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Chapter 2.1 ~ VOCABULARY
Ionic bond
Covalent bond
Vanderwaals force
Chapter 2.2 Vocabulary
pH scale
Chapter 2.3 Vocabulary
Nucleic acid
Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
Amino Acid
Chapter 2.4 Vocabulary
Chemical Reactions
Activation energy
Ch. 2.1 - Chemistry of Life
–Protons ( ___ )
–Neutrons ( _________________)
–___________________ ( - )
How you may see them drawn….
Periodic Table
•Used to organize _______________________
•Atomic number
- # of ______________________
•Atomic Mass
- Protons + neutrons
Valence Electrons
•Valence e- = __________________________
•Octet rule:
–Atoms want ________________ electron in valence shell….
•1 type of ____________________
•Sodium, ______________________, Silver, Gold
•1 or 2 letter symbol
•Same element but different number of ___________________________
•Identified by _________________ #
•Breaks down consistently over time
•Ex. Carbon 14
Chemical Reactions
•The elements or compounds that enter into a chemical reaction are known as
Na + Cl  NaCl
•The elements or compounds produced by a chemical reaction are known as
Energy Changes
• Exothermic
o Chemical reactions that _________________________ often occur spontaneously.
 Endothermic
o Chemical reactions that ___________________________ will not occur without a source of
Activation Energy (Ea)
 ___________________ that is needed to
get a reaction started
Catalysts (enzymes)
•Some chemical reactions are __________________________ or have high activation energies.
–These chemical reactions are made possible by ___________________.
Catalysts (enzymes)
•Work like a ____________________________
•VERY PICKY - Only catalyze specific reactions
Enzyme –
Regulation of Enzyme Activity
•Can be affected by:
•Most only work best at certain pH levels, that’s why _____________ are important at
keeping pH levels stable.
•Most enzymes work best at temperatures that are optimum for the organism to survive
–Ex. Us – 37 ˚C
–Regulation by cells themselves
Chemical Compounds
•Combo of 2 or more ____________________________
•Expressed in formulas
Na + Cl  NaCl
•Chemical properties of compound are______________________________ than original elements
–________________ e-
–________________ e–Forms a molecule
–Ex. NaCl
•Van der Waals force
–Slight ___________________ between two molecules
Ch. 2.2 - Water
o ICE floats because _______________________________________ than water
o ______________________________ bodies of water during winter so things
don’t die off
o ______________________________ as it freezes
pH of water
o __________________________ sooooo…..
 Not an acid…
 Not a base…..
 Water is ____________________________!
Polarity of water
o Polar
 Means ___________________________ distribution of electrons between
oxygen and Hydrogen.
o Cohesion
 __________________ molecules sticking to ____________________
o Adhesion
 ______________________________ molecules sticking to
What holds water molecules together ????
o Magic! No, just kidding….
 ___________________________ bonds
 _________________________ bonds
 _________________________ broken
Ch. 2.3 - Macromolecules
•Macro = __________________________
•Micro = ___________________________
–1000’s  100,000’s of molecules
How are molecules joined together?
–hooks molecules together
•Join _______________________(molecule)to make
___________________ (macromolecule)
Types of Macromolecules
•C – _____________________ (Carbs)
•L – ______________________ (fats)
Carl Likes Nose Piercings
•N – _____________________ ( DNA, RNA)
•P – ______________________ (meats etc…)
–Simple sugar
•Ex. Monosaccharide (single sugar)
•Ex. Polysaccharide ( more than one
•C, H, O
–Fats, oils, waxes
–_____________________________ covering
Nucleic Acids
•H, O, N, C, P
–Storage and transmition of _________________________
Proteins makeup
•More than 20 a.a. in nature
•Ex. Enzymes, muscles
•Regulation of cell function
–___________________, enzymes
Structure of Proteins
•Four levels of organization (structure)
- ________________________
Enzymes – a type of protein
 How it works:
- ____________________________ binds to active site
- Fits like a _______________ and __________________
- Remains bound until reaction is complete
- Enzyme then _________________ to start process again
Enzyme – Substrate Complex
Ch. 2.4 - pH, Solutions and Suspensions
 Mixture of ________ things
 Don’t “_______________________ ” combine – just ________________________
 Includes a
 _______________________ - solid
 _______________________ – liquid
 WATER – strongest solvent in the world!
