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Chapter 4 Review Sheet
1. The process by which plants capture energy from the sun to build carbohydrates is _____________.
2. Photosynthesis changes _____________ energy into _____________ energy.
Light, chemical
3. What types of organisms perform photosynthesis?
Plants and algae
4. The primary goal of photosynthesis is to build ________________.
5. Write the equation for photosynthesis.
6CO2 + 6H2O  C6H12O6 + 6O2
6. What are the two types of reactions in photosynthesis?
Light-dependent and light-independent
What does each type do?
Light – convert light energy into chemical energy (ATP)
Dark – use the ATP to build glucose
7. In what organelle does photosynthesis take place?
8. Light absorbing molecules in the thylakoid membranes that absorb certain wavelengths of light are
called ________________. Pigments
9. The most common pigment is _______________ and it reflects __________ -colored light.
Chlorophyll, green
10. Why do leaves change color in the fall? Why aren’t they those different colors all year round?
The chlorophyll is reabsorbed by the plant and the other pigments present reflect other
colors of light. Chlorophyll is much more common and so green is what is primarily
11. What type of energy starts the process of photosynthesis? What happens next?
Light energy. Electrons in the chlorophyll are excited and pass down the electron transport
chain releasing the energy as they go.
12. What are two products of the light-dependent reactions? What is the waste product?
ATP and NADPH; oxygen
13. How are the electrons used during the electron transport chain replaced? What is that process
called? Is it a light reaction or a dark reaction?
Water molecules are split into oxygen, hydrogen ions and electrons. Photolysis, a light
14. What process occurs during the light-independent reactions? What products from the light reactions
does it use?
Calvin cycle, ATP and NADPH
15. What gas is required for the dark reactions to occur?
Carbon dioxide
16. The final product of the Calvin Cycle is _____________________.
17. What is the equation for photosynthesis? In what process is each reactant used? In what process is
each product made?
18. What can happen to the glucose made in photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis Equation
Light Energy
6CO2 + 6H2O
Carbon Dioxide
from the air –
Used in the
Calvin Cycle
during the Dark
C6H12O6 + 6O2
Glucose Made in
the Calvin Cycle
during the Dark
Water Split during
Photolysis in the
Light Reactions
Oxygen Released
during Photolysis
in the Light
Plants can use this glucose molecule for energy during Cellular Respiration. Plants can
also convert this glucose molecule into other organic compounds such as proteins and
fats/lipids or other carbohydrates like starch and cellulose
19. What three factors can affect the rate of photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide, temperature, intensity of light
20. What is the gaseous waste product of photosynthesis?
21. The process by which food molecules are broken down to produce ATP is called ______________.
Cellular respiration
22. What types of organisms perform cellular respiration?
Plants and animals
23. Cellular respiration changes ___________ energy into ________ energy.
Organic chemical energy (glucose) into inorganic chemical energy (ATP)
24. In what organelle does most of cellular respiration take place?
25. What are the three stages of cellular respiration?
Glycolysis, citric acid cycle, and the electron transport chain
26. Which step is anaerobic? What does that mean?
Glycolysis, it does not require oxygen
27. The primary goal of cellular respiration is to build ___________. Explain how energy is released and
stored with this molecule.
ATP, When one of the three phosphates is released, energy is released. When a phosphate is
bound to the remaining two phosphates, energy is stored.
28. What are the products of Glycolysis?
Pyruvic acid, ATP, and NADH
29. What are the products of the Citric Acid Cycle (Krebs Cycle)?
Carbon dioxide, NADH, FADH, and ATP
30. What are the products of the electron transport chain?
ATP and water
31. What happens to the oxygen used in cellular respiration?
It joins hydrogen to become water
32. What is the gaseous waste product of cellular respiration?
Carbon dioxide
33. What is the equation for cellular respiration? In what process is each reactant used? Where do the
reactants come from? In what process is each product made?
34. How many ATP can be produces by cellular respiration?
Cellular Respiration Equation
C6H12O6 + 6O2
Glucose made in
by plants or
consumed by
6CO2 + 6H2O + energy
Dioxide –
product of
the Citric
Acid Cycle
Oxygen from the
Used in Electron
Transport Chain
Used in
Water –
ATP released from
Glycolysis, Citric
Acid Cycle, and
Electron Transport
Between 34-36 ATP can be made with this process.
This ATP can be used by the cells for cellular metabolism.
35. Compare the role of glucose in photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
Photosynthesis stores energy from the sun as glucose. Cellular respiration releases energy in
glucose to make ATP.
36. What are the two types of fermentation? Why would they occur?
Lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation – when there is no (or not enough) oxygen
37. What types of organisms can perform lactic acid fermentation?
38. What types of organisms can perform alcoholic fermentation?
Yeast and some bacteria
Stores Energy as glucose
Cellular Respiration
Releases Energy in
Performs Carbon Fixation
Uses an Electron
Transport Chain
Occurs in Living Cells
Releases Oxygen
Releases Carbon Dioxide
Creates Energy