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Rome - Chapter 10 packet
Roman Word Catcher
Use this word catcher to keep all the words you learn that pertain to Rome:
*NYS Common Core
Chapter 10.1 (p. 294-295) - Geography
Read p. 294-295. Take notes on the following and complete the activities below:
1. Physical Features:
2. Climate:
3. Map: Label the seas and mountains. Highlight Rome.
4. Fill in Word Catcher.
Chapter 10.1 (p. 296-297) - Rome’s Origin
Read p. 296-297. Answer the following questions:
1. What role did Aeneas play in the founding of Rome?
2. Summarize the legend of Romulus and Remus.
Chapter 10.1 (p. 297-299) - Government and People
Read p. 297-299. Fill in the notes as you read and answer the questions below:
Started with ____ kings
The last king ___________ a lot of people and Rome was tired of kings.
They started a new government called the _________________________.
 It was not a democracy.
 Each _____________, people elected a new ruler.
During difficult wars, Romans chose ____________________, who were rulers who had
absolute power
 Dictators were only in power _____ months so they couldn’t abuse their power.
Rulers and politicians were almost always rich people called ____________________.
____________________ formed their own council, so the government started to change.
Divided into 2 groups
 _____________________- common people
 _____________________- powerful, rich people
__________________________- famous dictator who won a war and then quit and went
back to farming
 __________________________ was named after him.
 Stayed in power less than ________ months
Fill in Word Catcher.
Chapter 10.2 (p.302-305) - Government and People (continued)
Structure of Government under the Republic
2 Consuls
Head of Government
Senate (300 Members)
1 year term
Life term
1 year term
Consuls chose the Senators
Elected the 2 Consuls
Ran the government, overseeing the
work of other government officials.
Advised the consuls. Advised the
Directed (commanded) the army
Directed spending, including tax
Acted as judges
Approved or disapproved laws made by
the Assembly
Voted on laws
suggested by gov’t
In an emergency, consuls could
choose a dictator as a single ruler to
make quick decisions.
Made decisions concerning
relationships with foreign powers
Declared war or peace
Both consuls had to agree on
decisions. Each had the power to veto.
Elected gov’t officials
including judges.
Daily Life of Patricians
The patricians were the upper class of ancient Rome. They made up only 10 percent of the
population, but they were the most powerful people in Rome. Patricians owned much land and
belonged to the oldest families in the city.
Rome was a male-dominated society. The father was the head of the family and was called
the pater familias. A typical day for a male patrician would involve business in the morning; the
public baths in the later morning for exercise, a massage, and the latest news; and home to his
luxurious villa for the main meal of the day, which started between two and three in the
afternoon and lasted for four hours.
A patrician woman was expected to be efficient and dignified. She usually had little
schooling and was in charge of the servants. Her days were spent with the servants dressing her
and arranging her elaborate hairstyle; preparing the day’s menu and shopping list for the slaves;
overseeing the children; and performing as a gracious hostess for the evening meal.
Both Patrician boys and girls were sent to school to learn to read and write Latin from ages
five to twelve. After that, girls were taught at home to run a household, and boys were taught
literature, history, math, geometry, and astronomy.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the Latin term for Roman father? ______________________________
2. What percentage of the population did the plebeians make up? ____________
3. What did patrician women do? _______________________________________
4. Describe the main meal of a patrician’s day. _____________________________
5. What did the men do at the baths? ____________________________________
6. In paragraph 2, what does luxurious mean? _____________________________
7. In paragraph 3, what does elaborate mean? _____________________________
Daily Life of Plebeians
Ninety percent of the people living in ancient Rome did not belong to the wealthy
patrician class. These were the plebeians, or working class of Rome, as well as soldiers and
Plebeians were workers, farmers, and shopkeepers. They could not hold important
government offices or marry into patrician class. Since they did not own land, they were not
citizens and could not vote in the Senate until tribunes were elected to represent them in
Life for plebeians was not easy. Up at dawn, the entire family ate a meager breakfast
of bread and water and then went to work in the shop or fields. Only the wealthy could
afford to educate their children, so plebeian boys learned a trade from their fathers and girls
learned household skills from their mothers. They worked until mid-afternoon and went
home to a simple meal of wheat porridge with vegetables or fruits.
Plebeians lived in crowded tenements, or apartments, above shops in the city. Entire
families were forced to live in one room, with no privacy or running water. Fire was a
constant danger because so many people lived and cooked their foods in such crowded
Answer the following questions:
1. Where did the plebeians live? ____________________________________
2. Why were plebeians worried about fire? ___________________________
3. What were 4 things plebeians could not do?
a. ___________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________
d. ___________________________________________________
4. Since only the wealthy were educated, how and what did plebeians learn?
5. What were 3 jobs plebeians held?
a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
After watching Mr. Corwin’s YouTube video, Rome Part 3, Roman Republic, answer the
following questions. (8 minute video)
1. What were the 2 social classes in Ancient Rome? How were they different?
2. The Roman Republic was a Tripartite. What does this mean? Explain how it was a
Tripartite. _____________________________________________________________________________
3. Use Rome’s government to explain civic duty and checks and balances. Can you think of
modern examples of these two terms? __________________________________________________
4. What were the 12 tables and why were they important? __________________________________
Fill in Word Catcher.
Chapter 10.2 (p.306-307) - Roman Forum
After reading Chapter 10.2, answer the question below and complete the matching section.
There will be two extra words left when you are done.
What kind of activities took place in the Roman Forum?
