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Name: _________________________________________ Period: __________ Date: _____________________________
Biology Semester Study Guide
Unit 1 Systems and Scales
1. What is the element of life?
a. Carbon
2. What are the Three Facts about Atoms? 2 Facts about Energy?
a. Atoms cannot be created or destroyed; atoms make up mass; all matter is made up of atoms
b. Energy cannot be created or destroyed; energy can be transformed
3. Which of the following are examples of atoms? Molecules? How can you tell?
a. CO2 molecule
d. P atom
b. H2O molecule
e. CH4molecule
c. C atom
Atoms are single elements molecules are 2 or more elements bonded together
4. What kinds of chemical bonds are considered “high energy carbon bonds”?
a. C-C and C-H
Use the following chemical reaction to help you answer questions 3-7:
5. Name the molecules that are products. Carbon dioxide and water
6. Name the molecules that are reactants. Methane and oxygen
7. Where is the energy stored before the chemical reaction and where does it go after? Chemical high energy
bonds; transformed into heat and light
8. BTB will change from blue to green or yellow when what molecule is around? How can this be evidence for the
movement of carbon atoms? BTB reacts to CO2; indicates the presences of carbon atoms
9. What kind of evidence tells you that atoms have moved from one area to the next? A change in mass
10. A combustion reaction will usually have which two molecules for products? CO2 and water
Use the following scenario to help you answer questions 11-15:
You decide to burn liquid propane (C3H8) in a dish for a lab experiment. You also include a dish of BTB in the same
container you are burning the propane.
11. How many atoms are in one molecule of propane? 11
12. What is something you can measure in lab to tell you if your propane lost atoms? Mass of propane before and
13. Why did you include the BTB in the experiment? What does that tell you is happening if it changes to a green or
yellow color? BTB reacts in the presents of CO2, which tells me that Carbon was present and moved from the
propane to the air in the form of CO2.
14. What form is the energy found in before you burn the propane? What form of energy is released after you burn
propane? High energy bond( C-C;C-H) to heat and light and motion
Name: _________________________________________ Period: __________ Date: _____________________________
15. Write the chemical equation for the burning propane in oxygen (Hint: you will need 5 O2 molecules):
Propane + oxygen  carbon dioxide and water
C3H8 + 5O2
+ 4H2O
Biomolecules/Cell Respiration
16. When a person grows from a baby to an adult, it is gaining mass. Where is that mass coming from?
Biomolecules and CO2
17. What does our body use to transport sugar and oxygen into our cells? blood
18. Fill in the following table:
Rich Food Source
Monosaccharide (glucose)
Sugar, honey
Lipids (Fats)
Fatty acids
Oils, butter
Amino acids
Meat, peanuts
19. What are the units of energy we to in food? Calories (Cal or Kcal)
20. Write the equation for cellular respiration without looking first, then below that write what it is based on your
notes. In what organelle in the cell does cellular respiration take place?
C6H12O6 + 6O2 
+ 6H2O + ATP
Glucose + oxygen  carbon dioxide + water + ATP cellular energy
21. Example the rearrangement of biomolecules and the transfer of energy in terms of cellular respiration and
metabolism? Biomolecules are broken down (catabolized) into glucose the process of cellular respiration
converts glucose into usable energy ( ATP) and some molecules are built up (anabolized) into biomolecules
needed within the body.
22. Define catabolism and anabolism. Anabolism = build up; Catabolism= break down
23. Explain “we are what we eat.” The food we eat, biomolecules are metabolized into either usable energy or
biomolecules that we need in our bodies. Since matter cannot be created or destroyed only rearranged we are
made up of the matter we consume.
