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Personal data
Date of Birth:
Latin American Chair for Environmental Decisions for Global Change,
Climate Change and Watersheds Program, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica.
[email protected] ; [email protected]
Academic background
•! Agronomy engineer, Agriculture University of Florence. Specialization in Tropical
Ecology; Thesis title: “Impact of extractive activities over biomass and vegetation
biodiversity in a Monsoon forest of Tamil Nadu (India)”.
•! Master of Science in Environmental Economics, School of Post-graduate of the
Tropical Agriculture Research and Higher Education Centre (CATIE) Costa Rica.
Research title: Multi-disciplinary analysis of potable water provision in peri-urban
areas of El Salvador. Thesis approved with honors.
•! PhD in Science, Institute for Environmental Decisions, Department of HumanEnvironment System, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH-Zurich). Thesis
title: "Decision-processes across scales regarding the management of ecosystems’
goods and services for ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change".
Professional Appointments
•! Director Latin American Chair of Environmental Decisions, Climate Change and
Watersheds Program, CATIE and Member of the Doctorate Academic Committee at
CATIE Posgraduate School.
•! Academic research tutoring: Main advisor of several CATIE MSc students, on
adaptation to climate change, land and water planning and institutional analysis. CoSupervisor of MSc. students from Environmental Sciences at University of
Wageningen, Forest Science at Polytechnique University of Madrid, Institute of
Environmental Decisions- ETH-Zurich, Switzerland. Member of PhD Committee of
students from the Institute for Sustainability at State University of Arizona, USA
(thesis title: “Participatory scenario development for water governance in areas
vulnerable to current conflicts and to potential climate change”); University of Trento,
Italy (thesis title: Spatial Planning Policies and Tools for Urban Adaption to Climate
•! Lecturer: Land Degradation inter-linkages with global environment; Importance of
Hydrological Services of Forest Ecosystem for adaptation to Climate Change; Policy
for and financing of Adaptation to Climate Change and Natural Resource
Management; Multilateral Environmental Convention and forest plantations; Decision
sciences applied to adaptation planning in developing countries.
•! Adjunct Professor: College of Interdisciplinary Studies and the Institute for
Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES), University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada 2011-present.
•! Reviewer in Peer-Reviewed Journals: Journal of Ecological Economics; Journal of
Agriculture, Ecosystems and the Environment, Environmental Science and Policy.
Professional experience
•! Advisor
for the assessment of Governance Systems for Monitoring Report and
Verification in Latin American Countries. Inter-American Development BankCATIE, 2015-2016.
•! Coordinator of the World Bank assessment of energy demand in agricultural value
chains of Latin America, 2015.
•! Formulation and coordination of a project on Science-Policy Communication focusing
on Drought Resilience in the Dry Tropics of Central America funded by the Global
Adaptation Fund, 2015 (250K USD).
•! Coordinator of the World Bank assessment of Green and Inclusive Growth in
Agricultural value chains at National and landscape scales in Costa Rica. 2014.
•! Coordinator UNDP systematization/assessment of advances from the Second
Communication and achievements in seven Nationally-relevant sectors: Water,
Agriculture, Energy, Health, Tourism, Fisheries, and Biodiversity, for the Chapter on
Adaptation of the Third Costa Rican National Communication to the UNFCCC, 20132014.
•! Formulation and CATIE Principal Scientist of the G8 funded proposal “Enhancing
Adaptation and Resilience to Drought in Dry Tropical Social-Ecological Systems: The
Guanacaste, Costa Rica Example. G8’s Belmont Forum Funding (ANR-France,
NSERC-Canada and NSF-USA; 1.5 Million US$). 2013-2016. (
•! Formulation and Principal Adaptation Scientist on Ecosystem-Based Adaptation for
the project “Ecosystem-based Adaptation for Smallholder Subsistence and Coffee
Farming Communities in Central America (Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica)”
(CASCADA), Funding of the Climate initiative of the German Ministry of
Environment (3 million US$) 2012-2017.
•! Formulation and Coordination for Latin America of the EU-FP7 project EcoAdapt
focusing on ecosystem-based adaptation approaches to water resources (Argentina,
Chile and Bolivia) 2012-2015 (Scored 15 out of 15 in EU blind Technical Evaluation)
(2 Million Euros). (
•! Co-Investigator at the College for Interdisciplinary Studies and at the Institute for
Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES) at University of British Columbia,
Canada. The project, awarded by Social Science Research Council of Canada, focuses
on the human dimension of global change characterizing soil degradation in Costa
Rica and the relationship between ecosystem services management and poverty in
Latin America; 2009-2011.
