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Circle one: Tuesday lab
Biology 101 Midterm Exam
Thursday lab
I. Fill in the blank, multiple choice, matching. Choose the best answer.
1. (1 pt.) The largest unit of the following is the:
a. cell
b. molecule
c. atom
d. all are equal in size
e. none of the above
2. (2 pts) How does the scientific community attempt to ensure that science is as unbiased and
has as much integrity as possible?
3. (1 pt) A glucose molecule is to a starch as
a. a steroid is to a lipid
b. a nucleic acid is to a polypeptide
c. a nucleotide is to a nucleic acid
d. a protein is to an amino acid
e. an amino acid is to a nucleic acid
4. (2 pts) What is the name of the process by which cells link monomers together to form
5. (3 pts) What are the three main structural elements in organic molecules?
b. _________________________
c. __________________________
6. (2 pts) Distinguish between an isotope and an ion.
7. (2 pts) List 2 characteristics of water that are so important to life on earth as we know it.
b. ______________________________________________________________
8. (4 pts) Matching: Choose the best answer.
A. Carbohydrates
B. Lipids
_______peptide bond
C. Nucleic Acids
D. Proteins
_______amino acids
_______fatty acids
9. (2 pts) The number of protons in an atom is called its __________________________.
10. (2 pts) The unequal sharing of atoms creates a(n) _________________________ bond.
11. (1 pt) Oxygen has 6 atoms in its outer shell. How many electrons can it share with other
atoms in order to become stable?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
e. a and b
12. (1 pt) A water molecule is held together by
a. dehydration synthesis
an ionic bond
a polar covalent bond
a single covalent bond
a double covalent bond
13. (1 pt) Propanol and isopropanol are isomers. This means that they have
a. the same molecular formula but different chemical properties
b. different molecular formulas but the same chemical properties
c. the same molecular formula and the same chemical properties
d. the same number of carbon atoms but different numbers of oxygen
and hydrogen atoms
14. (1 pt) You’ve heard the old cliché’ “oil and water don’t mix”.
a. Oil exhibits polarity and water doesn’t
b. Water exhibits polarity and oil doesn’t
c. Oil is hydrophilic
d. Water is hydrophobic
e. Oil is an organic compound and water isn’t
It’s true. Why?
15. (1 pt) Monosaccharides can be joined together by a process known as dehydration synthesis.
Which of the following is true of this process?
a. one monomer loses a hydrogen atom and the other loses a hydroxyl
b. electrons are shared between atoms of joined monomers
c. H2O is formed as the monomers are joined
d. All of the above are true
e. Two of the above are true, but not all three
16. (1 pt) The storage form of carbohydrates in plants is
a). starch
b). glycogen
c). cellulose
e). fiber
f). sucrose
17. (1 pt) What is produced at the end of photosystem I?
b. ATP
c. Oxygen
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
18. (1 pt) What molecule first accepts carbon dioxide in the Calvin Cycle and must be
regenerated to keep the cycle going?
a. ATP
b. RuBP
c. 3 PGA
e. ADP
19. (2 pts) Chloroplast is to ______________________ as _______________________ is to
cellular respiration.
20. (2 pts) True or False (and correct this statement if it is false): Photosynthesis is a redox
reaction which is endergonic.
21. ( 1 pt) In photosynthesis, ____________ is oxidized and __________ is reduced.
22. (1 pt)
glucose...... oxygen
carbon dioxide ....... water
water........ carbon dioxide
glucose ........ carbon dioxide
water ........ oxygen
Which best describes the general structure of a cell membrane?
proteins sandwiched between two layers of phospholipid
proteins embedded in two layers of phopholipid
a layer of protein coating a layer of phospholipid
phospholipids sandwiched between two layers of protein
phospholipids embedded in two layers of protein
23. (1 pt) A steer must eat at least 100 pounds of grain to produce about 10 pounds of muscle
tissue. This illustrates
a. the first law of thermodynamics
b. the second law of thermodynamics
c. the fact that some energy is destroyed in any energy conversion
d. the fact that energy transformations are never 100% efficient
e. both b and d
24. (1 pt) Diffusion does not require the cell to expend ATP. Therefore, diffusion is considered a
type of
a. exocytosis
b. phagocytosis
c. passive transport
d. active transport
e. endocytosis
25. (1 pt). What is the basic difference between endergonic reactions and exergonic reactions?
a. exergonic reactions involve the breaking of bonds; endergonic reactions
involve the formation of bonds.
b. exergonic reactions involve ionic bonds; endergonic reactions involve
covalent bonds.
c. exergonic reactions involve the formation of bonds; endergonic reactions
involve the breaking of bonds.
d. Exergonic reactions release energy; endergonic reactions absorb it.
e. In exergonic reactions, the reactants have less chemical energy than the
products; in endergonic, the opposite is true.
26. (2 pts) Write a good test question about any of the material we have covered so far this
quarter. Perhaps write a question you wish I had asked on this exam and write the correct answer
to it.
27. (6 pts) List 2 characteristics and 1 example of “junk science”.
II. (12 pts) In organic molecules, potential energy exists in chemical bonds. Write a short essay
describing ionic and covalent bonds. Indicate the factors that cause a substance to be either
reactive or inert. Be sure to include a description of polarity in your answer.
III. (8 pts) a. Describe an enzyme and its role in metabolic reactions. b. Include in your answer
explanations of substrates, inhibitors, and active sites. c. Explain why enzymes are so important.
IV. (14 pts) List and briefly describe 7 different functions of proteins.
V. (8 pts.) List the organelles lettered in the plant cell below. Include a function of each structure.
d. chromatin
DNA - blueprints for protein production
e. smooth e.r.
Lipid synthesis
VI. Photosynthesis (12 pts)
a. Write the general equation for Photosynthesis.
b. Draw a chloroplast in the space below. Draw and label the following structures: Outer
membrane, inner membrane, thylakoid membrane, thylakoid disk, granum, stroma.
c. Indicate where the following structures or substances would be: Photosystem 1, Photosystem
2, ATP synthase, electron transport chains, ATP, ADP + P, NADP+, NADPH, primary electron
acceptors, sugars, H2O, O2, CO2, RuBP.
d. Indicate specifically where the following processes would occur: Light reactions, Calvin Cycle,
chemiosmosis, reduction. Use a sentence to clarify if need be.