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AP Biology Final Exam Review of Basic Information
Cell Cycle – G1, S, G2 – Mitosis – Cytokinesis, When and Why do Cells Divide?
Mitosis – Phases and Process – Two Genetically Identical Daughter Cells
Meiosis – Phases, Process, Tetrads & Crossing Over - Four Genetically Different Daughter Cells
Genetics – Mendel / Mono & Dihybrids / Punnett Squares / Dominant & Recessive, etc.
Molecular Genetics – DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis, Gene Expression
Plants – Basic types, Basic Structures, Alternation of Generation [Haploid (n) / Diploid (2n)]
Animal and Human Systems – Overview Main Function(s) & Parts, Smallest Unit(s)
Evolution – Process / Types / When / Results / Molecular Clocks
Selection – Natural, Sexual, How and Why, Examples,
Classification – (D-KPhCOFGS), Domains and Kingdoms: Basic Characteristics of Each
1) Define heterozygous. Using the letter “T”, how would I represent an organism that is heterozygous?
2) Define homozygous. Using the letter “T”, how would I represent an organism that is heterozygous?
3) What are the Four (4) Nitrogen bases in a DNA molecule? Which bases are always bonded together?
4) What are the Four (4) Nitrogen bases in a RNA molecule? Which bases are always bonded together?
5) What are chromosomes? What are the similarities and differences between chromosomes and chromatin?
6) What are the Three (3) main parts or components of a DNA double helix?
7) What is the monomer (basic building block) of DNA?
8) What are the similarities and differences between DNA and RNA? (Hint: Sugar, Shape, Nitrogen Bases)
9) What is the MAIN function of mRNA?
10) What is the MAIN function of tRNA?
11) What is the MAIN function of rRNA?
12) What is Replication? Where does the process happen?
13) What is Transcription? Where does the process happen?
14) What is Translation? Where does the process happen?
15) List the major steps (and Macromolecules) in Protein Synthesis. (Start with DNA)
Use the following Thirteen (13) structures and processes to list the major steps of Protein Synthesis.
Start with DNA and end with a completed Protein
Amino Acids, Anticodon, Codon, Cytoplasm, DNA, mRNA, Pores (holes) in Nuclear Membrane,
Protein, Ribosomes, rRNA, Transcription, Translation, tRNA
16) What are the Major Parts of the Cell Cycle? What Part or Phase do cells spend most of their time in?
17) What is Mitosis? What are the end products of Mitosis?
18) What is/are one/two major events of Prophase? Metaphase? Anaphase? Telophase? Cyokinesis?
19) Bacteria reproduce by Mitosis. What is another name for the way Bacteria reproduce?
20) What is Meiosis? What are the end products of Meiosis? (Including Ovum or Egg and Sperm)
21) What is the difference between a gamete (sex cell) and an Autosomal (or Somatic) Cell?
22) What are Tetrads? What is Crossing-Over? Which phase of Meiosis are both associated with?
23) What is a Zygote?
24) What is Haploid? What is Diploid? In and Organism, if the Diploid number of chromosomes is 18,
what is the Haploid number of chromosomes? If the Haploid is 34, what is the Diploid?
25) Summarize Mendel’s three (3) laws of heredity?
26) Black fur (B) is dominant over White fur. What are the Genotypes and Phenotypes and the Ratio of
Dominant phenotype(s) to Recessive phenotype(s) of a cross between two heterozygous individuals?
27) What are pedigrees? What are they used for? What do circles and squares represent?
28) If the Trait in a Pedigree is Autosomal Dominant, what is the Genotype of a circle or square that is NOT
filled in? (Use the Letter R)
29) If the Trait in a Pedigree is Autosomal Recessive, what is the Genotype of a circle or square that IS
filled in? (Use the Letter R)
30) By looking at a pedigree, how could you tell if a Trait in a sex-linked?
31) By looking at a pedigree, how could you tell if a Trait in a Autosomal Dominant?
32) By looking at a pedigree, how could you tell if a Trait in a Autosomal Recessive?
33) What is a Virus? Is it, by definition, alive? Why or why not?
1) Put the following levels of (Body) organization in the correct order from SIMPLIST to COMPLEX:
Cell, Organ System, Organism, Organs, Tissues
2) What is the Main Function of the Endocrine System?
3) What is the Main Function of the Muscular System?
4) What are the Three (3) Types of Muscle?
5) Where are each type of muscle found, and what does each type of muscle do?
6) Do Muscles Push, Pull, or Push and Pull together?
7) What (type of Connective Tissue) attaches Muscles to Bones?
8) What is the Main Function of the Skeletal System?
9) What are the Three (3) Functions of Bones?
10) What (type of Connective Tissue) attaches Bone to Bone?
11) What are the three (3) Main Types of Bone Joints?
12) What is the Main Function of the Nervous System?
13) What are the Two (2) Divisions of the Nervous System?
