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Test Questions (Chapter13)
All of the following relates to the Peripheral Nervous System except?
A. Spinal Cord
B. Spinal Nerves
C. Sensory Receptors
D. Glands
E. Cranial Nerves
2. All of the following relates to the Spinal Meninges except?
A. Pia mater
B. Arachnoid mater
C. Dura mater
D. Connective tissue
E. Gray Matter
3. A local anesthetic given with a long hollow needle that inserted into the Subarachnoid
space to withdraw cerebrospinal fluid is called?
A. Cerebrospinal Tap
B. Brain Puncture
C. Brain lesion
D. Spinal lesion
E. Spinal Tap
4. What are paths of communication between the spinal cord and specific regions of the
A. Spinal Nerve
B. Pudendal Nerve
C. Tibial Nerve
D. Femoral Nerve
E. Obturator Nerve
5. How many pairs of cervical nerves are in the spinal cord?
A. 8 pairs
B. 12pairs
C. 7pairs
D. 5pairs
E. 1pair
______ connects the CNS to sensory receptors, muscles, and glands in all parts of the
A. Endoneurium
B. Posterior dorsal ramus
C. Spinal nerves
D. Anterior ventral ramus
E. Spinal cord
____ and ____ consists of many individual axons and contain layers of protective
Connective tissue coverings.
A. Cervical plexus, Coccygeal plexus
B. Perineurium, Epineurium
C. Sacral plexus, Lumbar plexus
D. Intercostal nerve, Thoracic nerve
E. Spinal nerve, Cranial nerve
8. All of the nerves are part of superficial sensory branches EXCEPT:
A. Lesser occipital
B. Supraclavicular
C. Transverse cervical
D. Phrenic
E. Great auricular
9. The inability to extend the wrist and fingers is known to be?
A. Duchenne palsy
B. Wrist drop
C. Median nerve palsy
D. Ulnar nerve palsy
E. Winged scapula
10. Which nerve injury could cause numbness, tingling, and pain in the palm and fingers?
A. Median
B. Ulnar
C. Thoracic
D. Radial
E. Dorsal scapular
11. What are the three layers of connective tissue wrappings protect axons?
A. Epineurium, Fasciles, Perinuerium
B. Perinuerium, Epinuerium, Endonuerium
C. Perinuerium, Myelin sheath, Epinuerium
D. Myelin sheath, Fassicle, Endonuerium
E. Fassicle, Myelin sheath, Perineurium
12. Which nerve supplies the muscle on the posterior aspect of the arm and forearm?
A. Axillary Nerve
B. Musculocutaneous Nerve
C. Radial Nerve
D. Median Nerve
E. Ulnar Nerve
13. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was diagnosed with this disorder. The disease at its worst
produces a virus, which causes paralysis by destroying cell bodies of motor neurons.
A. Degenerative disease
B. Measles
C. Areflexia
D. Polio
E. Meningitis
14. Which reflex involves the extension of your leg at the knee joint by contraction of the
quadriceps femoris muscle?
A. Abdominal reflex
B. Patellar reflex
C. Babinski sign
D. Achilles reflex
E. None of the above
15. The white matter tracts in the spinal cord are responsible for---------- and the gray matter
tracts in the spinal cord are ------------.
A. Propagation , integration
B. Integration, propagation
C. Sensory, motor
D. Dendrite, axon
E. Interneuron, sensory
16. Which of the following component is not a part of reflex arc?
A. Afferent neuron
B. Sensory receptor
C. Efferent neuron
D. Integrating center
E. Cranial nerve
17. In a stretch reflex, what is the function of muscle spindles?
A. Monitors sensory neurons
B. Monitors motor neurons
C. Monitors muscle length
D. Monitors nerve impulses
E. Monitors smooth muscle
18. Somatic spinal reflexes include all of the following except
A. Visceral reflex
B. Stretch reflex
C. Tendon reflex
D. Withdrawal reflex
E. Crossed extensor reflex
19. Why reciprocal innervation is important for human body?
A. Prevent muscle tear
B. Coordinate body movements
C. Help muscle contractions
D. Oppose contractions
E. Oppose body movements
20. Which step is not the part of flexor reflex arc?
A. Stepping on a tack stimulates the sensory receptors
B. Then, this sensory neuron generates nerve impulse that propagate into the spinal
C. Within the integration center, the sensory neuron activates an inhibitory
interneuron that synapses with a motor neuron.
D. Then, the interneuron activate motor neurons in several spinal cord segments
E. Acetylcholine released by the motor neuron causes the flexor muscle in the thigh
to contract.
Match the Following Disorders (21-28).
A. Hemisection
E. Paraplegia
B. Dermatome
AB. Diplegia
C. Complete transaction
AC. Monoplegia
D. Hemiplegia
AD. Quadriplegia
21. Stacey was born premature, she is now two years old, and both of her legs have a delayed
growth in her leg muscles, which causes the muscles to be short. She was giving crutches
by her doctor to help her walk. Based on these symptoms, what is a possible disorder? (
22. Sam was involved in a car accident; he claims he cannot feel anything below his belly
button. He severely damaged his t2-t8 thoracic segment. As his doctor, which disorder do
you think he has?
23. Hanna's mom had a stroke about a month ago. Her mom is telling Hanna that she cannot
feel half of her face. Which disorder does Hanna's mom have?
24. The well documented horse riding accident of Christopher Reeve resulted in a spinal cord
injury above C3 and he had to use a mechanical ventilator via a hole in his throat to
breathe. Which disorder did he have?
25. Greg was in an accident he lost complete loss of sensations and voluntary movement. He
will have permanent loss of all sensations in dermatomes below the injury because
ascending nerve impulses cannot propagate past the injury. Which disorder does he have?
26. Monica was born with paralysis of her right arm. Which disorder do you think she has?
27. What is the area called that provides sensory input to the CNS thorough a pair of spinal
28. Which disorder is also known as the Brown-Séquard syndrome?
Answer Key:
1. A (Pg-492)
15. A (Pg512)
2. E (Pg-493)
16. E (Pg-514-15)
3. E (Pg-493)
17. C (Pg-515)
4. A (Pg-494)
18.A (Pg-515)
5. A (Pg-496)
19. B (Pg516)
6. C (Pg- 500)
20. C (Pg518-19)
7. E (Pg-501)
21. AB
8. D (Pg-503)
9. B(Pg- 505)
10. A (Pg- 506)
23. D
24. AD
11. B (Pg-501)
25. C
12. C (Pg-505)
26. AC
13. D (Pg-522)
27. B
14. B (Pg-519)