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Ancient Rome Timeline
1000 BC The first known settlers of Ancient Rome lived on Palatine Hill.
753 BC The city of Rome was founded according to Roman legend.
600 BC Rome and other nearby towns came under the control of the Etruscans.
509 BC The Roman Republic was established after the Etruscans were driven out.
493 BC Rome entered an alliance with the Latin League. The League was called Latium.
450 BC The Romans established their first known written law called the Law of the
Twelve Tables.
396 BC Rome had become the largest city in Latium.
390 BC Rome defeated the Gauls. They invaded Italy from the north and burned Rome.
300s BC The Romans came in contact with Greek ideas. They began to worship Greek
gods and goddesses, but they gave them Roman names.
300s BC Rome won victories over the Etruscans
338 BC Rome disbanded the Latin League.
290 BC Rome conquered the Samnites, a neighboring people.
275 BC Rome controlled most of the Italian Peninsula.
264-241 BC Rome fought with Carthage for control of the Mediterranean Sea in the First
Punic War.
218-201 BC The Second Punic War took place between Rome and Carthage. Carthage
was led by Hannibal, who led his army over the Alps into Italy. Hannibal won several
key battles, but Roman manpower eventually wore him down.
202 BC Hannibal was defeated.
149-146 BC The Third Punic War was fought. Rome destroyed Carthage. These victories
brought Africa and Spain under Roman control.
140s BC Rome took control of Greece and Macedonia.
133 BC King Attalus II of Pergamum left his kingdom to Rome upon his death. His
kingdom consisted of part of Turkey.
133 BC Tiberius Gracchus and his brother, Gaius Gracchus tried to help the poor by
establishing a state run program which would distribute state owned land to the poor. The
Senate would not approve the plan.
123 BC The Gracchus brothers tired again to get their program approved, however, they
were both assassinated.
107 BC Previous to this time to be in the army a soldier had to own property. During this
year the property requirement was abolished opening the army to volunteers.
82 BC Lucius Sulla, a Roman general, became the dictator.
79 BC Sulla retired.
60s BC Rome conquered eastern Asia Minor, Syria, and Judea under the direction of
general Pompey.
60 BC The First Triumvirate was established. It was a three-man political alliance
between Pompey, Marcus Crassus, and Julius Caesar.
58-51 BC Julius Caesar conquered Gaul, present day France. The Senate feared his
power so they ordered him to give up his command.
49 BC Julius Caesar invaded Italy causing a civil war to erupt.
45 BC Julius Caesar became the sole ruler of the Roman Empire after defeating Pompey.
44 BC Julius Caesar was assassinated by a group of Senators who hoped to restore the
Roman Republic.
44 BC Civil war again broke out
43 BC Julius Caesar's adopted son, Octavian formed the Second Triumvirate with Mark
Antony and Marcus Lepidus. Octavian and Antony soon defeated the enemies of Julius
Caesar and pushed Lepidus aside. The Octavian and Antony fought for control of Rome.
Antony sought the help of Cleopatra, queen of Egypt. The two fell in love.
31 BC In the Battle of Actium, Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra.
30 BC Rome conquered Egypt.
27 BC The Roman Republic was replaced by the Roman Empire. Octavian became the
first ruler. He took the name Augustus. With the rule of Augustus began the time know as
Pax Romana (Roman Peace). It lasted for about 200 years.
20 BC By this year approximately 300,000 men served in the Roman Army.
14 AD Augustus died. His Sone, Tiberius became the new emperor .
30 AD Jesus Christ was crucified by the Romans for treason. However, his followers
began to spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire.
43 AD Emperor Claudius invaded Britain
68 AD The Flavian family began its rule of the empire.
79 AD Mount Vesuvius erupted completely covering the city of Pompeii.
96 AD The Antoinens family began its rule of the empire.
106 AD Emperor Trajan seized Dacia (no part of Hungary and Romania).
161 AD Marcus Aurelius became the emperor. He defended the empire from attacks by
Germanic tribes
192 AD After Emperor Commodus died many emperors seized power by force and many
rivals fought for the throne.
200s AD The Goths, a Germanic tribe, invaded the Roman Empire on numerous
occasions. During this time the Persians overran Syria and Mesopotamia.
235-284 AD During this time period 60 men were proclaimed emperor.
200s AD Christians in the Roman Empire were persecuted.
284 AD Diocletian, a Roman general was proclaimed the emperor by his troops. He
divided the empire into smaller units. Each unit had its own army and government. He
also made Maximian a co-emperor with him. Diocletian ruled the east and Maximian
ruled the west.
303 AD Diocletian forbade Christian worship.
306 AD Constantine I became the emperor of the western provinces
312 AD Constantine had a vision that he would defeat his major rival if he fought under
the sign of the cross. So Constantine followed his vision and was victorious.
313 AD Constantine and Licinius, the emperor in the East granted freedom of worship to
the Christians.
324 AD Constantine defeated Licinius and took over complete control of the empire.
330 AD Constantine moved his capitol to Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople.
337 AD Constantine died. He converted to Christianity on his death bed. His three sons
and two nephews fought for the title of emperor.
361 AD Julian became the emperor. He tried to stop the spread of Christianity.
Late 300s AD Christianity became the official religion of the empire.
395 AD After Emperor Theodosius I died the West Roman Empire and the East Roman
Empire split permanently. The East Roman Empire became know as the Byzantine
Early 400s AD Germanic tribes invaded Spain, Gaul (now France), and northern Africa
410 AD The Visigoths, a Germanic tribe invaded and looted Rome.
476 AD The Last Roman Emperor was overthrown.
1453 AD The Byzantine Empire fell to the Turks.