______________________ + solid
No dissolving occurs
Particles can ______________________ on bottom
_______________________ ions in solution
Means ______________________________ ions than pure ______________________
______________ ions in solution
_________________________ ions than pure water
How to measure strength/weakness of acids and bases
pH scale
Scale of ___________________________
0 – 6.9 is __________________________
7.1 – 14 is _________________________
______________________________ the pH of a solution
Usually a weak base or acid
Reacts w/ strong acids or bases to prevent sudden changes
Chapter 2.1- Guided Reading
1. The basic unit of matter is an ___________________.
2. The subatomic particles that make up atoms are __________________________________.
a. __________________has a negative charge
b. __________________has no charge
c. __________________has a positive charge
Elements and ______________________
3. A pure substance that consists entirely of one type of atom is a _____________________.
a. They are represented by __________or __________ letter symbols.
b. The number of _________________ in an atom represent its
c. If an atom has 4 protons, it will have __________electrons.
4. Atoms of the same element that differ in the number of neutrons they contain
are known as __________________________.
a. They are identified by their __________________________.
b. Because they have the same number of electrons, all ___________________ of an element
have the same chemical _____________________.
5. ________________________________ have nuclei that are unstable and break down at a
constant rate over time.
a. ___________________________ are used to determine the age of rocks and fossils.
Chemical ________________________
6. In nature, most ____________________ are found combined with other elements.
a. A chemical ____________________ is a substance formed by two or more
i. Write down an example:____________________
b. The ________________________ and _____________________ properties of a compound
are very ______________________ from the elements that make it up.
Chemical Bonds
7. Most compounds are held together by ________________________________.
a. The two main types are
i. ________________________
1. When one or more electrons are _____________________from one
________________ to another.
ii. ________________________
1. When __________________ are shared between _________________.
b. When atoms are joined together by ____________________________, then a
______________________ is formed.
i. Write down an example:_________________________
8. ______________________________ is an attraction between oppositely charged regions of nearby
Chapter 2.2 Guided Reading
Properties of _____________________
1. Water is the single most abundant _____________________ in most living things.
2. Water ___________________as it freezes.
a. Makes _______________less dense than _______________
b. This explains why ice __________________.
3. Water molecules have a ________________________charge.
4. A water molecule is __________________________ because there is an uneven distribution of
________________________between the _______________________ and
5. Because of their partial ____________________and ___________________charges, polar molecules
like water can ____________________each other.
a. The attraction between the __________________atom on one water molecule and the
_____________________atom on another water molecule is an example of a
_________________________ ________________________.
6. ____________________________is an attraction between molecules of the __________________
7. ____________________________is an attraction between molecules of _______________________
Solutions and _____________________
8. A _______________________ is a material composed of two or more elements or compounds that
are ________________________mixed together but not ___________________combined.
9. All the components of a _______________________ are __________________ distributed throughout
the solution.
10. The solid is called the ________________________and the liquid is called the
11. Mixture of ______________________and non-dissolved material is known as a
Acids, ____________________, and pH
12. Chemists devised a measurement system called the _______________________ to indicate the
concentration of _____________ _______________ in a solution
a. The range on the scale goes from __________ to _____________.
b. Neutral is ________________; ________________is a neutral substance.
c. The lower range on the scale represents _________________while the upper range on the
scale represents _________________.
13. ______________________ solutions contain higher concentrations of __________ions than pure
14. _______________________solutions contain lower concentrations of ___________ions than pure
Chapter 2.3 Guided Reading
The Chemistry of _________________________
1. Carbon atoms have ______________ ________________ electrons.
2. _______________________ has the ability to form millions of different large and complex structures.
3. Macromolecules means _______________________ ________________________.
4. Macromolecules are made from _________________________ or even hundreds of thousands of
___________________ ______________________.
5. The smaller units are called __________________________. They join together to form
6. ___________________________are formed in a process called ___________________________.
7. Four groups of organic compounds found in living things are
a. __________________________
c. _________________________
b. __________________________
d. _________________________
8. _________________________ are compounds made up of _________________, Hydrogen, and
_______________________ atoms in a ratio of ____:____:____.
9. Living things use ______________________ as their main source of ___________________. Plants and
some animals also use carbohydrates for ___________________ _________________.
10. Single sugar molecules are also called _________________________.
11. The large macromolecule formed from __________________________ are known as
12. _______________are not soluble in __________________.
13. Lipids can be used to store _________________________. Some are important parts of
__________________________ ________________________ and waterproof coverings.
Nucleic Acids
14. Nucleic Acids are ______________________________ containing ____________________, oxygen,
_________________________, ________________________, and phosphorus.
15. Nucleic Acids are _____________________ assembled from individual _______________________
known as _____________________.
