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Define the following vocabulary:
1. Charles Darwin
Developed the theory of evolution
2. Mutation
change in DNA. May be positive, negative or neutral
3. Variation
different traits of a population. Can be changed through
mutations or meiosis (reproduction)
4. Population
5. Adaptation
same species in a specific area or location
Beneficial variation that increases the chance of survival
6. Natural Selection
survival and reproduction in a population based on their
adaptations/ traits that help them survive in an environment
7. Galapagos Islands
where Darwin noticed finches which led him to the theory of
8. Trait
characteristic that is in the DNA and can be passed down to
9. Extinction
when a species is no longer living on the face of the Earth
change in population over time
10. Evolution
** remember that if two organisms appear to be the same
organism but cannot reproduce naturally (no medical intervention)
then we consider them different species. The goal of a species is
to survive and reproduce!
A preserved organism that lived in the past
11. Fossil
12. Fossil Record
13. Relative Dating
A chronicle (record) of the order in which fossil appear in the rock
determining the order of events or time period an organism lived
by comparing it to other events or time period of organisms. This
does not give it an exact date it just gives us a generally period of
Uses isotopes to give an exact age for fossils and rocks.
14. Radiometric (radioactive dating)
15. Early development/Embryology as
evidence of evolution
16. Homologous Structures/anatomical
structures as evidence of evolution
17. Distribution of organisms as
evidence of evolution
study of organisms in its early stage of development to see how its
growth shows divergence from a common ancestor
comparison of different organisms that have the same structure
but have adapted to use them in different ways.
How a population is geographically separated and what that
means for a evolution of a new species
18. Genetic information (DNA analysis)
as evidence for evolution
19. Isolation and its role in producing
new species
Looking at the similarities and differences of organisms’ DNA to
help determine the closeness of a common ancestor.
Similar to distribution of organisms this refers to how a species
would evolve in order to adapt to its isolated environment. If
organisms that were once in the same location were the same
species and were isolated for a long time reconnect and cannot
reproduce, they are no longer the same species. Think Abert and
Kaibab squirrels.
Answer the following questions:
1. Identify the 6 lines of evidence for evolution and explain how they are evidence for evolution
2. Identify two ways variations can be introduced into a population?
3. Explain how different factors in the environment can bring about changes in the population.
4. Describe how mutations, variations, adaptations, natural selection, and extinction cause evolution to occur.
5. Explain why natural selection can only act on traits that can be inherited and NOT acquired traits.
6. Identify examples of homologous structures and explain how they are evidence for evolution.
Be Ready to:
7. Recognize the different types of evidence of evolution based on a description or an image.
8. Apply your understanding of evolution to examples
9. Analyze relationships using evidence (similar to cytochrome C class activity)
Brain Pop videos: Natural selection, Charles Darwin
Stated Clearly: “Evolution”, “Natural Selection”, and “Evidence for Evolution”