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Topic: Global Education
Delegation: Costa Rica
Junior Model United Nations Resolution
January 31,2014
The General Assembly,
Affirming Costa Rica uses 5.1% of national budget directly towards education, a new
standard must be set that all member states must spend at least 3.5% of their annual
budget on education.
Aware that the average country spends 4.9% of their government spending on education
in their country,
Approves The General Basic Education in Costa Rica is made free and mandatory for all
its citizen.
Taking into consideration though many public education systems are said to be free,
many cannot afford the required uniforms or supplies and rural schools have no books for
Deeply Concern for families that don't see education as an important part of society,
Believing one in five adults 862 people cannot read or write
1.Request donations from countries that already met the education budget
standard of 3.5% to support country in need of education funding to meet the same
2.Urges attention on more disabilities training programs for disabled students and
STEM programs for talented students,
3.Recommends other countries raise their national budget to 3.5% GDP, the
minimum of education,
4.Further Reminds the importance of education for our society, economy and the
future of the world,
5. Calls Upon all countries to consider students to educate themselves to learn
English for English is one of the few most important or often used languages in the world,
6.Encourages countries to make at least one school free per city for students or
families that couldn't afford education.
7.Request further that there should be additional programs for adults of any gender
to redo or study education, literacy