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AP Biology Unit 6 – Chromosomal Inheritance and Genetics
Name____________________________________ Block ____ Date______________________
Timeline: Nov. 21 – Dec 9
Textbook readings: Section 38.1, read through 39.1 and a small part of 39.2, Chapters 13, 14, and 15
Labs: Flowers, Fruits, and seeds (turn in); Mendel & Meiosis, Corn genetic analysis, Artificial selection
Essential Questions
 What adaptations help angiosperms (flower plants) reproduce?
 What are the stages of meiosis? How can problems with meiosis lead to chromosomal disorders?
 How does independent assortment, crossing over, and random fertilization lead to genetic diversity?
 How is genetic information organized in the eukaryotic chromosome?
 How did Mendel’s work lay the foundation of modern genetics?
 What are the principle patterns of inheritance?
 How did gene linkage permit early chromosome mapping?
 What is non-nuclear inheritance?
Nov 21
Nov 22
Read through flower
and fruits lab
Read chapter sections
38.1, 39.1, 39.2; Read
and take notes chapt13
Read, notes,
study guide
chapter 13
Nov 28
No homework
due today (coming
back from
thanksgiving break)
Watch Bozeman
Phases of Meiosis
Nov 29
Read, notes and
worksheet on
14.1; review all of
chapter 13
A block Lab: Genetic
analysis of corn &
chi-square analysis
Nov 23
Nov 24
Nov 25
Flower and fruits
lab due today
Dec 1
Dec 2
Nov 30
Read, notes, study
guide chapter 14
Quiz on chapter
13, section 14.1 a
bit on 38.1, 39.1,
G block Lab: Genetic
analysis of corn & chisquare analysis
Worksheets due
on chapter 14.2 –
Dec 5
Dec 6
Dec 7
Dec 8
Dec 9
Read, notes, study
guide chapter 15
Watch Bozeman
Sordaria Cross
Chapter 15
worksheets due
Review all of unit
Unit 6 Test
Lab: sordaria
cross analysis
Unit Outline
I. Angiosperm (flowering plant) reproduction
a. Alternation of generations, flowers,
b. Details and mechanisms of fertilization
c. Evolutionary advantage of fruits and
d. Ethylene, fruit ripening, and leaf
II. Meiosis
a. Meiosis I and II
b. Independent assortment
c. Crossing over
d. Evolution of meiosis
III. Nondisjunction disorders
a. Nondisjunction & fertilization
b. Karyotyping
IV. Gregor Mendel’s genetics
a. Dominance and recessiveness
b. Principle of segregation
c. Principle of indep. assortment
V. Solving genetics problems
a. Monohybrid Punnett squares
b. Dihybrid Punnetts squares
c. Probability
d. Chi-square analysis
VI. Other patterns of inheritance
a. Incomplete dominance
b. Codominance
c. Multiple alles
d. Polygenic inheritance
e. Sex-linked genes
f. Linked genes and gene maps
g. Nonnuclear inheritance
The “Big Ideas” of AP Biology: In each unit, consider how these themes relate to what you learn.
1 – The process of Evolution drives the diversity and unity of life
2 – Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow and to maintain dynamic
3 – Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life
4 – Biologic systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties
Section 38.1: Angiosperm Reproduction and Biotechnology (in this unit, flower structure only)
Study Guide: Interactive Q’s 38 1-3, Multiple Choice 1-6
1. Explain how male and female gametophytes develop in anthers and ovaries in the flowering plants,
and how pollination brings them together.
2. What is double fertilization? What is the endosperm?
3. What is a seed? Distinguish between a seed and an embryo.
4. How does the ovary develop into fruit?
5. What are some evolutionary advantages conferred by flowers, by fruits, and by seeds?
6. Read through 39.1 to review cell signaling as applied to plants, and then see 39.2: What is the
role of ethylene in fruit ripening? In leaf senescence? Think back to Ch 11 and propose a model for
how ethylene can lead to different responses in these different cell types.
Chapter 13: Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles
1. Differentiate between each of the following pairs of terms: asexual & sexual reproduction, sex
chromosomes & autosomes, haploid & diploid, gamete & zygote, meiosis & fertilization.
2. Describe the events that characterize each of the stages of meiosis.
3. Compare the process and results of mitosis and meiosis.
4. Describe how independent assortment of chromosomes and crossing over lead to genetic variation.
Chapter 14: Mendel and the Gene Idea
1. Describe Mendel’s evidence that supports the laws of segregation and independent assortment.
2. Differentiate between each of the following pairs of terms: self-pollinate/hybridize, F1/F2, gene/allele,
dominant/recessive, homozygous/heterozygous, phenotype/genotype, monohybrid/dihybrid.
3. Describe each of the following patterns of inheritance and provide an example of each: dominance,
incomplete dominance, codominance, multiple alleles, epistasis, and polygenic inheritance.
4. Describe a recessive, dominant, and multifactorial human genetic disorder.
5. Describe the use of each of the following genetic tools and tests: Punnett squares, pedigrees, carrier
identification, fetal testing, newborn screening.
Chapter 15: The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance
1. Describe how the behavior of chromosomes in meiosis provides evidence to support Mendel’s Laws.
2. Describe Morgan’s evidence for sex-linked inheritance and linked genes.
3. Describe how geneticists can use recombination data to construct a genetic map.
4. Describe four chromosomal systems of sex determination.
5. Describe how nondisjunction during meiosis and alterations of chromosome structure can lead to
disorders. Provide examples of such disorders.
6. What is nonnuclear inheritance? Give examples of genes inherited in this manner.
Use Student Study Guide to review and practice solving all types of genetics problems!