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51. What is the purpose of oxygen in aerobic respiration?
a. Oxygen accepts electrons at the end of an
electron transport chain.
b. Oxygen is necessary to carry away the waste
c. Oxygen is used in the formation of sugar
d. The oxygen molecule becomes part of the
ATP molecule.
e. Oxygen donates H+ used in the formation of
52. All of the following processes produce ATP
a. Glycolysis
b. The Krebs cycle
c. Lactate fermentation
d. Oxidative phosphorylation
e. Photophosphorylation
Questions 53 – 54
The graph below shows the relationship between CO2 uptake
by leaves and the concentrations of O2 (percent of atmosphere
in growth chambers) and CO2 (ppm in growth chambers).
53. The relative CO2 uptake is a measure of
a. Photosynthetic rate
b. Light intensity
c. Water stress
d. Leaf size
e. Leaf temperature
54. According to the graph, the relative CO2 uptake is
best under which of the following conditions?
a. 100 ppm CO2, 20% O2
b. 100 ppm CO2, 40% O2
c. 100 ppm CO2, 80% O2
d. 200 ppm CO2, 20% O2
e. 200 ppm CO2, 80% O2
Questions 55 – 59 refer to the diagram below. The three
boxes represent the three major biosynthetic pathways in
aerobic respiration. Arrows represent net reactants or
55. Arrow 2 is
a. O2
b. ATP
c. H2O
d. FADH2
e. Pyruvate
56. Arrows 4, 8, and 12 could all be
b. ATP
c. H2O
d. FAD+
e. FADH2
57. Arrows 3 and 7 could both be
b. ATP
c. H2O
d. FAD+
e. FADH2
58. Arrow 9 could be
a. O2
b. ATP
c. H2O
d. FAD+
e. FADH2
59. Pathway B is
a. Oxidative phosphorylation
b. Photophosphorylation
c. The Calvin-Benson cycle
d. The Krebs cycle
e. Glycolysis
60. Which of the following sequences correctly indicates
the potential ATP yield of the indicated molecules
from greatest ATP yield to least ATP yield?
a. Pyruvate, ethanol, glucose, acetyl CoA
b. Glucose, pyruvate, acetyl CoA, NADH
c. Glucose, pyruvate, NADH, acetyl CoA
d. Glucose, FADH2, acetyl CoA, pyruvate
e. Glucose, FADH2, NADH, pyruvate
Questions 61 – 62 refer to the graph below that shows the
amount of CO2 that is produced by plant cells at various
levels of atmosphere oxygen.
61. At levels of atmospheric O2 below 1%, the amount of
CO2 released is relatively high. This is probably
a. The Krebs cycle is very active
b. O2 is being converted to H2O
c. Alcoholic fermentation is occurring
d. There are insufficient amounts of coenzyme
e. Photosynthesis cannot function at night
62. As levels of O2 increase beyond 5%, the amounts of
CO2 released increase. This is probably a direct result
a. An increase in glycolytic activity
b. A greater availability of appropriate
c. An increase in Krebs cycle activity
d. An increase in atmospheric temperature
e. A decrease in the pH of the cytoplasm
63. After strenuous exercise, a muscle cell would contain
increased amounts of all of the following EXCEPT:
a. ADP
b. CO2
c. Lactate
d. Glucose
e. Pi
64. Chemiosmotic theory describes how ATP is
generated from ADP. All of the following statements
conform to the principles of the theory EXCEPT:
a. H+ accumulate in the area between the
membrane of the cristae and the outer
membrane of the mitochondrion.
b. A pH gradient is created across the cristae
c. A voltage gradient is created across the
cristae membranes.
d. A proton gradient is created across the
cristae membranes.
e. Electrons flowing through the ATP synthase
channel protein provide the energy to
phosphorylate ADP to ATP.
65. All of the following statements about respiration are
true EXCEPT:
a. Some of the products in the breakdown of
proteins enter the Krebs cycle.
b. Some of the products in the breakdown of
lipids enter the Krebs cycle.
c. Anaerobic respiration is probably a more
primitive energy-yielding pathway that is
aerobic respiration.
d. The purpose of oxygen in aerobic respiration
is to donate the electrons that transform
NAD+ + H+ to NADH.
e. Oxygen is required to break down lactate.
66. All of the following processes release CO2 EXCEPT:
a. The Krebs cycle
b. Alcoholic fermentation
c. Oxidative phosphorylation
d. The conversion of pyruvate to ethanol
e. The conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA
67. If a cell has 46 chromosomes at the beginning of
mitosis, then at anaphase there would be a total of
a. 23 chromatids
b. 23 chromosomes
c. 46 chromosomes
d. 46 chromatids
e. 92 chromosomes
68. If a cell has 46 chromosomes at the beginning of
meiosis, then at anaphase I there would be a total of
a. 23 chromatids
b. 23 chromosomes
c. 46 chromosomes
d. 46 chromatids
e. 92 chromosomes
69. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT:
a. Spindle fibers are composed largely of
b. Centrioles consist of nine triplets of
microtubules arranged in a circle.
c. All eukaryotic cells have centrioles.
d. All eukaryotic cells have a spindle
e. Many of the microtubules in a spindle
apparatus attach to kinetochores to chromosomes.
Questions 70 – 73 refer to a mitotically dividing cell and
to the lettered answer choices below. Each answer may be
used once, more than once, or not at all.
70. Cytokinesis begins.
71. Chromosomes begin migrating to opposite poles.
72. MTOCs migrate to opposite poles.
73. Chromosomes replicate.
Questions 74 – 75 refer to the following figures. Figure
(A) represents a normal diploid cell with 2n = 8.