•! Coordinator for Latin America of NORAD project “REDD-net: Building Civil
Society Capacity to Champion the Pro-poor Dimensions of Avoided Deforestation”.
•! Formulation and coordination of proposal “Strengthening capacity of indigenous
territories of Mesoamerica to negotiate sustainable REDD initiatives”, funded by
Climate Works Foundation (250,000US$).
•! Researcher for the Mitigation and Adaptation to climate change for Sustainable Forest
Management in Iberoamerica (MIA project).
•! Scientific
coordinator and author of the British Embassy-UNDP national study:
“Perception of climate change of the Costarican Population” as an input for the
national communication strategy on climate change.
•! Co-organizer and member of the scientific committee of the First Latin American
Seminar on “Adaptation to Climate Change: the role of ecosystem services”, 2-5
November, 2008, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica.
•! Formulation and coordination of the Research Project “Avoiding conflicts over water
resources in areas vulnerable to climate change in Costa Rica”. Funded by the IUCN
trust for Environmental Policy innovation, the project focuses on the use of
trandisciplinary science to accompany definition of strategies based on participatorybuilt scenarios. (20,000US$). Costa Rica 2009.
•! Formulation and coordination of the "Contributing to the Environmental Policy in
Costa Rica: designing an innovative scheme for Payment for Hydrological Ecosystem
Services for the Hydroelectric sector”. Funded by the IUCN trust Research for
Environmental Policy Innovation. Research coordinator on cross scale analysis of
hydrological ecosystem services and the institutional design to support soil and water
conservation practices in the Reventazon watershed as a priority watershed for
vulnerability condition and importance for hydropower production (i.e. Reventazon)
of Costa Rica. (30,000US$). Costa Rica, 2007-2009.
•! Coordination of Policy Network Analysis research in two countries (Costa Rica and
Nicaragua). The study focuses on a cross-country comparison of multi-sectoral and
multi-scale policy-networks relevant for designing ecosystem-based adaptation
policies. Costa Rica and Nicaragua 2008-2009.
•! Systematization of “Community based adaptation to climate variability and change in
agriculture and water resources in the dry tropics of Nicaragua: The Case of San
Pedro del Norte”. International study coordinated by Dutch NGO Both-Ends and
aiming at contributing to the international dialogue on community-based adaptation in
developing countries. Nicaragua. 2007.
•! Researcher with CATIE Global Change Group in EU funded research and
development project “Tropical Forest Adaptation to Climate Change in Central
America” (TroFCCA). Identification and implementation of appropriate
methodologies on forest ecosystem services and climate change adaptation. Political
and technical advisor. Costa Rica. 2005-2009.
•! Consultant for the Global Water Partnership- Central America. Territorial water
pollution, poverty and impact assessment. Research methodology and results delivery
at policy level (National Environment Commission, Ministry of Health, National
network for water and sanitation). El Salvador. 2004.
•! Consultant for the Italian cooperation funded program Antipoverty Partnership
Initiative for Central America (UNOPS/UNDP) in collaboration with the Tropical
Agriculture Centre for Research and teaching (CATIE). Scientific research on the
relationship between water pollution impact on health, water access and poverty in
periurban-rural El Salvador. Costa Rica. 2003-2004
•! Coordination, research supervision and editing of the book “Towards risk
management in Morazán Department: basis for hazards and vulnerability assessment,
eastern El Salvador”, funded by the Italian cooperation Antipoverty Partnership
Initiative for Central America (UNOPS-UNDP) in the framework of the EUDIPECHO project “Risk Management and disaster preparedness in 15 municipalities
of eastern El Salvador”. El Salvador. 2002.
•! Coordination
of the EU B7-6000 co-funded project “Soil and water conservation and
production diversification in four municipalities of Morazán department, El
Salvador”. El Salvador. 2002.
•! In support to Local Economic Development Agency (LEDA) ADEL-Morazán,
coordination of the EU-DIPECHO project “Disaster prevention and preparedness in
15 municipalities of eastern El Salvador”. El Salvador. January 2001-febbruary
•! Identification and formulation of Disaster prevention and risk mitigation in three
departments of eastern El Salvador”. Funded by EU-DIPECHO III (500.000US$). El
Salvador. August, 2002.
•! Identification and formulation of a B7-6000 EU project “Watershed rehabilitation and
management in the buffer area of the Pico Bonito National Park, Honduras”. Funded
by EU (800,000 Euros) in 2003. Honduras. August 2000.
•! Agroforestry expert for Italian NGO COSPE. Lempira Department, Honduras. AprilJune 2000.
•! Technical Consultant UNEP GEF-STAP (Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel).
Support the organization of the workshop “GEF focal areas interlinkages with land
degradation” held in Bologna (June 14-16, 1999). Final report editing. University of
Bologna (Italy), Washington UNEP headquarter (USA) May-June 1999-2000.