____ 1. A government with three parts
A. checks and balances
____ 2. The most powerful elected officials in Rome
B. civic duty
____ 3. Held office for one year to prevent abuses of
power, veto power made them strong
C. consuls
____ 4. A council of wealthy and powerful Romans
who advised the city’s leaders
D. Italian
E. Latin
____ 5. The Roman language
F. Palatine Hill
____ 6. To prohibit actions by other government
G. Capitoline Hill
____ 7. Responsibility to ensure the prosperity
(growth/success) of the city
____ 8. Keeps one part of a government from
becoming too strong
____ 9. Rome’s public meeting place
____ 10. Where Rome’s richest people lived
H. tribunes
I. tripartite
J. veto
K. Senate
L. forum
Chapter 10.3 (p. 308-311) - Rome’s Expansion
After reading p. 308-311, fill in the notes below and answer the questions.
After 400 BC, Rome grew.
__________________ attacked Rome and won. Rome had to give them
__________________ to make them leave the city.
Rome’s neighbors heard what happened and decided to attack Rome, too.
This time Rome didn’t lose.
They won wars because of __________________ (groups of 6,000 soldiers) and
__________________ (groups of 100 soldiers). They could fight in different
groups, large and small, and move around more easily than their enemies.
Every time they won, they took their enemy’s _________________________.
Rome gained territory throughout the ___________________________________.
As Rome grew, other people saw them as a ___________________ to their own power.
Farming and Trade
Once Rome grew, small farms were converted to larger ones run by ________________.
They grew only 1 or 2 kinds of crops.
Owners lived in the ___________________ and let others run their farms.
There was not enough food, so they __________________________________.
They made coins out of ________________________________________ to pay for goods.
Punic Wars
1. Who fought in the Punic Wars? ___________________________________________________
2. What does Punic mean? ___________________________________________________________
3. Why is Hannibal such a famous general? ___________________________________________
4. Why did Hannibal use elephants in his battles? ____________________________________
5. Who won the Punic Wars? ________________________________________________________
Fill in Word Catcher.
Punic wars
Chapter 10.3 (p. 312-313) - Rome’s Expansion (continued)
Read p312-313 and answer the questions below:
1. Who were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus? What did their deaths lead to?
2. Who were Marius and Sulla? What happened between them?
3. Who was Spartacus? What happened after he died?
Fill in Word Catcher.
Chapter 10.3 (p. 313) – Spartacus and Slavery
Read the two articles, Spartacus and Slavery, and answer the questions below.
Spartacus (SPAHR-tuh-kuhs) was born in Thrace, which is located in the northeastern part of Greece. Little is known
about the early life of Spartacus, but he may have been a nomad. Spartacus served in the Roman army, but seems to have
left the army to form a bandit group. Spartacus led the group on raids of their own.
Eventually Spartacus was captured by the Romans. The Romans made him a slave and trained him to become a gladiator.
Roman gladiators were forced to fight to entertain crowds of spectators. Gladiators fought one another or wild animals in
an arena. People of Rome would come to watch the fights.
In 73 BC, Spartacus encouraged other gladiators to revolt against the treatment they received as slaves. This revolt is
known as the Third Servile War. Spartacus and his men fought and defeated the Roman soldiers at the town of Capua in
southern Italy. Spartacus and his army of slaves moved north, destroyed the land as they went, and relocated to Mount
Vesuvius. It was there that Spartacus organized more than 70,000 slaves to fight Rome.
In 72 BC, Spartacus led his army back into southern Italy for revenge and war. His army fought the Roman forces and
defeated them. The slave rebels gained control and took over parts of southern Italy.
In the following year, 71 BC, the rebels divided into two groups. Rome defeated one group in Italy, but the second group
triumphed again over the Romans. This victory lasted only briefly and the Romans finally defeated the last of the rebel
army in Lucania. Spartacus himself died in this battle in 71 BC.
Revolts of the slaves were frequent in the Roman world, in the years from 133 to 72 BC. In the middle of the second
century BC (132 BC) there were many, and in fact, Spartacus’s was the last great one of the slaves.
The turmoil was mainly caused by the great amount of slaves that had been brought to Italy from all over the Mediterranean.
In those years, the Romans had managed to control the slave trade of the Mediterranean, which can be compared to the
Middle East’s control of the oil market today.
The slave trade was flourishing. In the greatest slave market on the island of Delos, 10,000 slaves could be sold in one day.
Patricians and wealthy plebeians bought more and many slaves. Soon, the slaves did all the work, and there was no work
for the poor man.
In Italy, this enormous intake of cheap labor contributed to the disappearance of the Roman small farmer and to the growth
of enormous farming estates owned by the wealthy few. The slaves were mainly owned by big landowners, and small
farmers could not withstand the competition from the slave owners. Slaves were often kept in subhuman conditions on these
huge estates, which were fertile ground for the revolts.
1. What is a gladiator?
2. Why was Spartacus considered a hero?
3. Why did the Romans have so many slaves?
Chapter 10.3 (p. 308-313) – Chapter Section Review
Fill in with the correct term.
1. Former slaves led by ________________________ ultimately defeated the Roman
army and took over much of southern Italy. (Hannibal/Spartacus)
2. To help end unemployment, ________________________ encouraged poor people
to join the army. (Lucius Cornelius Sulla/Gaius Marius)
3. Roman soldiers were organized in ________________________, which were groups
of up to 6,000 soldiers. (Punic Wars/legions)
4. ________________________ led an army through Spain and across the Alps toward
the city of Rome; however, he was never able to capture Rome itself.
(Hannibal/Lucius Cornelius Sulla)
5. Marius and ________________________ were engaged in a civil war in which
________________________ won and named himself dictator. (Spartacus/Lucius
Cornelius Sulla)
6. The fiercest of the wars Rome fought were the _____________________. (Punic