14) What Structures and / or Organs make up each Division of the Nervous System?
15) Which type of Nerves (Sensory or Motor) send signals from the Brain to the Muscles?
16) Which type of Nerves (Sensory or Motor) send signals from the Skin to the Brain?
17) Briefly explain how a Nerve (Neuron) sends a signal from the Body to the end of the Axon.
18) Briefly explain how Positive and Negative Feedback Loops Work.
Most of the ANSWERS
1) Alleles are Different, Tt
2) Alleles are the Same, TT or tt
3) DNA: Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine, Adenine A-T and G-C
4) RNA: URACIL, Cytosine, Guanine, Adenine A-U and G-C
5) Chromosomes are DNA coiled around Histone Proteins. Chromatin is UNCOILED DNA.
6) Sugar – Phosphate Backbone, and a Nitrogen Base (Step)
7) A Nucleotide is the Monomer of DNA (and RNA)
8) SAME: Both have nucleotide monomer, sugar-phosphate backbone and Four (4) nitrogen bases
DIFFERENT: DNA has Deoxiribose sugar, RNA has Ribose sugar
DNA has Thymine, RNA has Uracil
DNA is Double Stranded (Helix), RNA is Single Stranded
9) mRNA carry temporary copy of DNA (message) from nucleus to cytoplasm and ribosomes.
10) tRNA transfers Amino Acids to ribosomes
11) rRNA makes up ribosomes (Site of Protein Synthesis)
12) Replication is when a complete copy of DNA is made. It happens in the nucleus.
13) Transcription is when a portion (gene) of DNA is Copied into mRNA. It happens in the nucleus.
14) Translation is when the mRNA sequence is converted into an Amino Acid Sequence (a Protein).
It happens at a ribosome in the cytoplasm
15) See NOTES, DIAGRAMS in the BOOK, or use the Above Answers
16) Cell Cycle = Interphase, Mitosis, Cytokinesis. Cells spend most of their time in Interphase.
17) Mitosis is the Division of the (Eukaryotic) Nucleus.
Mitosis produces Two (2) daughter cells with the Genetically the SAME as the parent cell.
18) Refer to Dichotomous Key or Pictures of Mitosis Phases
19) Bacteria reproduce by Binary Fission.
20) Meiosis is the Reduction Division of the (Eukaryotic) Nucleus.
Meiosis produces Four (4) daughter cells with the Genetically DIFFERENT than the parent cell.
In Humans, Meiosis produces One (1) Ovum or Egg, and Three (3) polar bodies or Four (4) Sperm
21) A Gamete (sex cell) is produced by Meiosis and has the Haploid number of Chromosomes
An Autosomal (or Somatic) Cell is produced by Mitosis and has the Diploid number of Chromosomes
22) Tetrads are groups of Homologous Chromosomes (2 Chromosomes or 4 Chromatids)
Crossing-Over is when a piece of one chromosome switches places with a piece on another chromosome
when the chromosomes are together as tetrads.
Tetrads and Crossing Over happen in Prophase I of Meiosis.
23) A Zygote is a Fertilized Egg. (Two Gametes joined together)
24) Haploid refers to the number of Chromosomes after Meiosis = HALF the number of Somatic Cells
Diploid refers to the number of Chromosomes in Most (Somatic) Cells or 2 x haploid
Diploid = 18, Haploid = 9 or Haploid = 34, Diploid = 68
25) REFER TO NOTES OR BOOK FOR Mendel’s three (3) laws of heredity.
26) Black fur (B) is dominant over White fur. What are the Genotypes and Phenotypes and the Ratio of
Dominant phenotype(s) to Recessive phenotype(s) of a cross between two heterozygous individuals?
Bb x Bb
1 BB
1 Black (Dominant)
2 Bb
2 Black (Dominant)
1 bb
1 White (recessive)
Phenotype Ratio Dominant to Recessive
27) Pedigrees are a way to show family history. They are used for tracking a particular trait in a family.
Circles = Females, Squares = Males
28) If the Trait in a Pedigree is Autosomal Dominant, what is the Genotype of a circle or square that is NOT
filled in would be “rr” because you have to be double recessive NOT to show the trait.
29) If the Trait in a Pedigree is Autosomal Recessive, what is the Genotype of a circle or square that IS
filled in would be “rr” because you have to be double recessive TO show the trait.
30) If a Trait is sex-linked, Most or All of affected people will be MALE
31) If a Trait is Autosomal Dominant, MANY people will be affected, ever generation; parents give it
directly to their children
32) If a Trait is Autosomal Recessive, FEW people will be affected, Not every generation will be affected,
and parents don’t usually give it directly to their children.
33) A Virus is Genetic Material surrounded by a protein coat. They are not considered alive because of the
Cell Theory (Viruses are not Cells), they cannot reproduce on their own, nor utilized or make energy.