells and sperm cells each contain _______
The genetic information contained in each egg cell and sperm cell
is determined ___________________.
Every human being has unique ___________. One exception to
this would be identical ______________, when the egg
____________ after fertilization making two people with the same
Match the definitions and terms.
_____ a family tree used for
A. genotype
genetic analysis
_____ having only one kind of
B. co-dominance
allele for a trait
_____ person who is heterozygous
C. recessive trait
for a recessive genetic condition
_____the allele combination
D. homozygous
_____the physical appearance
E. heterozygous
_____a mistake made in a gene
when DNA is copied
_____a trait that is always visible
when it is present
_____ a trait that is masked
(or hidden)
_____ neither trait is dominant produces combination trait
_____ having alleles for two
different traits
_____ both traits appear in the
F. incomplete dominance
G. pedigree
H. phenotype
I. mutation
J. carrier
K. dominant trait
A ____________ ___________is a diagram you can use to show
the likelihood of each outcome of a breeding experiment.
A dominant allele –
 is represented by a _________________ letter
 masks the __________________ trait
 is always ____________________ if it’s present
A recessive allele –
 is represented by a ________________________ letter
 is ____________________ by the dominant allele
 is visible only when _____ recessive alleles are present
In a pattern of simple dominance- a _______________ trait skips a
generation. It is passed from a parent who is a _______________.
This parent is _______________________________ for the trait.
If both parents are carriers, there is a __________ chance of
producing offspring with the condition.
Complete the chart.
__________ or ___________
__________ or ___________
Type A blood and type B are _____________________________.
Type O is ________________________.
DNA Fingerprinting –
 DNA is extracted from ____________________.
 It is _________________ at a specific sequence.
 It is placed in gel and _____________________ is passed
through it.
 The DNA moves toward the positive end. The ___________
pieces move faster than bigger ones.
DNA fingerprinting can be used to –
 _____________________ criminals
 identify _____________________ people
 ________________________ a genetic disease
Complete the Punnett squares and answer the questions.
What is (are) the genotype(s)
of the offspring?
What is (are) the genotype(s)
of the offspring?
What genotype(s) represent the
dominant trait?
What is the ratio of the dominant to
the recessive trait in the offspring?
Show the relative size for genes, DNA cells, and chromosomes
from largest to smallest.
_____________ - ____________ - ____________ - ____________