16. Nucleic Acids ____________________and ____________________ genetic information.
a. Two kinds
i. _____________________________________
ii. _____________________________________
17. Nucleotides consist of three parts:
18. Proteins are ________________________that contain nitrogen, _________________,
______________________, and ___________________. \
19. Proteins are polymers of molecules called __________________ __________________.
20. More than _______different amino acids are found in nature.
21. Some ____________________control the rate of ________________________ and
__________________________cell processes. Some are used to form bone and
__________________. Others transport substances into and out of _____________________.
Chapter 2.4 Guided Reading
Chemical Reactions
A _____________________________is a process that changes one set of _____________________into another
set of _______________________.
2. The elements or compounds that _________________ into a chemical reaction are known as
3. The elements or compounds ____________________ by a chemical reaction are known as
4. Chemical reactions always involves the __________________of bonds in _______________________ and the
formation of new bonds in _______________________.
Energy in ___________________
5. Some chemical reactions _________________energy and other reactions __________________energy.
6. Chemical reactions that release energy often occur _____________________. Chemical reactions that absorb
energy will not occur without a source of ____________________.
7. Chemists call the energy that is needed to get a reaction started the ________________ _________________.
Some chemical reactions that make life possible are too ___________ or have activation energies that are too
____________ to make them practical for living tissue.
9. A _____________________ is a substance that _________________ up the rate of a chemical reaction.
10. Enzymes are __________________ that act as biological _____________________.
11. ________________________ speed up chemical reactions that take place in cells.
Enzyme ________________
Enzymes provide a _________________ where reactants can be brought together to react.
The reactants of enzyme-catalyzed reactions are known as _______________________.
The substrate binds to a site called the _________________ __________________.
The fit is so precise that the ________________ _______________ and ____________________ are often
compared to a ________________ and _________________.
16. Enzymes work best at certain ___________ ______________. Many Enzymes are affected by
__________________ in ____________________.
17. Match the following terms to the proper letters:
______ Reactants
______ Products
______ Activation energy (without enzyme)
______Activation energy (with enzyme)
Atoms Webquest
This activity will help you to explore the basic unit of all matter, the atom.
Answer the following questions by searching through the website……
1. Where is the proton found in an atom? ____________________________________________________
2. What charge do protons have? __________________________________________________________
3. What makes up the atomic number of an atom?______________________________________________
4. What does removing a proton from an an element do? ________________________________________
5. Where is the neutron found in an atom? ___________________________________________________
6. What charge do neutrons have? __________________________________________________________
7. What makes up the atomic mass of an element? _____________________________________________
8. Does adding or removing a neutron create another atom? ______________________________________
9. Where is the electron found in an atom? ____________________________________________________
10. What charge do electrons have? _________________________________________________________
11. The number of electrons in an atom are always equal to what? _________________________________
12. How do you create an ion? ______________________________________________________________
13. What does removing an electron do to an element?___________________________________________
14. The sodium ion (Na) atomic mass is found by doing what? _____________________________________
15. Sodium’s atomic number is ______________________________.
PERIODIC TABLE 16. Atomic number of He (Helium): ________________ 17. Atomic mass of O (Oxygen): _______________
18. Atomic number of Li (Lithium): _________________ 19. Atomic mass of N (Nitrogen): ____________
20. Atomic number of C (Carbon): __________________
Water Olympics!
Pole Vaulting: Over the Top!
How many pennies do you think you’ll be able to add before the water spills over? ________
Hypothesis: __________________________________________________________________________
plastic cup
paper towels to clean up
1. Put the cup on a folded paper towel to catch the water when it overflows.
2. Fill a clear plastic cup with water until it is even with the rim. (This is very important!!)
3. Add pennies, one at a time. (Be careful not to splash!)
4. Keep track of how many pennies you add.
5. Continue until the water spills over the side.
6. Record your results below.
7. Repeat this procedure until everyone has completed this experiment. Then get the
mean (average) of the class.
8. Clean up this activity
What are your constants? _____________________________________________________
What is your dependent variable? _______________________________________________
What is your independent variable?______________________________________________
What properties of water helped it behave the way it did? _______________________________________
How many pennies did you add before the water spilled? _______
Class mean? _______
The Balance Beam: A Penny for your Thoughts!
How many drops of water do you think you’ll be able to put on a penny (head side faced up)?
Hypothesis: __________________________________________________________________________
Materials: penny
eye dropper
beaker to hold the water
paper towel to wipe up the spills and to dry off the penny to repeat the procedure.
1. Place a penny on the table top with the face side up
2. Using an eye dropper, place as many drops of water on the penny without spilling over
the edge. (It is VERY important to have the water droplets to be the same size!)
