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Name:______________________________________________________________ Period:_______ Date:_____________________________
Unit 2 – Biochemistry
 I can connect two or more targets together into one cohesive idea or explanation.
 I can recall lab/activity concepts, skills, and results from this unit as specific examples of the targets.
 I can use the BioThemes to connect the content and labs/activities in a detailed and reflective manner.
I can describe the basic structure of atoms including the charge and location of its
3 subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons.
I can explain why atoms form bonds.
I can distinguish between polar covalent, nonpolar covalent and ionic bonds.
I can explain why water is a polar molecule, and can draw a diagram of a water
molecule that shows its uneven distribution of charge.
I can explain that hydrogen bonding is an intermolecular force between water
molecules, and can draw a diagram of how water molecules hydrogen bond.
I can distinguish between adhesion and cohesion.
I can describe the important properties of water that result from hydrogen
bonding: capillary action, high specific heat capacity, high heat of
vaporization, high surface tension, ability to be a universal solvent, and its
ability to expand when it freezes.
I can explain what acids and bases are, and how the pH scale allows us to
measure whether something is an acid or a base.
I can explain how each of the following maintains homeostasis in the human body:
excretory system, digestive system, antacids, circulatory system, and buffers.
I can identify the six most common elements in organic molecules (C,H,N,O,P,S).
I can explain how carbon can join to other carbon atoms in chains and rings to
form large and complex molecules.
I can describe the general structure of the 4 major categories of biomolecules that
compose living organisms (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids).
I can identify the building blocks of the four major categories of biomolecules.
I can explain the primary functions of the four major categories of biomolecules.
I can identify the chemical indicators that test for the presence of glucose, starch,
protein, and lipids, as well as describe what a “positive result” looks like for each
I can explain how dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis relate to the formation
and break down of organic molecules (monomer vs. polymer).
I can describe the general formula for a chemical reaction, identifying any
reactants and products.
I can explain that enzymes are proteins that catalyze biochemical reactions.
I can describe the specifics of enzyme structure and function: identify the
substrate(s), binding at the active site, identify the product(s) formed, and how
the enzyme can be re-used after the products are formed.
I can explain that the activity of enzymes is affected by changes in temperature
and pH of the surroundings (denatured), as well as by the concentration of the