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The Story of the World
20328 이성현
About seven thousand years ago, people moved from place to place and
lived in a tent. These people were called nomads. They wandered to find a spot
to settle. They had to move often when they ate all the fruits. Some of the
nomads settled around in an area near the Euphrates River and Tigris River called
The Fertile Crescent. They found out that they could raise grain by planting the
seeds in the ground. People started to form villages. Some villages became rich.
They constructed stone walls to prevent bandits from stealing their money. These
are called cities. During that time, a man called Sargon became the king in one
city. He attacked other cities and ruled them by force. Because he ruled so
forceful, his empire lasted only several years.
While cities were being formed in The Fertile Crescent, there were two
counties fighting in Egypt. One was Upper Egypt and another was Lower Egypt.
They fought because both wanted to rule the whole of Egypt. Finally, the king of
Upper Egypt won the war. So, he was called the Pharaoh. Egyptians believed in
the afterlife. Pharaohs had grand afterlife palaces called Pyramids built for their
next journey. People believed that they had to preserve their bodies to have a
happy afterlife. Because of this belief, the Egyptians developed mummification so
that bodies could be preserved.
Egypt also had the first letters called hieroglyphics. The pictures stood for
certain words. First, they wrote it in stone. However, Mesopotamia, the place
between the Euphrates and Tigris, used Cuneiform as letters. They wrote in clay. It
was lighter than stone but still heavy. Several hundred years later in Egypt, people
started to produced paper and ink. This paper, made out of Nile River reeds, is
called papyrus.
Around 1792 BC, a king named Hammurabi became the king of Babylon.
In that time, Babylon was a small country. Then, Hammurabi started to conquer
small cities around Babylon. His empire got larger. He wanted his people ruled by
laws. He carved his laws in a stone called the Code of Hammurabi. Because of his
ruling methods, Babylon became one of the strongest countries in that area.
Thousand years ago, two boys named, Romulus and Remus were
discovered by a shepherd. Romulus and Remus were raised by a wolf. When they
were discovered, Romulus built a city called Rome and became a king. Remus was
angry and climbed the wall surrounding the city. Because of Remus’s behavior,
Romulus killed Remus. Rome became stronger and stronger and finally, Rome
conquered Italy peninsula. Rome also wanted to control the sea. However, there
was Carthage, another strong country which had strong navy. Several years later,
a broken Carthage ship came to Rome’s shore. Romans copied the ship and
finally got a navy, too. However, Hannibal, Carthage general, attacked Rome with
his elephants. Before Hannibal reached the capital, Rome’s army attacked
Carthage and Carthage collapsed.
Several hundred years later, Roman Empire was split into two
countries because northern tribes kept invading Rome. Because of northern tribes’
invasion, West Rome collapsed. However, Eastern Roman lasted longer.
I liked this book because I like history. I really want to change the
history little bit if I had a time machine. If I was Hannibal, I would attack and
march my troops toward Rome and conquer the Roman Empire. Then Cartage
could be the strongest empire in the world.