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Italian Peninsula
100 Miles Wide
700 Miles Long
It looks like a highheeled boot with
toe aimed at Sicily.
arable land
Land that can be used to
grow crops.
extinct volcano no longer active
forum A public place where
people could meet
and exchange
ideas and goods.
Po Valleylow land
the Alps
and the
Adriatic Sea
Rangeruns from
the north
to the
of Italy
Mediterranean Sea
The Italian peninsula has some valleys
and plains.
Most of them are at higher elevations.
The land is less rugged than Greece, so
travel by land was much easier.
Travel by sea was more difficult because
Italy had few good harbors.
This made trade with others living on the
peninsula easier than trading with outsiders.
There was much more arable land in Ancient Rome
than in Greece.
The fertile land and mild climate were ideal for farming.
The Ancient Romans didn’t need to import as much, so
extensive trade wasn’t necessary.
Rivers carried mineral rich silt that created good
Volcanic ash made the soil rich. (Most of the volcanoes
are now extinct.)
Around 1000 B.C. (Latins) began migrating
to the Italian Peninsula.
They settled south of the Tiber River where
they raised crops and herded sheep, goats,
and cattle.
Farmers and herders founded Rome in the
8th century B.C. on a hill overlooking the Tiber
River. The village grew into the city of Rome.
The legend of Romulus and Remus is a story
told to explain how Rome began.
 Good soil
 Supplies of wood and stone nearby for building
 7 hills helped in defending the city
 Level ground near the river area for the forum
 Inland location – protected from pirates
 Sea – 15 miles away – close to sources of
fish and salt
 River route to the sea – trade with other civilizations
 Located in the center of the peninsula – ideal for
communication and trade with the rest of Italy
Around 600 B.C. the Etruscans, people
from the northern part of Italy, took
control of Rome. They had traded with
the Greeks, and they brought many of the
Greek ideas and customs with them. After
100 years of Etruscan rule, the Romans
rebelled. The old monarchy ended and the
republic was formed.
A nation in which political power lies
with the citizens who elect leaders and
Either of the two main elected officials
of the Roman Republic.
A ruler who has absolute power.
In ancient Rome, the supreme council of
the Republic and later of the empire.
A member of the small class of
wealthy citizens in ancient Rome.
A member of the large class of
ordinary citizens in ancient Rome.
From the Latin word plebs – “the
An official elected by the plebeian
to stop an action – from the Latin word
meaning “I forbid”
Wealthy Romans started the republic.
Wealthy freemen formed the assembly.
Wealthy Romans were elected to represent
the citizens of Rome.
Most of the population –
A small number of
wealthy Roman families artisans, shopkeepers,
that held all governmental peasants, etc. A few
were wealthy, most were
Class was determined by birth. Wealthy plebeians
could not become patricians. Both classes had the
right to vote, but only patricians could hold
political, religious, or military offices. Plebeians
had to serve in the army and pay taxes.
Each year two consuls were elected by the senate.
They were the chief officials. Two were elected
so that no one person could have all the power.
Consuls led the army and were judges. They
had the same power as early kings, but they could
only serve for one year and they could veto each
other’s actions.
During an emergency the consuls could appoint a
dictator to lead for 6 months. Even the two
consuls had to obey the dictator.
The consuls were advised by the senate.
The 300 senators were elected for life. They
controlled the treasury and foreign policy.
Senators had to be patricians (descendents of
early Roman citizens), and most were
members of wealthy families.
The Republic of Rome was not a democracy
because not every citizen had the same power.
Slaves had NO rights.
In 494 B.C. the plebeians withdrew from Rome
and formed their own assembly. The council of
plebeians elected officials called tribunes.
The patricians realized that the economy of
Rome would suffer without the plebeians. They
agreed to let the tribunes attend meetings and
veto laws they didn’t like.
Plebeians protested unwritten laws
because only the patrician leaders
knew exactly what they were.
The Roman government began recording laws
on clay tablets. The “Twelve Tables” were
posted in Rome’s Forum.
Many plebeians couldn’t read the
laws, but the laws were no longer
Plebeians eventually gained equal
 Were elected to protect plebeians
 Held office for one year
 Could be re-elected
 Could defend citizens against unfair
acts by magistrates or judges
 Could initiate laws
 Could veto measures made by the
By 367 B.C. the government had become more
democratic, and by 287 B.C. complete equality
had been reached.
Two consuls – One patrician & One plebeian
300 Senators
and plebeians
Family wealth determined social class.
Upper Class –
Wealthy held jobs as government
Many lived in large homes.
Their needs were taken care of by
Some owned 500 or more slaves.
Lower Classes ranged form the fairly
wealthy to the very poor.
They held jobs such as: Soldiers
Most lived in
dwellings. Some
families lived in one
Slaves were at the bottom of society.
 They were not counted as citizens.
 They were not well protected by laws.
 Many were freed when their owners’ died.
 Some were given a chance to buy their
 Living conditions depended on the owner.
In all classes the men ruled the households.
Women helped make decisions and gave advice
to their husbands.
Women could own property!
Women could take NO part in government.
By 500 B.C. the Romans had extended their
power to most of the Italian peninsula.
