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The Rise of Rome and
the Roman Republic
O Romulus and Remus
O Twin brothers
O Raised by a wolf until full grown men
O Built a city near the Tiber River
O Fertile soil and location
O Sibling Rivalry
O How “Rome” became the name of the city
O Strategic Locations
O Settled near fertile
O Importance?
O Near the sea
O Importance?
O Midpoint on the
O Importance?
Early Settlements
O Latins
O First settlers in Rome
O Greeks
O Colonized parts of the Roman coastline
O Used mainly for trade
O Etruscans
O Influenced all of Roman civilization and
specific aspects of those civilizations
O Alphabet and architecture
The Early Roman Republic
O Rome started as a monarchy
O Disbanded once the king became too tyrannical
O Created a republic
O The citizens have power with the right to vote
O Voting Rights-Free citizen, male
O Constant Power Struggles
O Patricians-Wealthy landowners
O Plebians-Commoners; about 90% of the
The Early Roman Republic
O Tribunes
O Representatives of the
O Protected against
unfair acts
O Gave commoners a
O Twelve Tables
O Written code of laws
O Basis for all Roman law
O “All FREE citizens had
a right to protection
under the law”
Rise of the Army
O Required to serve
O Owned land
O Male
O No exceptions
O Organization and development was key
O Legions
O Cavalry
O Centuries
Development of an Elite Force
O Rome’s strength and greatness stemmed from
its elite army
O Legions
O 5,000 heavily armed infantry men
O Cavalry
O Supported each legion on the flanks
O Century
O Divisions of a legion
O 80-100men in each century
O Called Centurions
Power through Conquest
O Rome wants to expand
O All of Italy first needs to be on board
O Conquered all Italian civilizations
O Gained many allies
O Supplied troops to the Roman army
O Eventually spread throughout all of Italy
O Allows for more expansion to neighboring
Rise of the Roman Empire
O Trade Routes and
Commercial Network
O Allowed for
increasingly more
advanced culture
and expansion of
land area
throughout Rome
and Roman Empire
Punic Wars
O Carthage
O Powerful city located on North African
coastline…Directly opposed Rome
O Punic Wars
O Three different Wars fought between Rome
and Carthage
O Hannibal
O Carthaginian General and leader; defeated
Rome in the Second Punic War
Punic Wars
O Rome beats Carthage
O Launched an
amphibious attack on
O Finally defeated
Hannibal at Zama
(near Carthage)
O Roman Empire now
stretched from
Anatolia (Turkey) to
Republic Collapses
O Economic Disasters
O More wealth=increasing gap between rich and
O Societal Upheaval
O Poor farmers and slaves made up half of Rome’s
entire population
O Military Disasters
O Civil War broke out
O Generals tried to seize power (new government is
Julius Caesar
O Rise
O Popular General
O Created the 1st Triumvirate with Crassus and
O Conqueror
O Governor of Gaul (France)
O Crossed the Rubicon River to take control of
Julius Caesar
O Statesman
O Took control of Rome
O Named dictator for life in 44 B.C
O Popular with ALL of Rome
O Issued reforms to limit the wealth gap
O Death
O Stabbed by a group of senators that feared his
power (Marcus Brutus)
O Died on March 15th, 44 B.C (known as the Ides of
Beginning of an Empire and
New Government
O Second Triumvirate is formed
O Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus
O Octavian forced the others to give up power
O Re-names himself Augustus and becomes
O Pax Romana
O “Roman Peace” or time of peace and
prosperity in Rome (lasted 207 years)
Rise of Christianity
O Monotheistic
O Jesus
O Jew that was born in Bethlehem, Judea
O Raised in Nazareth, Palestine
O Historical records do not have much info on
O Teaches the Gospels
O First four books of the New Testament
O “Christ” was added after death
O Christos-‘savior’ or ‘messiah’ in Greek
O New religion formed based on Jesus’
O Spread steadily throughout the Roman
O Still faced opposition
O Persecuted by many Roman leaders
O Did not worship the Roman gods
O Pax Romana began to dissipate and
persecution continued
O Emperor Constantine
O Fought for control of Rome
O Had a ‘vision’ of a cross
O Defeated his enemies
O Constantine ends the persecution
O Edict of Milan-official World Religion
O Becomes Rome’s official religion
O Enacted by Emperor Theodosius
Decline of Rome
O Pax Romana ends with Marcus Aurelius
O Economic weakness
O Trade is disrupted
O Inflation
O Agriculture weakens
O Wars tear apart the countryside
O Infertile soil
Decline of Rome
O Military problems
O Less disciplined
O Focused on their commanders, not Rome
O Mercenaries become popular
O Political Turmoil
O Average citizens lose loyalty too
O Lost their ‘patriotism’
The Calm Before the Storm
O Brief period of reform after the decline of
Pax Romana
O Diocletian
O Restored order
O Fixed inflation
O Increased the army size
O Claimed divine authority
O Divided the Roman Empire
O East and West
Eastern Roman Empire
O Constantine takes over
O Becomes Emperor of Eastern Roman Empire
O Moves the capital from Rome to Byzantium
O Eventually renamed Constantinople
O Eastern Roman Empire becomes the
Byzantine Empire
O Thrives and flourishes while Western Roman
Empire collapses
Western Roman Empire
O Collapse is imminent because of the split
O Germanic Invasions
O Invaded Roman lands to escape the Huns
O Destroyed Rome and plundered it for three
O Atilla the Hun
O Attacked both empires (failed in the East)
O Contributed to Rome and the Roman
Empires’ downfall
Byzantine Empire
O Justinian takes over
O Unified Rome and Constantinople
O Justinian Code
O The Code-useful Roman Laws
O The Digest-Opinions of the Laws
O The Institutes-How to use the Laws
O The Novellae (new laws)-New Byzantine Laws
O Dealt with marriage, slavery, women’s rights,
and criminal justice (lasted 900 years)
Byzantine Empire
O Constant struggle to maintain the Empire
O Plague
O Attacks from the Turks and Russians
O Division of the Church (Great Schism)
O Two different belief systems within
O Eastern and Western views
O Became Roman Catholic Church (west) and
Orthodox Church (east)