•! Winner research scholarship with Instituto Agronómico Oltremare (IAO) of Italian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Support Italian delegation participation in Global
Environment Facility: technical support GEF Council 12 and 13. Formulation of the
project “Technical and financial tools to combat desertification”, funded by Italian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs cooperation and implemented by IAO with UNCCD
secretariat. World Bank headquarters, Washington D.C. (USA), Florence (Italy)
•! Research scholarship award from the Applied Meteorology Foundation, Florence,
Italy. Pollution monitoring and impact evaluation on vegetation of Coastal national
Park of San Rossore through GIS. Florence, Italy. 1997
•! Multi-Agent Systems in Participatory Natural Resource Management, CIRAD,
Montpellier, France, September, 2012.
•! Trandisciplinary case studies, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH-Zurich),
Switzerland, April-June 2009.
•! International course on “Policy network analysis”. University of Konstanz, Germany.
1-6 September 2008.
•! International course on “Working effectively in the interface between forest policy and
forest science”. IUFRO, La Serena, Chile. 19-22 Octubre, 2006.
•! Specialization course on food security: Economic and political analysis on food
security, Early Warning diagnostic analysis, production strategies, agriculture and
domestic policy analysis. Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare-Ministry of Foreign
Affairs. Florence, Italy.1999.
•! Arcview-GIS course. Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare-Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Florence, Italy.1999.
•! Specialization course on Cooperation and Rural Development. University of Padova,
Italy. 1998
•! Course on Rural Development in Developing Countries. Florence, Italy. 1992
Dissemination, reports.
•! Vignola, R., 1997. “Vegetal Biomass and biodiversity encroachment in monsoon forest
of south India”. The work was presented at the congress “Tropical Botany research
perspective” of the Italian Botanical Society. Pisa, Italy.
•! Griffith,M., Rossi, P., Vignola, R., 1999. “Report of the STAP expert group workshop
on land degradation”. GEF council 14 /Inf. 15. Official document GEF secretariat,
•! Vignola, R., 2005. “A literature review on Forest and hydrological services:
perspectives for Climate Change Adaptation”. Tropical forest ecosystems and
adaptation to climate change, EU project CIFOR/CATIE. Available at:
•! Perez, C.J., B. Locatelli, R. Vignola y P. Imbach. 2007. Integrar los bosques tropicales
en las políticas de adaptación al cambio climático. Ambientico No. 165: 19-21. Junio.
•! Gonzalez C, Locatelli B, Imbach P, Vignola R, Perez C, Vaast P. 2007. Identificación
de bosques y sistemas agroforestales proveedores de servicios ecosistemicos para el
sector agua potable en Nicaragua. 51-52. Revista Recursos Naturales y Ambiente,
CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica
•! Leguía, E., B. Locatelli, P. Imbach, F. Alpizar, R. Vignola y C. Pérez. 2007.
Identificación de bosques proveedores de servicios ecosistémicos para hidroelectricidad
en Nicaragua. Ambientico No. 165: 21-24
•! Perez, C.J., B. Locatelli, R. Vignola y P. Imbach. 2007. Importancia de los bosques
tropicales en las políticas de adaptación al cambio climático. Revista Recursos
Naturales y Medio Ambiente, 51-52, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica.
•! Perez CJ., Vignola R, Perez H. 2007. “Community based adaptation to climate
variability and change in agriculture and water resources in the dry tropics of
Nicaragua: the Case of San Pedro del Norte”. Available online at:
•! Diaz Briones AA, Locatelli B, Pérez C, Vignola R, Prins C. 2008. Evolución de
instituciones adaptativas frente a problemas hidrológicos en dos cuencas de Costa Rica.
Revista Recursos Naturales y Medio Ambiente, 59-60, 10-16; CATIE, Turrialba, Costa
•! Locatelli, B., Evans, V., Wardell, A., Andrade, A., Vignola, R., 2010. Forests and
Climate Change in Latin America: linking adaptation and mitigation in projects and
policies. CIFOR info-brief No. 31.
•! Vignola, R., 2010. National Survey on perceptions, attitudes and behaviours of Costa
Rica population on climate change. Technical report for the UK-Embassy study for the
National Communication Strategy for Climate Change. UNDP-Iniciativa Paz con la
Naturaleza, Gobierno de Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica.
•! Vignola, R., Diaz, A., 2010. A review of studies and initiatives on climate change
adaptation in Central America. Internal report for CATIE-Conservation International
(headquarter in DC) collaborative agreement.
