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Vidéo : Tex Avery, « Blitz Wolf » Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, August 22nd 1942.
Homework : answer the questions in English with full sentences
I/ Video presentation (7 pts)
1) What kind of video did you watch? Who’s the author? The
date? (1.5 pt)
2) At that time of war, what’s the exact context? (1.5 pt)
3) What’s the word “Blitz” referring to? Which part of it do you
see through the video? (3 pts)
4) Which children’s story is used during the video? (0.5 pt)
5) Which famous army’s song is used during the video? (0.5 pt)
II/ The war shown (10 pts)
6) Who are the enemies during this video? What do they look
like? (2 pts)
7) This video is making fun of the enemy. Find three examples of
that. (1.5 pt)
8) Which treaty is mentioned by two of the pigs at the beginning
of the story? Between which countries? (1 pt)
9) Some images are more about how the war looked like during
First World War. Find two elements to illustrate. (2 pts)
10) Other images are more accurate for the way the Second World
War was fought. Find two elements to illustrate. (2 pts)
11) The war is total. Find an example of (1.5 pt)
- The economics mobilization
- The mind mobilization
- The industry of war mobilization
III/ Conclusion (3 pts)
12) Which kind of public is this video for? Justify your answer. (2
13) Why can we call that video a propaganda work? (1 pt)
Link to watch the video :
Extra : Who is the wolf calling on the phone? Why?