By 272 B.C. all of the peninsula was under
Roman control and a rivalry developed
between Rome and Carthage (a city-state in
northern Africa founded by the Phoenicians)
over who would control sea trade in the
western Mediterranean.
Rome and Carthage fought three
wars between
264 B.C. and 146 B.C.
1st War – Rome Won
2nd War – Rome was threatened when
Hannibal and his army (some on
elephants) marched on the city
of Rome.
Roman general, Scipio, attacked
land in Northern Africa.
Hannibal was forced to return to Africa to defend
Carthage’s lands. Carthage gave up in 202 B.C.
After the 3rd Punic War in 146 B.C., Carthage
was left in ruins and many of the Carthaginians
were sold into slavery.
Greece, Macedonia, and parts of southwest Asia
were also under Roman control.
The Roman Republic was divided into provinces
and a governor was appointed to rule each one.
The people of the new provinces had to pay taxes
to Rome and some were taken into slavery.
 The rich became richer.
 The poor lost jobs and land because their
work was turned over to the slaves.
 Conflict between rich and poor led to civil
 After 50 years of conflict, Lucius Sulla
became dictator for 3 years.
In 79 B.C., Sulla retired and the government
returned to consuls.
In 59 B.C., Julius Caesar was elected as consul.
 He wanted to rule all Roman Lands.
 He formed an army and captured Gaul (France).
 He became the governor of Gaul and watched
Rome closely.
 In 49 B.C. he returned to Rome
and a civil war began.
 After three years of war, Caesar
was appointed
dictator for 10 years.
Julius Caesar -Strong leader
-improved lives
-made laws to help the poor
-created new jobs
-gave citizenship to more people
In 44 B.C., Caesar was appointed dictator for
life. The Roman Republic was then a
dictatorship, and senators feared he would
make himself the king. Caesar was stabbed to
death on the way to the senate on March 15th
(the Ides of March). Another civil war began.
Caesar’s grand-nephew, Octavian, became
dictator in 27 B.C. He changed his name to
Augustus, meaning “respected one.”
was the first true
emperor of Rome.
Under the leadership of Augustus, the following
things were accomplished:
• laws were passed giving citizens more rights
• Romans were the first people to take a census
(a count of the country’s people)
• A professional army, divided into large groups
called legions, was established
• Roads were built
• New government buildings
(basilicas), temples,
libraries,and public
baths were built.
Accomplishments continued • The aqueduct system (a system to carry
water from place to place) was
You can see the
influence the Greek
culture had on our
• The arts and literature developed.
• The Roman language Latin was used in
government and education.
Augustus was the religious leader in Rome.
Many gods (many based on the
Greek gods)
were worshiped.
Roman law punished those who
discouraged the worship of Roman gods
Eventually emperors were worshipped as gods.
Rome controlled the land of Judea. Jews were
allowed to follow their religion, but were often
The birth of Jesus affected the whole
Roman Empire.
Born in Bethlehem
Grew up in Nazareth
Later taught –
to turn from sin
belief in one God
Performed miracles
Jesus – the Messiah (one who is sent by God to
save the world.
Disciples – followers of Jesus
Roman Leaders became concerned
as more people began to follow Jesus.
The Roman governor, Pontius Pilate,
ordered that Jesus be put to death
by crucifixion (30 A.D.)
The teachings of Jesus spread and were called
Christianity. The Apostles – followers of Jesus –
spread the word.
Christians were persecuted, and Romans often
ordered their deaths. Many Christians became
martyrs who would die willingly for their beliefs.
Persecution of the Christians stopped around
Constantine became the new emperor after
he received a “message from God.” He won
the battle against another Roman general and
took over the leadership of Rome.
Constantine issued the Edict of Milan in
A.D. 313, making Christianity an accepted
Christianity became the official religion of the
Roman Empire in A.D. 392. Emperor
Theodosius was in power.
Writing by Christians, like Paul,
were saved and shared with others.
The gospels told of Jesus’ birth, life, death, and
The Old Testament – Books of the Bible
before Jesus.
The New Testament – Books of the Bible
about Jesus and His
Christianity in Rome eventually became the
Roman Catholic Church headed by the Pope.
There are many other Christian churches
in the world today with over
2 billion believers.
Trouble in the Roman Empire
Barbarians – outsiders - began to attack the
Empire’s borders.
•Germanic tribes from the north
• Persians from the east
•African people, called Berbers, from the south
Rulers in Rome were unable to govern effectively.
Tyrants seized control.
Citizens lost respect for the government.
The economy began to suffer.
Trade declined and money lost value.
The price of food rose.
Diocletian came to power
in 284 A.D.
He divided the leadership of the
He led the east. His trusted friend
led the west.
Constantine, another leader,
made Christianity an accepted
religion and helped keep the Empire
He also focused on the eastern part
of the Empire.
Constantine moved the capital of the Empire to
Byzantium – renamed the city Constantinople.
In 395 A.D., the Empire officially split.
East grew – West declined
Division of the Empire
Late 300’s and 400’s A.D –
•They needed land to escape the Huns.
• The Vandals, a tribe, attacked Rome in
406 A.D.
• Germanic tribes invaded again.
•They took items and destroyed monuments.
Today, the word vandal means – someone who
purposely destroys another’s property.
By 500 A.D., the Roman Empire had broken into
several kingdoms.
The End