•! Barton D.N., Ring I., Rusch G., May P., DeClerck F., Vignola R., Vivan J.L., Ansink
E., Unnerstall H., Santos R., Antunes P., Brouwer R., Grieg-Gran M., Simila J.,
Primeer E., Romeiro A., Ibrahim M., 2010. Assessing the role of economic instruments
in a policy mix for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision: a
review of some methodological challenges. Policy-Mix Discussion Paper 1-2010;
•! Milla, V., Vignola, R., 2011. The importance of forests for the development of
Indigenous Peoples in Costa Rica: Will REDD+ be a help or a hindrance? REDD-Net
publications at Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, UK.
•! Vignola, R., Aymerich, J.P., 2011. Equity in the Costa Rican PES scheme: Lessons for
distributional and procedural justice in REDD+. REDD-Net publications at Overseas
Development Institute (ODI), London, UK.
•! Graham, K., Vignola, R., 2011. REDD+ and agriculture: a cross-sectoral approach to
REDD+ and implications for the poor. REDD-Net publications at Overseas
Development Institute (ODI), London, UK.
•! Vignola, R., Guerra, L., Trevejo, L., Aymerich, JP., 2012 REDD+ Governance across
scales in Latin America Perceptions of the opportunities and challenges from the Model
Forest platform. REDD-Net, London.
•! Vignola, R., Olivas, A., 2012. Perceptions of access and rights to forest land in
indigenous and mestizo communities at the agricultural frontier Lessons for REDD+
governance in the Bosawas Biosphere Reserve, Nicaragua. REDD-Net, ODI, London.
•! Medeiros, C., Vignola, R., 2012. Analysis of environmental and social impacts of
displacement caused by the creation of the Grande Sertão Veredas National Park
(Brazil). Lessons learned for good governance in REDD+. REDD-Net, London.
•! Kuzdas, C., Wiek, A., Warner, B., Vignola, R. and R. Morataya, 2012. Integrated and
participatory analysis of regional water governance regimes – The case of Guanacaste,
Costa Rica. School of Sustainability working paper, Arizona State University.
•! Kuzdas, C., Wiek, A., Yglesias, M., Vignola, R., Warner, B. and R. Morataya, 2012.
Evaluación de Sostenibilidad del Sistema Regional de Agua y el Manejo de Agua en las
Sub-Cuencas Potrero, Caimital, y Nosara Alta. Comisión para el Manejo de las
Cuencas Potrero y Caimital: Nicoya, Guanacaste, Costa Rica.
•! Chacon-Cascante, A., Ibrahim, M., Ramos, Z., De Clerk, F., Vignola, R., Robalino, J.,
Barton, D.N., Costa Rica: National level assessment of the role of economic
instruments in the conservation policymix. Report Policy Mix Issue 2/2012. Available
•! Vignola; R., Proctor A., McDaniels, T., Diaz, A., Rafanoharana, S., Locatelli, B.,
Russell A., 2013. Honduras: Changing Land Use Today for a More Resilient
Tomorrow. Case study report from the Project Using Forests to Enhance Resilience to
Climate Change funded by World Bank program PROFOR and the Trust Fund for
Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development and implemented by PROFOR,
CIFOR and CATIE, available at:
•! Vignola R., Gonzalez J., Morales M., 2015. Social Dynamics during adaptation
planning in three multi-stakeholders platform in Bolivia, Chile and Argentina,
EcoAdapt Working paper series, available at:
•! Vignola, R., Gonzalez, J. and Morales, M. 2014. Deliverable N° 3.5 EcoAdapt project:
Working paper on social dynamics during adaptation planning. Available at
Books and proceedings
•! Vignola, R., 2002. “Towards risk management in Morazán Department: basis for
hazards and vulnerability assessment, eastern El Salvador”, Antipoverty Partnership
Initiative for Central America (Italian cooperation-UNOPS-UNDP). ISBN 99923-7732-1; Re-edited. San Salvador, El Salvador.
•! Vignola, R., 2004. Strengthening decisional tools for prioritizing allocation of rural
water for human consumption. MSc.
Thesis, CATIE. Available at:
•! Contributor to the book: Locatelli B, Kanninen M, Brockhaus M, Colfer CJ,
Murdiyarso D, Santoso H. 2008. Facing an uncertain future: how forest and people can
adapt to climate change. CIFOR publication No. 5, Bogor, Indonesia.
•! Vignola R., Marchamalo M, Kollner T. Otto S. 2009. “Modelling upstream land use
scenarios and their benefits for hydropower production in Birris watershed, Costa Rica:
deterministic or heuristic approach for climate change adaptation?” Proceedings of the
seminar on Modeling in Agroforestry Systems, CIRAD-CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica,
February, 2008.
