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Exam#1: Thursday, Feb 11. Over selected sections of Chap 9, 10, 15, 16 18 and 20..
Structure of the exam. The exam is in 2 sections. Section #1 is to be taken during class time
on Thursday and will be closed books and closed note. This section is worth approx. 70 points.
The Section #2 will be a take home portion that will be due Tuesday Feb 16 at the beginning of
class. For this section you may of course use your text/notes to answer the questions.
Be able to define these classes of enzymes. Phosphatase, Phosphorylase, Kinase and Glycogen
Synthase. From chap 20: dehydrogenase, reductase, Lipases.
There could also be questions pertaining to Case study 23, 25 and exercise #1 and #2. Also,
Know how to draw Pyruvate.
Chapter 18 –Know the basic structure of the mitochondria—what locations do glycolysis, citric
acid cycle, electron transport of oxidative phosphorylation take place (cytosol, intermembrane
space, matrix). Basic idea of electrons being passes from complex I complex IV. You do not
have to memorized structures but pattern of oxidation reduction. Understand idea of the proton
gradient/ATP synthase and how it’s responsible in ATP generation.
Chapter 15 Pentose Phosphate Pathway (15.6) What is the ‘energy product’ produced from this
pathway. What is the potential use of ribose-5-phosphate in this pathway? What is the fate of
the final products of this pathway? Anaerobic Fate for Pyruvate (15.3). What happens in Muscle
when there is no oxygen?
Chapter 16 Glycogen (sections 16.1-16.4) know structure of glycogen and biological purpose,
type of glycosidic link, reducing vs non reducing ends. Know the pathway of buildup and
breakdown. Role of the enzymes phosphorlase and synthase. Role of ‘oxonium ion and how it
reacts in both breakdown and buildup of glycogen. Understand the enzyme cascade (pg 530-537)
and how allosteric and covalent modification control can determine the rate of buildup and break
down of glycogen. What effect does Glucagon and insulin have on this process (pg 536-537 and
fig 16-14)? What is the role of cAMP? From chap 16 you could work on problems 2, 3, 6, 11,
Gluconeogenesis pg 548-544. What is the biological purpose of this process? Know which
steps are the same,(reversible) and not the same (substrate cycles) as glycolysis—what will
determine when it will be a a substrate cycle. What is the key control step involving F2,6P as an
allosteric activator/inhibitor (pg 543). Why is this called a ‘Futile cycle’. What are the
precursors for gluconeogenesis?
Study the overview of glucose metabolism shown on fig 16-1 pg 518.
Lipids (chap 9, 10 and 20.) Know the definition of lipids; type of lipid and their general
structure and general purpose (functions).
From Chap 9 know and be able to identify the structures of triacylglycerides, fatty acids,
glycerolphospholipides, Terpenes , Bile acids (pg 658) and the basic steroid ring structure (pg
249-250). Also know their general biological purpose. What is the mechanism of action of
Know mechanism for Vit D synthesis (pg 251) and what Vit D is used for biologically?
Know the basic form of a lipid bilayer—What factors determine its fluid properties and it
permeability (pg 255-257). Location of transmembrane proteins (pg 259).
For chap 9 problems 1-3, 15 and 17 are worth doing.
Chap 10 Membrane transport. Definitions of Mediated, Non-Mediated transport,
active/passive transport, carrier ionophores, channel forming ionophores, gated ion channels and
GLUT transporters. How does Valinomycin transport K+ ions? Basic idea of how the active
transport Na-K-ATPase system functions.
Problems in Chap 10 to work on: 5, 7, 10, 11,
Metabolism of lipids (chap 20) Know the summary of lipid metabolism (see fig 20-30 pg 691):
-For FA biosynthesis understand the two carbons process; The role of the enzyme ACC. How
Malonyl-Co forms the reactive ‘enolate’ and how it reacts to build a carbon chain (know the
mechanism for this).
-For Beta oxidation (pg 667-669) recognize which steps produce energy molecules, for the
Thiolase reaction know the mechanism (pg 669)
-Understand cholesterol synthesis (pg 679, 700-704) starting from AcCoA to IPP to Squalene
What is the key enzymatic control point. What is the mechanism of the ‘statin’ class of drugs (pg
Transport of lipid as lipoproteins (pg 660-662). Structure of lipoproteins (fig 20-5)
Ketone Bodies—basic forms and what they are used for.
In general, know the processes/pathways of: Glycogen build-up/breakdown, , Glycolysis,
Gluconeogenesis, Fatty Acid biosynthesis and B-oxidation, Cholesterol/terpene synthesis and
Triacyl glyceride breakdown. It’s not to memorize each step but to recognize type of reactions
that are occurring (oxidation, reduction, decarboxylateion, ATP forming etc.), class of enzyme
used and if energy is being produced or spent for a given process/pathway. Also know the effect
of the hormones glucagon and insulin in regards to which processes they activate/deactivate.
Chap 20 problems: 1-3, 6, 9, 11 21, 27, 29, 32