74. A zygote.
75. A gamete.
76. Crossing over occurs during
a. Prophase of mitosis
b. Prophase I of meiosis
c. Prophase II of meiosis
d. Prophase I and II of meiosis
e. Prophase of mitosis and prophase I of
77. In typical cell divisions by mitosis and meiosis, all of
the following contribute to genetic variation
a. Anaphase of mitosis
b. Anaphase of meiosis I
c. Fertilization
d. Crossing over
e. Random union of egg and sperm
Questions 78 – 82 refer to the cell illustrations below. The
normal diploid number for the cells illustrated is four
chromosomes. Each answer may be used once, more than
once, or not at all.
Anaphase II
Telophase II
Metaphase II
Metaphase of mitosis
Metaphase I
83. If you roll a pair of dice, what is the probability that
they will both turn up a three?
a. 1/2
b. 1/4
c. 1/8
d. 1/16
e. 1/36
84. Which of the following best expresses the concept of
the word “allele”?
a. Genes for wrinkled and yellow
b. Genes for wrinkled and round
c. The expression of a gene
d. Phenotypes
e. Mutations
85. Some people are able to roll their tongues into a Ushape. The ability to do this is inherited as an
autosomal dominant allele. What is the probability
that children descendent from parents both
heterozygous for this trait will be able to form a Ushape with their tongues?
a. 0
b. ¼
c. ½
d. ¾
e. 1
86. In fruit flies, dumpy wings are shorter and broader
than normal wings. The allele for normal wings (D)
is dominant to the allele for dumpy wings (d). Two
normal-winged flies were mated and produced 300
normal-winged and 100 dumpy-winged flies. The
parents were probably
a. DD and DD
b. DD and Dd
c. Dd and Dd
d. Dd and dd
e. dd and dd
87. Which of the following is true of the gametes
produced by an individual with genotype Dd?
a. ½ D and ½ D
b. ½ D and ½ d
c. ½ Dd and ½ dD
d. All Dd
e. All d
88. Suppose that in sheep, a dominant allele (B) produces
black hair and a recessive allele (b) produces white
hair. If you saw a black sheep, you would be able to
a. Its phenotype for hair color
b. Its genotype for hair color
c. The genotypes for only one of its parents
d. The genotypes for both of its parents
e. The phenotypes for both of its parents
For questions 89-91, use the following key. Each answer in
the key may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
In fruit flies, the gene for curved wings (c) and the gene for
spineless bristles (s) are on different chromosomes. The
respective wild-type alleles for each of these genes produce
normal wings and normal bristles.
89. From the cross CCSS x ccss, what is the probability
of having an offspring that is CcSs?
90. From the cross CcSs x CcSs, what is the probability
of having an offspring that is ccss?
91. From the cross CcSs x CcSs, what is the probability
of having an offspring that is normal for both traits?
Questions 92 – 93
In snapdragons, the allele of tall plants (T) is dominant to the
allele for dwarf plants (t), and the allele for red flowers (R) is
codominant with the allele for white flowers (R’). The
heterozygous condition for flower color is pink (RR’).
92. If a dwarf red snapdragon is crossed with a white
snapdragon homozygous for tall, what are the
probable genotypes and phenotypes of the F1
a. All TtRR’ (tall and pink)
b. All TtRR (tall and red)
c. All TtR’R’ (tall and white)
d. All ttRR (dwarf and red)
e. All ttR’R’ (dwarf and white)
93. If ttRR’ is crossed with TtRR, what would be the
probable frequency for offspring that are dwarf and
a. 0
b. ¼
c. ½
d. ¾
e. 1
94. The inheritance of skin color in humans is an
example of which of the following?
a. Pleiotropy
b. Codominance
c. Epistasis
d. Polygenic inheritance
e. Gene linkage
95. Red-headed people frequently have freckles. This is
best explained by which of the following?
a. The genes for these two traits are linked on
the same chromosome.
b. The genes for these two traits are sex-linked.
c. Nondisjunction occurs frequently with
chromosomes bearing these traits.
d. Alleles for these two traits are codominant.
e. Both parents have red hair and freckles.
96. Let A and a represent two alleles for one gene and B
and b represent two alleles for a second gene. If for a
particular individual, A and B were on one
chromosome and a and b were on a second
chromosome, then all of the following are true
a. The two genes are linked.
b. The two chromosomes are homologous.
c. All gametes would be either AB or ab.
d. The genotype of this individual is AaBb.
e. An offspring of this individual could have
the genotype AABB.
97. Four genes, J, K, L, and M, reside on the same
chromosome. Given that the crossover frequency
between K and J is 3, between K and L is 8, between
J and M is 12, and between L and M is 7, what is the
order of the genes on the chromosome?
a. J K L M
b. J K M L
c. K J L M
d. K J M L
e. K L J M
Questions 98 – 100 refer to the following pedigree. Circles
indicate females, and squares indicate males. A horizontal line
connecting a male and female indicate that these two
individuals produced offspring. Offspring are indicated by a
descending vertical line that branches to the offspring. A filled
circle or filled square indicates that the individual has a
particular trait, in this case, red-green color blindness. Color
blindness is inherited as a sex-linked, recessive allele.
For questions 98 – 100, use the following key. Each answer
may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
B. XN Xn
C. Xn Xn
E. Xn Y
98. Identify the genotype for individual 10.
99. Identify the genotype for individual 5.
100. Identify the genotype for individual 14.