•! Anders Malmer, David Scott, Xu Jianchu, Raffaele Vignola, Jonas Ardö, 2010. Forest
cover in global water governance. In Mery, G., Katila, P., Galloway, G., Alfaro, R.I.,
Kanninen, M., Lobovikov, M., Varjo, J., 2010. IUFRO book “"Forests and Society Responding to Global Drivers of Change"”; IUFRO World Series No. 25. Vienna,
Austria. 509p.
•! Martinez-Alonso, C., Locatelli, B., Vignola, R., Imbach, P., (Eds) 2011. Adaptación al
cambio climático y servicios ecosistemicos en América Latina. Proceedings of the
international Seminar on Adaptation to Climate Change: the role of Ecosystem
Services. CATIE, Turrialba Costa Rica, ISBN:978-9977-57-527-8.
•! Vignola, R., Otarola, M., Marchamalo, M., Echeverria, J., 2010. Land use scenarios for
provision of ecosystem services to hydropower production: on-site and off-site benefits
of different soil conservation measures in the Birris watershed, Costa Rica. In Aylward,
B., Hartwell, R., Zapata, O., 2010. “Regional report on Biodiversity and Ecosystems:
why are they important for sustainable development and equity in Latin America and
the Caribbean”, UNDP/GEF LAC Regional Coordination Unit.
•! Vignola, R., Otarola, M., Calvo, G., 2010. Defining ecosystem-based adaptation
strategies for hydropower production: stakeholders’ participation in developing and
evaluating alternative land-use scenarios and the strategies to achieve desired goals. In
Martinez-Alonso, C., Locatelli, B., Vignola, R., Imbach, P., (Eds) 2011. Proceedings of
the international Seminar on Adaptation to Climate Change: the role of Ecosystem
Services. CATIE, Turrialba Costa Rica, ISBN:978-9977-57-527-8.
•! Girot, P., Vignola, R., 2010. Financiamiento de la adaptación: propuestas y retos eticos
y metodológicos relevantes para la adaptación basada en ecosistemas. In MartinezAlonso, C., Locatelli, B., Vignola, R., Imbach, P., (Eds) 2011. Proceedings of the
international Seminar on Adaptation to Climate Change: the role of Ecosystem
Services. CATIE, Turrialba Costa Rica, ISBN:978-9977-57-527-8.
•! Locatelli, B., Evans, V., Wardell, A., Andrade, A., & Vignola, R. (2011). Bosques y
cambio climático en América Latina. Gobernanza forestal y REDD, 79. In Petkova, E.,
Larson, A. y Pacheco, P. (eds) 2011 Gobernanza forestal y REDD+: Desafíos para las
políticas y mercados en América Latina. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia
*! Marchamalo, M., Vignola, R., Gomez-Delgado, F.,Gonzalez-Rodrigo, B., 2011.
Identifying soil conservation priority areas for reducing sedimentation and improving
wáter quality. In Rapidel, B., LeClerc, F., Eds. Ecosystem services from agriculture and
agroforestry: measurement and payment. Earthscan, publishing.
*! Vignola, R., Decision-processes concerning the management of ecosystem services for
ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change. PhD Thesis ETHZ (2010).
*! Kuzdas, C., Wiek, A., Warner, B.,Vignola, R., Morataya, R. 2012a. Integrated and
participatory analysis of regional water governance regimes – The case of Guanacaste,
Costa Rica. School of Sustainability Working Paper, Arizona State University.
*! Vignola, R., Majano, A., Otarola, M., Kilian, B., 2014. Metodología para la evaluación
del entorno político, socioeconómico y ambiental para un programa de crecimiento
verde e inclusivo: estudio de caso en paisajes productivos de Costa Rica. CATIEINCAE-World Bank, Turrialba, Costa Rica.
*! Giacomo Fedele, Raffaele Vignola, Marco Otarola 2015. Ecosystem based Adaptation:
Natural responses to climate change impacts. In Chiabai, A. (Editor) : “Climate and
land use change impacts on tropical forests in Central America: an ecosystem service
perspective” Routledge Book ISBN 978-0-415-72080-9.
*! Saborio-Rodriguez M., Alpizar F., Harvey C., Martínez RM., Vignola R., 2015 How
do coffee farmers adapt to perceived changes in climate? Evidence from Central
America. Proceedings of the Global Science Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture,
Montpelier, France.
*! Camila D., Martínez-Rodríguez M.R., Harvey C., Vignola R., Rodríguez C.M., 2015.
Is technical information what policy makers need to take action on the climate change
adaptation of smallholder farmers? . Proceedings of the Global Science Conference on
Climate Smart Agriculture, Montpelier, France.
