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Name: _________________________
Period: ______
Mitosis, Cell Cycle, & Cancer
Internet Lesson
Mitosis Tutorial – go to the website:
On the left side of the screen is a navigation bar, click on the link to “MITOSIS.” Scroll down to read
the text on this page, and click on the “Play” button in the top corner to view the animation. You can
slow down the video by clicking step-by-step through the phases.
1. List the stages of mitosis.
2. In which stage does the following occur:
a. chromatin condenses into chromosomes
b. chromosomes align in center of cell
c. longest part of cell cycle
d. nuclear envelope breaks down
e. cell is cleaved into 2 new daughter cells
f. daughter chromosomes arrive at poles
g. DNA is replicated
Watch the video carefully.
3. The colored chromosomes represent chromatids. Why are there two of each color?
4. How many chromosomes are visible at the beginning of mitosis?
5. How many chromosomes are in each daughter cell at the end of mitosis?
Cell Cycle Tutorial – go to the website:
(or you can Google search for “Wiley Biology Basics” to get to the site) Click on this
Click on “The Cell Cycle” Animation, and then go through the video by listening (plug in your
headphones to the computer), or by reading (click “Show Narrative”). Push “pause” or “replay
the scene” if you need to read/hear something again.
1. ______ __________ is the process by which cells ___________ their contents and then divide
in two.
2. What happens when the normal controls on cell division are absent or malfunctioning?
3. What types of cells are constantly being re-generated by cell division?
4. The process of cell division involves:
5. Explain the difference between chromatin and chromosomes.
6. Draw a diagram of the cell cycle using the circle below (it will look like a pie chart). Label the
7. Briefly describe what is occurring at each stage of the cell cycle:
a. G1 –
b. S –
c. G2 –
d. M – (each phase)
8. What structure of a plant cell causes cytokinesis to occur differently than it does in animal
9. During plant cell cytokinesis, the Golgi apparatus contributes _____________, which line up
at the cell’s ______________ and become the __________ ___________.
Cancer Tutorial – go to the website:
In the “Understanding Cancer” Section, click on “What is Cancer?”
1. Explain how cancer starts.
2. How do cells become cancer cells?
3. In most cases, cancer cells form a __________, which is a clump of cells.
4. What are tumors called that are not cancer? ___________
Click on “What Causes Cancer?” in the Menu on the right side.
5. List the 6 main causes of cancer.
Choose ONE type of cancer from the side menu (breast cancer, colon/rectum cancer, lung cancer,
prostate cancer, skin cancer) and research the following:
Type of cancer you are researching: __________________________________________
6. What are the main causes of this type of cancer?
7. Who is most at risk for getting this type of cancer?
8. How is this type of cancer usually treated?
9. Other important facts about this type of cancer.
Further Investigation
10. List 2 questions that you have about cancer. What could you investigate further, or learn more