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BIOL241- Guide to Labs 17-22 (with brief notes on Labs 18B, 19, 22)
Lab 17- Histology of Nervous Tissue
Multipolar neurons: (scroll to way bottom of
left side, and click on Multipolar neurons, 200x or 1000x).
Multipolar Neuron:
e_Histology/neuron_PC231450.JPG (unlabeled)
Same image, labeled:
this is a link to a spinal cord slide. Not to be confusing, you are not to draw the
whole spinal cord at this time (yet), but if you click on the small boxes inside of
the cord, you will get a good look at individual neurons (your task). I recommend
the box on the far left or farthest right (of the three boxes).
Here is another link, that has neurons and a nerve in cross section (this is the link
from the Lab 17handout).
Nerve in cross section/transverse section:
Before you look at this histology, PLEASE refer to the cartoon on page 264 of
your lab book to help familiarize yourself with the anatomy of a nerve. Also use
the figure 17.8 in lab book to help you understand what you are seeing
Nerve in cross section: (be sure to click on tiny black box,
in upper left corner) to see this image:
Myeinated axons:
Scroll to bottom of left bar, choose myelinated axons.
Tips for Lab 18B (computer simulation), please refer to tips I posted specifically
for this lab. You can find those tips in the “Lab Handout” folder.
Tips for Lab 19Please note that Lab 19, Activities 1 and 2, are an exploration of the external and
internal brain structures, USING MODELS and DIAGRAMS! Please familiarize
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BIOL241- Guide to Labs 17-22 (with brief notes on Labs 18B, 19, 22)
yourself with the brain models in our lab classroom (also available in the tutor
lab). You can also complete Activities 1 and 2 using online sources (any website
with a labeled brain!)
Activity 3 is to learn the anatomy of the 12 cranial nerves, which can be studied
from models or links.
The MAJOR part of Lab 19 is the SHEEP BRAIN DISSECTION. Detailed info for
this can be found in the Lab 19 handout.
Tips for Lab 21- Anatomy of the Spinal Cord
We will be completing Activity 1 and 2 (more or less) and also looking at a fresh,
cow spinal cord in class. Also, although there isn’t a good laboratory ‘activity’ for
it, you are supposed to also be learning about the autonomic nervous system
branches (sympathetic and parasympathetic).
For activity 1, the major goal is to look at and as sketch the spinal cord. You
should sketch from a PREPARED slide, not from fresh tissue.
Here is a decent link to get started. Refer to the Lab 21 Lab handout for what to
label, etc.
In fact, the above site is good for reviewing all Neuro slides!
Lab 22
The goal of this lab is to test out your lab partner’s Patellar reflex, and in doing
so, to help you understand a reflex arc. Be sure you can sketch/label/understand
all parts of a reflex arc!
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