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Cellular respiration includes three pathways:____________________, ______________________.
and ____________________________.
1. ____________ enters the cell and is the first substrate in glycolysis.
2. Catabolic pathways are ______________________ (they release energy).
3. ____________________________is a partial degradation of sugars that occurs without O2.
4. _______________________ + 6 O2  6 CO2 + 6 H2O + _________________
5. Reactions that result in the transfer of one or more electrons (e−) from one reactant to another are
oxidation-reduction reactions, or _________________________________________.
6. The loss of electrons from a substance is called _________________________.
7. The addition of electrons to another substance is called __________________________.
8. Respiration, the oxidation of glucose and other molecules in food, is a redox process. In a series of
reactions, glucose is ___________________and oxygen is _____________________.
9. As an electron acceptor, ___________________ functions as an oxidizing agent during cellular
10. NAD+ has its charge neutralized when it is reduced to______________________. Each NADH
molecule formed during respiration represents stored energy.
11. During cellular respiration, most electrons travel the following “downhill” route:
glucose→__________→ ______________________________→ _______________________
12. Glycolysis breaks down glucose into two molecules of ________________. Glycolysis occurs in the
______________________ of the cell.
13. Is CO2 produced during glycolysis?
14. Does glycolysis require O2?
15. One glucose molecule produces 2 ________________________ molecules during glycolysis.
16. __________ ATPs and ____ NADH are produced during glycolysis.
The Citric Acid Cycle
17. In the presence of_______, ___________________enters the _________________________.
18. Before the citric acid cycle can begin, pyruvate must be converted to________________________.
19. The citric acid cycle oxidizes pyruvate, generating 1___________, 3 _____________, and
1 ___________________________per cycle.
20. The NADH and FADH2 produced by the cycle relay electrons extracted from food to
the ___________________________ transport chain.
Oxidative Phosphorylation
21. During oxidative phosphorylation, _______________________couples _______________________ to
ATP synthesis.
22. The electron transport chain is located in the highly folded cristae of
23. Most of the electron chain’s components are_____________________, which exist in complexes
numbered I-IV.
24. These proteins alternate reduced and oxidized states as they accept and donate_________________.
25. Electrons drop in free energy as they go down the chain and are finally passed to_____, forming H2O.
26. _____________________ is the first molecule of the transport chain in Complex I.
27. Electrons are transferred from NADH to flavoprotein, the first molecule of the transport chain in
Complex I. Flavoprotein is oxidized or reduced. Please circle correct answer.
28. In the next redox reaction flavoprotein returns to its _______________form as it passes electrons(loses
electrons) to an iron-sulfur protein.
29. ______________________ (Q), is a small hydophobic molecule that is mobile within the membrane.
30. _________________________adds electrons in Complex II at a lower energy than NADH does.
31. Does the electron transport chain generate ATP?
32. The chain’s function is to break the large free-energy drop from food to O2 into smaller steps that
release ________________________in manageable amounts.
33. Electron transfer in the electron transport chain causes proteins to pump_________from the
mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space.
34. The electron transport chain is responsible for establishing the _______ gradient across the inner
mitochondrial membrane.
35. The H+ gradient is referred to as a_______________________________, emphasizing its capacity to
do work.
36. H+ then moves back across the membrane, passing through channels in________________________.
37. ATP synthase makes _______________________from ADP + Pi.
38. This is an example of_______________________________________, the use of energy stored in the
form of an H+ gradient across a membrane to drive cellular work.
39. _______________________________ and ______________________________________
respiration enables cells to produce ATP without the use of _________________________.
40. In_________________________________________, pyruvate is converted to ethanol in two steps.
41. Does fermentation result in the production of CO2?
42. In_______________________________________ fermentation, pyruvate is reduced to NADH, forming
lactate as an end product, with no release of CO2.
43. __________________________cells use lactic acid fermentation to generate ATP when O2 is scarce.
44. _______________________________and ____________________________respiration are
anaerobic and aerobic alternatives, respectively, for producing ATP from sugars.
Both use _____________________________to oxidize sugars to ________________________
with a net production of _______ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation.
Both use ________________as an oxidizing agent to accept electrons from food during glycolysis.
45. Fermentation and cellular respiration differ in their mechanism for oxidizing _________to NAD+, which
is required to sustain glycolysis.
In cellular respiration, the electrons of NADH are ultimately passed to O2, generating ATP by
46. Under aerobic respiration, a molecule of glucose yields_____ATP, but the same molecule of glucose
yields only ____ ATP under anaerobic respiration.
47. If ATP concentration begins to drop inside the cell, respiration _________________________up
and when there is plenty of ATP in the cell, respiration _______________down.
48. When ATP levels are high in the cell, inhibition of this (enzyme) ________________________slows