*! Harvey C., Alpizar F., Avelino J., Bautista P., Cardenas J.M., Donatti C., RodríguezMartínez R., Rapidel B., Saborio M., Vignola R., Viguera B., 2015 Can ecosystembased adaptation help smallholder farmers adapt to climate change? . Proceedings of
the Global Science Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture, Montpelier, France.
*! Collaborator for the book Barquin, L., Chacon,M., Panfil, SN., Adeleke, A., Florian, E.,
Triraganon, R., 2014. Conocimiento y habilidades necesarias para participar en
REDD+: un marco de competencias. CI, CATIE, UICN, Arlington, USA.
*! Prins K., Cattan, C., Azcarrunz N., Real A., Vilugron L., Leclerc G., Vignola R.,
Morales M., Louman B., 2015. Creating and sharing new knowledge through joint
learning on water governance and climate change adaptation in three Latin American
Model Forests: The EcoAdapt Case. IUFRO Occasional Paper, Wien, Austria.
Peer-review articles
1.! Leguía, E., B. Locatelli, P. Imbach, C. Pérez, R. Vignola. 2008. “Bosques Tropicales y
Hidroenergia”, Ecosistemas 17(1).
2.! Locatelli B, Vignola R. 2009. “Managing watershed services of tropical forests and
plantations: Can meta-analyses help?”. Forest Ecology and Management, 258 (9).
3.! Locatelli, B., Imbach, P., Vignola, R., Metzger, M.J., Leguia-Hidalgo, E., 2010.
Modelling service flows with fuzzy logic and expert knowledge. Regional
Environmental Change, DOI 10.1007/s10113-010-0149-x.
4.! Vignola, R., Locatelli, B., Martinez, C., Imbach, P., 2009. Ecosystem-Based Adaptation
to Climate Change: what role for policy-makers, society and scientists?. Journal of
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change; DOI 10.1007/s11027-009-91936.
5.! Vignola R., McDaniels T.L., Scholz R.W., 2010. Decision-making by upstream farmers
regarding ecosystem services: factors affecting soil conservation efforts in Costa Rica
Rica. Land Use Policy, 27(4), 1132-1142
6.! Cepeda, C., Vignola, R., 2011. Percepción local ante variaciones en el clima y su
impacto en comunidades de Waslala y El Cuá, Nicaragua. Revista Centroamericana de
Ciencia Sociales 8(2), 53-78.
7.! Locatelli B., Evans V., Wardell A., Andrade A., Vignola R., 2011 Forests and Climate
Change in Latin America: Linking Adaptation and Mitigation. Forests; 2(1):431-450.
8.! Vignola R., McDaniels T.L., Scholz R.W., 2012. Negotiation analysis for mechanisms to
deliver ecosystem services: the case of soil conservation in Costa Rica. Ecological
Economics 75, 22-31.
9.! Vignola, R., Klinsky, S., Tam, J., McDaniels, T., 2012. Public perception, knowledge
and policy support for mitigation and adaption to Climate Change in Costa Rica:
Comparisons with North American and European studies. Journal of Mitigation and
Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, DOI: 10.1007/s11027-012-9364-8.
10.!Vignola, R., McDaniels, T., Scholz, R., 2013. Governance structures for ecosystembased adaptation: using policy-network analysis to identify key organizations for
bridging information across scales and policy areas. Journal of Environmental Science
and Policy, 31, 71-84.
11.!Kuzdas, C., Wiek, A., Warner, B., Vignola, R., & Morataya, R., 2014. Sustainability
Appraisal of Water Governance Regimes: The Case of Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Journal
of Environmental Management, 1-18.
12.!Kuzdas C, Wiek A, Warner B, Vignola R, Morataya R., 2015. Integrated and
participatory analysis of water governance regimes: The case of the Costa Rican dry
13.!Vignola R., Harvey C., Bautista-Solis P., Avelino J., Rapidel B., Martinez R., Donatti
C., 2015. Ecosystem-based adaptation for smallholder farmers: definitions, opportunities
and constraints. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 211(211):126-132.
14.!Kuzdas C., Warner B., Wiek A., Vignola R., Yglesias M., Childers D.L., 2015
Sustainability Assessment of Water Governance Alternatives: The Case of Guanacaste,
Costa Rica, Sustainability Science (In Press).
Presentations in congresses and seminars
*! McDaniels T., Vignola R. 2008. Climate adaptation decisions in environmental contexts:
Seeking robust alternatives and building institutional mechanisms. Presentation at the
Annual meeting of the Climate Decision-making Centre, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, May 2008, USA.
*! Brockhaus M, Vignola R, Santoso H, Sanchez P, Siagian Y, Lasco R. 2008. Tropical
Forests and adaptation to climate change: the TroFCCA policy research framework on
actors, decision-making and policy networks. Proceedings of the Climate Change
Adaptation in Forest Management IUFRO/FAO/SLU Congress, a review of science,
policies and practices. 25-28 August, Umea, Sweden.
