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What are your thoughts on New
Year’s Resolutions? Make one
related to school. What do you
need to do in order to reach that
Most learning is associative learning
 Learning that certain events occur together.
Classical Conditioning (Pavlov &
Watson)- association made between
Operant Conditioning (Thorndike &
Skinner)- behavior has consequences
Observational Learning (Bandura)observe model’s behavior and then
repeat that behavior
It all started with:
Ivan Pavlov
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS): a
stimulus that naturally and
automatically triggers a response.
Unconditional Response
(UCR): the naturally
occurring response to the
Conditioned Stimulus (CS): an originally
neutral stimulus (NS) that, after
association with the UCS, comes to
trigger a response.
Response (CR): the
learned response to
the CS.
stimuli similar to the CS to elicit similar
ability to distinguish between a CS and other
stimuli that does not signal UCS.
The diminishing of a conditioned response.
Will eventually happen when the UCS does not
follow the CS.
Is extinction permanent?
The reappearance after a rest period, of an
extinguished conditioned response.
Martin Seligman’s steak with sauce bearnaise
Mrs. Janis’ White Castle Aversion
See if you can identify the UCS, UCR, CS and CR.
John Watson brought Classical Conditioning to
psychology with his Baby Albert experiment.
This type of Classical Conditioning is also known as Aversive Conditioning.
In the article “Pulling a Gag…” explain
the problem faced by the sheepmen.
How was Classical Conditioning used to
solve it? Identify the UCS, UCR, CS, CR.
Do you think their solution will work?