3. Continue until water spills over.
4. Record your results below.
5. Repeat this procedure until everyone has completed this experiment. Then get the
mean of your groups results.
6. Clean up this activity
What are your constants? _____________________________________________________
What is your dependent variable? _______________________________________________
What is your independent variable?______________________________________________
Results: How many drops were placed on the head side before the water spilled? _____
Class mean? ________
Enzyme Tutorial
Use the buttons on the movie to watch the animation. Make sure to answer the questions
as you navigate through the website. Go to
to start the lab.
1. What macromolecule are enzymes? ____________________________
2. What do enzymes do to chemical reactions in your body? _______________________.
3. How many types of reactions can a specific enzyme help? _______________________.
4. Is an enzyme changed after it catalyzes a reaction? ___________________________.
5. Can an enzyme catalyze another reaction after it has completed one? _____________.
6. When an enzyme is used on a single molecule over and over again, what can it build?
7. What two things can sometimes change the shape and effectiveness of an enzyme?
8. What is it called when the enzyme is made less effective of even useless?
On the enzyme menu, select the following buttons:
Why Enzymes
9. Play the animation without enzymes first, then play the animation with enzymes. In your
own words and using COMPLETE SENTENCES, describe how the enzyme sped up the
chemical reaction.
10. Play the animation all the way through. In your own words and using COMPLETE
SENTENCES, describe why the enzymes pictured are only able to catalyze specific
reactions. Make sure to use the following words: active site, sugar molecules,
enzymes, reaction, catalyze.
Reusing enzymes
11. Play the animation all the way through. In your own words and using COMPLETE
SENTENCES, describe how an enzyme can be use to make a polymer. Make sure to use
the following words: enzyme, bonds, smaller molecules, long chain.
12. Play the animation all the way through. In your own words and using COMPLETE
SENTENCES, describe what happens to the enzyme when it is affected by certain things
in the environment. Make sure to use the following words: Denature, pH, temperature,
small molecules, enzymes
Chapter 1 & 2 – Study guide
1. List the 8 characteristics of living things
of Living Things
2. For a hypothesis to have value, it must be ____________________________________________
3. The variable that is deliberately changed is called the ____________________ variable.
4. The variable that consists of recorded data is called the ______________________variable.
5. The group you experiment on is called the __________________group while the group you leave alone
is called the _______________________group.
6. Mass number - __________________________________________________________________
7. Atomic number - _________________________________________________________________
8. The smallest units that are considered alive are ________________________________________.
9. The basic unit of matter is the ______________________________________________________.
10. A substance made up of only kind of atom is a _________________________________________.
11. ________________________________________ are important parts of biological membranes and
waterproof coverings.
12. Proteins that speed up the rate of chemical reactions _______________________.
13. Label the atom picture:
14. What makes up an atoms nucleus?___________________________________________________
15. What is an isotope? _______________________________________________________________
16. What are the uses of radioactive isotopes? ____________________________________________
17. What term describes a substance formed by the combinations of two or more elements in definite
proportions? ____________________________________________________________________.
18. What makes up a molecule of water? ________________________________________________.
19. How is a covalent bond formed? ____________________________________________________.
20. What type of electron is available to form bonds? ______________________________________.
21. What type of ion forms when an atom loses electrons?__________________________________.
22. Why does ice float on water? _______________________________________________________.
23. What is the most abundant compound in most living things? ______________________________
24. Draw a water molecule with labels.
25. What is a solution?_______________________________________________________________
26. What is a solvent?________________________________________________________________
27. When salt is dissolved in water, water is the ___________________________________________
28. What is a substance with a pH of 6 called? ____________________________________________
29. What is a substance with a pH of 9 called? ____________________________________________
30. What helps regulate sharp changes in pH levels?_______________________________________
31. What are the functions of proteins? __________________________________________________
32. Circle the reactants in the chemical reaction:
CO2 + H2O  H2CO3-
33. What is the term used to describe the energy needed to get a reaction started? _______________
34. What are the forms of energy that can be released during a chemical reaction?
35. What is a substance that accelerates the rate of a chemical reaction? _______________________
36. What is another name that it is called? ________________________________________________
37. Fill in the following chart on Macromolecules:
and their
38. Match the following terms to the diagram:
____ Activation energy (With enzyme)
___ Activation energy (Without enzyme)
___ Reactants
___ Products
39. Enzymes speed up the rate of a chemical reaction by lowering the ____________________________.
40. Study the following diagram: (Reaction occurs left to right). You WILL see this again. Hint!
Bonds are
Active site
Enzyme – Substrate