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Disease – any condition that prevents the
body from working as it should
As a result the body may fail to maintain
Disease may result from :
Toxic substances
Abnormal cells
Poor nutrition
Organ malfunction
Inherited disorders (genetic)
Risky personal behavior
Pathogens are organisms that invade the
body causing disease
Microbes (microscopic organisms) that are
pathogens include viruses, bacteria, fungi
and other parasites
Immunity is the ability of
the body to resist disease
through the production of
antibodies or specialized
cells which inactivate the
foreign substance
(pathogen, cancer cells
First–Line Defense
Non specific defenses:
Physical Barriers: skin, mucus ,cilia
Chemical Barriers: body secretions like
sweat, tears, saliva and stomach acid
If 1st Line Fails then………
Infection Occurs
Second-Line Defenses
Inflammatory Response - a nonspecific response to
tissue damage from injury or infection
Increased Blood flow- redness, swelling, warmth and
Affected cells release chemicals which attract
Macrophages (WBC’s) destroy bacteria or
pathogens by engulfing them
If pathogen is an virus, then body produces
interferon a protein that “interferes” with virus
Phagocytes and Granulocytes
Phagocytes are large white cells that can
engulf and digest foreign invaders.
They include monocytes, which circulate in
the blood, and macrophages, which are
found in tissues throughout the body, as
well as neutrophils, cells that circulate in
the blood but move into tissues where they
are needed. Macrophages are versatile
cells; they act as scavengers, they secrete a
wide variety of powerful chemicals, and
they play an essential role in activating T
Neutrophils are not only phagocytes but
also granulocytes: they contain granules
filled with potent chemicals. These
chemicals, in addition to destroying
microorganisms, play a key role in acute
inflammatory reactions. Other types of
granulocytes are eosinophils and basophils.
Mast cells are granule-containing cells in
Line Fails then……….
Immune System Takes Over
Third Line Defenses
Immune Response - a specific response that
attacks the disease causing agent
Body produces antibodies which are proteins
that attack the invaders or mark them for
destruction by white blood cells
Immune system cont
Most antibodies and WBC’s that attack
pathogens break down after defending the
Some white blood cells will remain that
“remember “ the pathogens and can
quickly divide and fight off later invasions
of the same microbe
Antigen- any substance that can
cause an immune response
(usually a protein)
Ex- microbes (bacteria, virus),
transplants, transfusions,
pathogen wastes (toxins),
pollen etc.
Antibodies- proteins in the blood that
react with the pathogens and inactivate
foreign substances
Antibodies are produced for specific
(think lock and key!)
Baby is born with
A- Passive Immunity- Person receives antibodies from an
outside source
- Antibodies work quickly and are
- Ex- Mother to baby, Tetanus Shot
B- Active Immunity
Person’s body produces antibodies to a
particular disease by either:
1) getting disease and making
antibodies in response
Ex- Chicken pox
2) Or they receive a vaccine and body makes
antibodies in response
Ex- Polio vaccine, MMR
Slower but are long lasting
A vaccine is made from a weakened or
dead form of a pathogen
It prevents you from getting the disease
by causing the body to produce antibodies
Malfunctions of Immune System
Allergies- sensitivity to certain
antigens which cause body to
produce histamine, which cause
symptoms of runny nose,
itching, swelling, rashes etc
Antihistamines- medication that
reduces effects of histamine
Malfunctions of Immune System
Response- immune
system does not
recognize “self”
antigens and attacks
them as foreign
Ex- Diabetes, Lupus,
rheumatoid arthritis
AIDS – a person’s immune system is
weakened due to the HIV virus
A person with AIDS may die from
infections that a person with a healthy
immune system would easily destroy