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 Materials: PowerPoint, handout with questions
 HW 9: questions 4, 5 and 7 pg 131
 Vocabulary: Myth, republic, patrician, consul, dictator,
plebeian, tribune, veto, legion, forum, senate.
 Essential Question: Answer the following questions
based on the “Romulus and Remus” slides.
The Mythical Founding of
Romulus & Remus
Task 1: How does the myth of Romulus and Remus
reveal early Roman origins?
Define myth and write a summary of the slide show.
What does the myth of Romulus and Remus reveal
about early Romans?
What questions does the myth attempt to answer?
What questions do you still have?
Task 2: How was Rome organized?
a.- Peoples: Latins, Greeks and Etruscans.
 509 BC Romans expelled Etruscans and establish a
b.- Structure of the Republic.
 Twelve Tables.
 Senate (300 patricians)
 2 consuls
 1 dictator in times of war only
 Plebeians
 Tribunes
 Veto power
 Closure: Explain how was Rome organized?