Cell and Diffusion
24. What do eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells have in common? Different?
Same: cell membrane, some genetic material, ribosomes
Differences: eukaryotic cells have nucleus that contain genetic material, organelles have membranes, lots of
25. Looking through a microscope, how can you tell if you are looking at a plant cell or an animal cell?
Shape, plants have large vacuole, chloroplasts, and a cell wall
26. What is diffusion?
The random movement of molecules from a high concentration to a low concentration. No energy required
27. Fill in the blank with a yes or a no based on your knowledge of the transport of molecules across a membrane.
Requires energy
Requires no energy
Particles travel down or along
a concentration gradient
Simple Diffusion
Facilitate Diffusion
Active Transport
Name: _________________________________________ Period: __________ Date: _____________________________
Particles travel up a
concentration gradient
Requires a membrane
spanning protein
Used for small nonpolar and
polar molecules
Used for Large Molecules
28. Why are cells so small? (Why don’t they just keep growing and getting bigger?
a. Most efficient to allow for diffusion and osmosis
29. In which organelle does cellular respiration take place? Mitochondria
30. In which organelle does photosynthesis? Chloroplast
31. Which organelle makes proteins? Ribosomes
32. Which organelle stores DNA Nucleus
33. Fill in the blanks with the correct function for each organelle, and record which types of cells they are in.
Control center
Energy (power house)
Break things down (enzymes)
Cell membrane
Gate keeper, structure
Cell wall
Structure, support, protection
Makes proteins
Instruction manual
Golgi App
Packaging and shipping
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Name: _________________________________________ Period: __________ Date: _____________________________
34. In the picture below, label a parts of the cell. Is this a plant or animal cell? How can you tell?
Plant cell, rectangular large vacuole,
chloroplasts, and cell wall.
What is activation energy? Energy required to start a chemical reaction
What does an enzyme do to the activation energy of a chemical reaction? Reduces it
How is an enzyme a catalyst? speeds up chemical reaction
Explain what this statement means: “For enzymes, shape causes the function.” (Include the words substrate,
enzyme, and active site) Enzymes and substrate must match in shape to be a perfect fit, joined together at the
active site. Each enzyme has a specific shape that matches with a specific substrate that performs a specific
39. How is an enzyme like a lock and key? Like a lock and key only one enzyme fits with a specific substrate. They
are also reusable like a lock and key.
40. How does an inhibitor change a reaction rate? Binds with the enzymes to change its shape at the activation site
and prevents the substrate from binding to the enzyme.
41. What is the difference between a competitive inhibitor and a non-competitive inhibitor? Include drawings to
support your answer. Competitive competes with active site changing the enzymes shape and non-competitive
binds away from active site changing enzymes shape
Name: _________________________________________ Period: __________ Date: _____________________________
Use the following picture to help you answer questions 42-47:
42. Which of the above letters matches the following vocab words:
 Enzyme B
 Active Site C
 Reactants A + H2O
 Products D
 Substrate A
43. Is the picture anabolism, or catabolism? How can you tell? Catabolism = breaking down
44. Is the enzyme altered (changed) by the reaction? No
45. Draw an example of a possible competitive inhibitor where it might fit on the enzyme above and label it.
46. Draw an example of a possible non-competitive inhibitor where it might fit on the enzyme above and label it.
47. What does it mean when we say an enzyme has been denatured? What types of environmental changes can
make this take place? Denatured means the enzymes is no longer functioning (killed), and change in pH or
Temperature can cause this.
48. Write the formula for photosynthesis below. In which organelle does this take place?
+ 6H2O + sunlight C6H12O6 + 6O2
Carbon dioxide + water + sunglight  glucose + oxygen
49. What is the difference between the xylem and phloem of a plant?
Xylem= moves water up from roots
Phloem= moves glucose throughout the plant
50. What purpose do the stomata serve? Opens in leaves that allow for gas exchange
51. Where does the mass of a tree come from? Carbon dioxide
52. Where does the energy of a tree come from? ATP energy from glucose in cellular respiration
53. In the leaf disc lab, what was our responding (dependent) variable? What were three controlled variables?
The number of leaf discs floating; time, amount of water, distance of light, size of leaf discs, spinach
Name: _________________________________________ Period: __________ Date: _____________________________