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Unit 8: Cellular Sensation
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following statements is false?
a. All living things have more than one cell.
b. The nucleus controls cell reproduction.
c. Plant cells have structures that aid in photosynthesis.
d. Chlorophyll is green.
2. According to the cell theory, which of the following statements is correct?
a. Viruses are true cells.
b. Cells are basically unlike in structure.
c. Mitrochondria are found only in plant cells.
d. Cells come from preexisting cells.
3. Which of the following statements is part of the cell theory
a. Cells are microscopic.
b. Cells have definite boundaries.
c. Cells require oxygen for metabolism.
d. Cells come from preexisting cells.
4. Transport of molecules within animal cells occurs in the
a. cytoplasm.
b. nucleus.
c. ribosomes.
d. chlorplasts.
5. Which part of the cell contains genetic material?
a. Nucleus
b. Cell membrane
c. Vacuole
d. Endoplasmic reticulum
6. The structure involved in regulating the movement of materials into a cell
is the
a. ribosome.
b. centriole.
c. chloroplast.
d. cell membrane.
7. Which of the following processes is responsible for moving nutrients
across the cell membrane?
a. meiosis
b. mitosis
c. respiration
d. diffusion
8. Which process occurs when new liver cells are produced from old liver
a. osmosis
b. mitosis
c. meiosis
d. diffusion
9. What is the primary function of the ribosomes?
a. to package proteins
b. to manufacture proteins
c. to control cell processes
d. to dispose of wastes
10. The cell theory applies to
a. animal cells only
b. plant cells only
c. plant and animal cells
d. neither plant nor animal cells
Multiple Choice Answers:
1. a
2. d
3. d
4. a
5. a
6. d
7. d
8. b
9. b
10. c
Unit 9: It’s a Small World Out There
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which statement best compares an amoeba and paramecium?
a. An amoeba is a single-celled organism and the paramecium is multicelled.
b. An amoeba is a multi-celled organism and the paramecium is singlecelled.
c. They both are single-celled organisms.
d. They both are multi-celled organisms.
2. What is the difference between a vector and a pathogen?
a. The vector is an animal that carries the disease and the pathogen is a
that cause disease.
b. The pathogen is an animal that carries the disease and the vector is a
that cause disease.
c. Both are animals that carry the disease.
d. Both are microbes that cause disease.
3. How does removing habitats for mosquitoes help human life?
a. There is no breeding ground for the mosquitoes.
b. There is less chance of human contraction of malaria.
c. There is less chance of human contraction of West Nile virus.
d. all of the above
4. Which statement best describes what happens when antibiotics are used too
a. New types of viral infections develop.
b. Colds and flu are no longer a problem.
c. Bacterial infections develop that are hard to treat.
d. none of the above.
5. Which of the following diseases is the best example of a viral disease?
b. Tuberculosis
c. Common cold
d. Rabies
6. Which of the following is causes malaria?
a. a bacteria
b. a virus
c. a protist
d. a yeast
7. Which best explains the relationship between a host and parasite?
a. A parasite needs a host in order to live.
b. A host needs a parasite in order to live.
c. It is a symbiotic relationship.
d. It is a beneficial relationship.
8. Which characteristic do volvox and euglena share?
a. They both have eye spots.
b. They both use flagella to move.
c. They both have eye spots and use flagella to move.
d. They have neither eye spots nor flagella.
Multiple Choice Answers:
1. c
2. d
3. d
4. d
5. c
6. c
7. c
8. b
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NAEP Science Items
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19. Which organelle stores genetic information?
A flagellum
B nucleus
C mitochondrion
D vacuole
20. What is the energy source that an animal cell needs to carry out life processes?
A water stored in vacuoles
B proteins built in ribosomes
C light absorbed by chloroplasts
D sugar broken down in mitochondria
19. Objective 6.02
Analyze structures, functions, and processes within animal cells for: Capture and release
of energy.; Feedback information.; Dispose of wastes.; Reproduction.; Movement.;
Specialized needs.
Thinking Skill: Knowledge Correct Answer: B
20. Objective 6.04
Conclude that animal cells carry on complex chemical processes to balance the needs of
the organism.: Cells grow and divide to produce more cells.; Cells take in nutrients to
make the energy for the work cells do.; Cells take in materials that a cell or an organism
Thinking Skill: Integrating Correct Answer: D