*! Vignola R. Financing Adaptation to climate change: challenges and windows of
opportunities. International Seminar on “Adaptation to climate change, the role of
ecosystem services”-SIAASE, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica. 3-5 November, 2008
*! Vignola R. Servicios hidrológicos para la producción de energía hidroeléctrica en el
contexto del uso del suelo y el cambio climático: manejo de los ecosistemas en el marco
de una estrategia de adaptación en la cuenca Reventazón, Costa Rica. International
Seminar on “Adaptation to climate change, the role of ecosystem services”. CATIE,
Turrialba, Costa Rica. 3-5 November, 2008
*! Vignola R, Martinez C, Locatelli B., Ecosystem Services and adaptation to climate
change: everyone plays a role. Latin American perspective. Poster presented at Forest
day, COP14, Poznan, Poland, 2008.
*! Kollner T, Gret-Regamey A, Vignola R, Marchamalo M. 2008. Bayesian Modelling of
Ecosystem Services in Human-Environment Systems. Paper presented at the Conference
on Ecosystem Services: Using Science for Decision Making in Dynamic Systems,
December 8-11, 2008, Naples, Florida, USA.
*! Vignola R., Marchamalo M, Kollner T. Otto S. “Modelling upstream land use scenarios
and their benefits for hydropower production in Birris watershed, Costa Rica:
deterministic or heuristic approach for climate change adapation?” Presented at: Seminar
on Modeling in Agroforestry Systems, CIRAD-CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica,
February 2008.
*! Invited Panel expert at the International Meeting of IICA-Latin American Headquarter
“Climate Change Challenges for agriculture: needs for training and capacity building”,
San Jose, Costa Rica, 2009.
*! Vignola, R., Brockhaus, M., Ecosystem-Based Adaptation to Climate Change: actors and
Policy Network Analysis, Presented at Adaptation Seminar, Annual Meeting CIFOR,
Indonesia, October, 2009.
*! Vignola, R., 2010. National Study on the Perception and Attitudes of Costarrican
Population on Climate Change” funded by the UK Embassy in Costa Rica and UNDP,
Report published by Peace With Nature Initiative presented in several media: Tico Times,
high-policy event at Presidential House (,
Radio Monumental (Amelia Rueda radio program) and Radio U, Costa Rica, 2010.
*! Invited Panelist in the Ecosystem Services Session of the International Seminar on
Evaluation of Public Policies on Forests, CONAFOR-SEMARNAT (Government of
Mexico)/UNEP, Distrito Federal, Mexico, August-2011.
*! Invited Panelist at the Latin American meeting on Ecosystem-Based Adaptation promoted
by IUCN World Ecosystem Committee, Salta, Argentina. February, 2012.
*! Bautista-Solís, P., Chacón, M., Vignola, R., Avelino R., J., Rapidel, B., Trevejo, L.,
Martínez, M.R., Alpízar, F., Harvey, C.A., 2013. Can Ecosystem-Based Adaptation help
reduce the vulnerability of smallholder farmers to climate change in Central America?
Poster presented at the Global Scientific Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture,
March, 2013, University of California, Davis, USA.
Vignola, R., Governance Structures for Ecosystem-Based Adaptation: The importance of
Meso-Scale. PPT presentation in the IUCN session “Governance of forest landscapes”.
International Union of Forestry Research Organizations- Latin America (IUFROLAT)
Poster presented at San Jose Conference, Costa Rica, June, 2013.
Florian, E., Vignola, R., Díaz, A., Sucre, L., Torres, F., 2013. Strengthening participatory
processes of indigenous people in the framework of Costarican REDD+ strategy. Oral
presentation at the session “Human capital for development” of the International Union
of Forestry Research Organizations- Latin America (IUFROLAT) Poster presented at
San Jose, Costa Rica, June 2013.
Vignola, R., Procter, A., McDaniels, T., Diaz, A., Locatelli, B., Rafanoharana, S. C.,
Russel, A., Economic Evaluation of Ecosystem-Based Adaptation to Climate Change: the
case of Drinking water to Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Poster presented at the 2013
Conference of the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations- Latin
America (IUFROLAT), San Jose, Costa Rica, June 2013.
Vignola, R., Devisscher, T., Leclerc, G., 2013. Bridging worldviews for water planning
at the science-society interface: case studies in Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. Annual
International Conference of the Royal Geographic Society and Institute of British
Geographers (RGS-IBG) 27-30 August 2013, London, UK.
