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6 Energy and Metabolism
1. Where does glycolysis take place?
2. What does glycolysis do?
3. What does glycolysis use up, which
needs to be restored before
glycolysis can continue?
4. What is another name for the Kreb’s
5. Where does the Kreb’s Cycle occur?
6. What is necessary for the Kreb’s
Cycle to occur?
7. What does the Kreb’s Cycle do?
8. What is the waste product of the
Kreb’s Cycle?
9. In the Kreb’s Cycle what is NAD
reduced to?
10. Where is the NADH sent? Why?
11. What is the Electron Transport System
also known as?
Converts glucose, fructose, or galactose (sugars)
into 2 pyruvate molecules plus 2 ATP.
The pyruvate is then sent to the mitochondria to
undergo the Kreb’s cycle to make more energy
It uses NAD because it becomes reduced to
The tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) or
Citric Acid Cycle
In the mitochondria
Oxygen, pyruvate, and acetate (in the form of
Acetyl CoA)
It uses pyruvate (end product of glycolysis) and
it also uses Acetyl CoA (end product of
carbohydrate, fat, or protein metabolism) and
creates energy molecules which are like ATP.
Carbon dioxide.
To the Electron Transport System so it can be
converted back to NAD so glycolysis can
The electron transport system is also known as
Cellular respiration & Oxidative phosphorylation
12. How many NADH and FADH
molecules are taken from glycolysis
and the TCA cycle in the electron
transport system?
13. In the electron transport system, what
are the NADH and FADH molecules
reduced to so that glycolysis can
8 NADH molecules and 2 FADH molecules are
taken from glycolysis and TCA cyles and taken
into the electron transport system.
14. What is generated as a result of the
electron transport system?
15. Which two compounds can be used as
the final electron acceptor when the
electron transport system is performing
under anaerobic conditions? Can
humans use these?
ATP is generated as a result of the electron
transport system.
Sulfate or Nitrite are two compounds that can be
used when the electron transport system is
performing under anaerobic conditions. Humans
do not have these to use; only microbes can do
The NADH molecules are reduced to NAD and
the FADH are reduced to FAD so that glycolysis
can continue.
6 Energy and Metabolism
16. What are two possible waste products
of the electron transport system when
it is performing under anaerobic
17. If sulfate is used when the electron
transport system is performing under
anaerobic conditions, what is the waste
18. If nitrite is used when the electron
transport system is performing under
anaerobic conditions, what is the waste
19. What is consumed when the electron
transport system is performing in the
presence of oxygen?
20. What is the waste product of the
electron transport system when
performing in the presence of oxygen?
21. What three fermentation pathways
are used when oxygen is not present
and therefore NADH molecules
can’t use the electron transport chain
to be converted back to NAD?
22. Which fermentation pathway is used
by humans when no oxygen is
present (such as in muscles during
sprint running)?
23. In a homolactic pathway the H+
from NADH is donated to what
substance, converting it what kind of
waste product?
Hydrogen sulfide or Ammonia are two possible
waste products of the electron transport system
when performing under anaerobic conditions.
Hydrogen sulfide is the waste product if sulfate is
used when the electron transport system is
performing under anaerobic conditions.
Ammonia is the waste product if nitrite is used
when the electron transport system is performing
under anaerobic conditions.
Oxygen is consumed when the electron transport
system is performing in the presence of oxygen.
Water is the waste product of the electron
transport system when performing in the presence
of oxygen.
3 Fermentation pathways:
2, 3, Butanediolic
H+ is donated to pyruvate, converting it inot
the waste product: Lactic Acid
24. By breathing heavily, oxygen is
added to lactic acid, converting it
25. The lactic acid could also be carried
by the bloodstream to the liver,
where it is converted back to what?
26. In what ways can lactic acid be
Increasing circulation and oxygen
Ultrasound or massage therapy for sore muscles
27. What pathway do yeasts use in order to Fermentation
perform glycolysis?
6 Energy and Metabolism
28. In the ethanol fermentation pathway,
Ethanol and carbon dioxide
what is pyruvate turned into?
29. How do we benefit from yeast’s ability We use yeast to make beer and bread.
to ferment?
30. What is the 2, 3, Butanediole
31. What is the waste product of this
32. What type of organisms use this
33. How do you test a culture for this
type of fermentation?
34. What does ATP stand for?
35. What is called the “molecular unit of
currency” of intracellular energy
36. What is ATP’s role in energy
37. What happens to ATP when it is
38. What happens to ADP?
39. How is Guanosine triphosphate
(GTP) different from ATP?
A fermentation process that some organisms use
when oxygen is not available to convert
pyruvate to ATP.
2, 3, Butanediole
Enterobacter (a type of coliform bacteria)
Positive VP test.
Adenosine triphosphate
ATP transports chemical energy within cells for
It is also used in muscle contraction, motility
and cell division
ATP loses one phosphate when used to become
ADP (diphosphate). The phosphate that is
released is the high energy particle.
Metabolic processes convert ADP back to ATP,
thus ATP is continuously recycled
GTP can only be used as a source of energy for
protein synthesis and gluconeogenesis