Download Natural Selection and the Origin of new species

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• Parents pass on traits that
they get during their lives
. Giraffes stretching to
reach food
Carrying capacity
several million years
4.5 billion years
• Humans make gradual changes to species to get
organisms we want through encouraging breeding of
those with desired traits
selective breeding
have traits designed to attract a mate
• HMS Beagle
• Different
explanation for natural phenomena
If an organism is better able to survive where it lives, it survives.
lity to survive and reproduce in a given environment
differences within a species
are variations that allow an organism to better survive
in their environment
• Adaptations are central to Natural Selection
• Variations that are beneficial are selected for
• Camouflage-blending in with surroundings to keep from being spotted
• Mimicry-looking like something dangerous, which makes predators
• Gives them an advantage over other members of their species
• They are more likely to survive and pass the trait on
Which of the organisms to the left can sting
None of them! All are flies, and are 100%
harmless. None even have stingers!
Both extreme
Selection-Intermediate phenotype
• Extremely misunderstood topic
• Change in the frequency of alleles in a population over time.
• Over time, certain traits become more common in a population
• The variations are often the result of a beneficial mutation
giving the organism something it did not previously have
• Ex. Antibiotic resistance in bacteria
2 species
when part of the population becomes
• Darwin’s way of describing evolution.
• The similar species (ex. The different species of Finch on the
Galapagos Islands) all had a common ancestor
• A mother population of finches that changed over time into all of the different
species that we see now.
• Often caused by changing environmental conditions
• For the finches, it was availability of food
• Finches from the initial population that had slightly larger beaks did better
than those with smaller beaks when large nuts and seeds were the primary
food source available
• This led Darwin to conclude that, over millions of years, all
organisms descended from a single common ancestor
• The “Tree of Life”
• Convergent
• Divergent
• Coevolution
• Many species evolving from a single ancestral species
• Extinction is the death of the last member of a species
Embryology-study of development
At one point,
you had gills and
a tail!
• Homologous structures-similar
Vestigial Structures
• All organisms, past and present, share DNA
All humans are 99.9% similar
Humans and chimpanzees share 98% of DNA
Humans and grass have 15% similar DNA
Humans and bacteria have 7% similar DNA
• Follows “tree of life” pattern
• Organisms more closely related have more DNA in common