Vignola, R., Governance for climate-responsive territories: scales and processes. Oral
presentation Panel on governance, Wallace Conference on Climate Smart Landscapes,
CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica, September 2013.
Bautista-Solís, P., Chacón, M., Vignola, R., Avelino, J., Rapidel, B., Trevejo, L.,
Martínez, M.R., and Harvey, C.A. Can Ecosystem-Based Adaptation help reduce the
vulnerability of smallholder farmers to climate change in Central America? Poster session
presented at Climate Smart Agriculture Global Science Conference. March 20-22, 2013.
UC Davis, California.
Camila Donatti, Francisco Alpizar, Jacques Avelino, Amanda Bourne, Lee Hannah,
David Hole, Pablo Imbach, Ruth Martinez, Sarshen Marais, Bruno Rapidel, Milagro
Saborio, Raffaele Vignola, and Celia A. Harvey. 2014. Ecosystem-based adaptation
options for smallholder coffee farmers in Central America and pastoralists in South
Africa. Side Event at SBSTA 40, UNFCCC Bonn, Germany June 7th, 2014.
Vignola R., Majano, A., Otarola, M., Kilian, B., 2014. Towards a Green and Inclusive
Growth. World Bank International Workshop on Green and Inclusive Growth,
May, 2014 San Jose, Costa Rica.
Vignola, R., Leclerc, G., Florian, E., Empowering stakeholders in the analysis of tradeoffs and synergies between development and climate change objectives in Latin America.
Resilialliance World Conference on “Resilience and Development: mobilizing for
transformation”, Montpelier, France, May 2014.
Tim McDaniels, Douw G. Steyn, Mark S. Johnson, Mitchell Small, Gregoire Leclerc,
Raffaele Vignola, Kai Chan, Iris Grossmann, Gabrielle Wong-Parodi. Futuragua:
Fostering Cross-Scale Knowledge to Inform Social-Environmental Decision Processes
For Building Drought Resilience in Highly Seasonal Environments., session under
“Global Environmental Change” entitled: International Transdisciplinary Approaches to
Enable Sustainable Freshwater Security, American Geophysical Union (AGU), San
Francisco, USA, 2014.
*! Vignola R., 2014. Filling the gaps for adaptation to climate change in the Andean
region: the experience of the Latin American Chair of Environmental Decisions for
Global Change (CLADA) at CATIE. Knowledge gaps for adaptation to climate change in
the Andean Region, International Research Centre for Tropical Agricultural (CIAT),
Bogota, Colombia, September 2014.
*! Martínez-Rodríguez, R., Bautista, P., Donatti, C., Vignola, R., Avelino, J., Rapidel, B
Harvey, C., Comparing knowledge between experts and literature, what can we learn?.
7th Ecosystem Service Partnership Conference: Local Action for the Common GoodSeptember 8-12 2014, San Jose Costa Rica.
*! Martínez-Rodríguez, R., Harvey, C., Vignola, R., Bautista, P., Donatti, C., SaboríoRodríguez, M., Avelino, J., Rapidel, B. Ecosystem-based adaptation options for
smallholder farmers in Central America: an approach from experts’ interviews.
Adaptation Futures conference, Fortaleza, Brazil, May 13th, 2014
*! Saborio-Rodriguez M., Alpizar F., Harvey C., Martínez RM., Vignola R., 2015 How do
coffee farmers adapt to perceived changes in climate? Evidence from Central America.
Poster at the Global Science Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture, Montpelier,
*! Camila D., Martínez-Rodríguez M.R., Harvey C., Vignola R., Rodríguez C.M., 2015. Is
technical information what policy makers need to take action on the climate change
adaptation of smallholder farmers?. Poster at the Global Science Conference on Climate
Smart Agriculture, Montpelier, France.
*! Harvey C., Alpizar F., Avelino J., Bautista P., Cardenas J.M., Donatti C., RodríguezMartínez R., Rapidel B., Saborio M., Vignola R., Viguera B., 2015 Can ecosystem-based
adaptation help smallholder farmers adapt to climate change?. Poster at the Global
Science Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture, Montpelier, France.
*! Vignola R., Poveda K., Bautista P., Rivera P., Otarola M., Harvey C., Avelino J., Rapidel
B., 2015. Barriers and opportunities to promote rights to sustainable production of
smallholders in the context of climate stresses in Central America. Invited panelist at the
International Summit “The Right to Food: Power, policy, and politics in the 21st
Century”, June 16-17, 2015; University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, USA
*! Vignola, R., invited science panelist to the World Bank Global online course on Climate
Change (6000 online participants) “Bajemos la Temperatura: porque debemos evitar
un planeta 4°C más cálido”, at INCAE Business School, San Jose, July 2015.