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Chapter 16 Quiz
Social Behavior
Don’t forget to write your answers on a
separate piece of paper to grade when you’re
1. Mr. Moffatt overheard another teacher describe one
of his students as lazy and unmotivated. Though Mr.
Moffatt had not previously noted this tendency, he
began to see exactly what the other teacher had noted.
What might account for this phenomenon?
a) norms
b) deindividuation
c) social loafing
d) self-fulfilling prophecy
2. Some difficult cuts needed to be made in the school
board budget and everyone on the board knew that
there had to be consensus and cooperation. Even
though many members disagreed with certain
proposals, each one met with unanimous support or
defeat. To preserve cooperation, no one offered
conflicting view points. Which of the following
concepts is best described by this example?
a) group polarization
b) fundamental attribution error
c) groupthink
d) role schema
3. A young woman was gunned down at a gas station.
A busload of onlookers saw the entire event and no
one did anything. The bus driver even stepped over
the body to pay for gas. What social psychological
phenomenon best accounts for this behavior?
a) group think
b) altruism
c) social impairment
d) diffusion of responsibility
4. You read in a newspaper that survivors in a plane
accident in the Andes were discovered to have eaten
other survivors during their 32-day ordeal. You will
have committed the fundamental attribution error if
a) attribute the behavior to dispositional
(personal) factors
b) attribute the behavior to situational factors
c) think you would have done the same thing if
you had been there
d) decide never to fly in a plane again
5. Ethnocentrism is the belief that
a) ethnic foods are all good
b) human diversity is a positive force
c) one’s own culture is superior to others
d) cultural pluralism is a destructive goal
that fosters conflict
6. The effect of one confederate selecting a different
line from the others in the Asch conformity test was
a) continuing conformity by the subject to avoid
looking bad to the others
b) the subject asking to voted privately on a
separate piece of paper
c) a boost to the self-efficacy of the subject
d) to release the subject from the conformity
7. Janine has always hated the color orange. However,
once she became a student at Princeton, she began to
wear a lot of orange Princeton Tiger clothing. The
discomfort caused by her long-standing dislike of the
color orange and her current ownership of so much
orange-and-black-striped clothing is known as
a) cognitive dissonance
b) contradictory concepts
c) opposing cognitions
d) inconsistent ideas
8. Of the following, which would be a good example of
a self-serving bias?
a) Carlos, who feels that everyone should strive
to help themselves as well as others
b) Antoine, who says that he has bombed a test
even though he always gets an A
c) Mai, who works harder for teachers who
compliment her on her efforts
d) Betty, who believes that she works harder than
others and is underappreciated
9. _________ is to an unjustified mental attitude
as _________ is to unjustified negative
a) stereotype; discrimination
b) prejudice; discrimination
c) discrimination; prejudice
d) stereotype; prejudice
10. Which of the following is NOT a key
determinant of whether or not two people will
become friends?
a) opposing views on key social issues
b) similarity of interests and social
c) proximity
d) physical attractiveness
11. Social loafing refers to
a) increases in socializing among members
of larger groups
b) the reduction of effort by individuals
when they work in groups
c) the loss of coordination among group
members’ efforts
d) a tendency to blame others for the
group’s poor performance
12. On Monday, Tanya asked her teacher to postpone
Tuesday’s test until Friday. After her teacher flatly
refused, Tanya asked the teacher to push the test back
one day, to Wednesday. Tanya is using the
compliance strategy know as
a) foot-in-the-door
b) norms of reciprocity
c) strategic bargaining
d) door-in-the-face
13. A group that one belongs to and identifies
with is known as
a) a stereotype
b) a social schema
c) an outgroup
d) an ingroup
14. Which of the following is NOT considered
one of the basic elements of the persuasion
a) source
b) receiver
c) channel
d) intensity
15. Marriages arranged by families and other
go-betweens remain common in cultures high
a) individualism
b) collectivism
c) self-perception
d) self-monitoring
Chapter 16 Answer Key
1. D
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. D
9. B
10. A
Essay Question Possibilities!!
One of the following essay questions will
appear on your test, be familiar with all of
Essay Question # 1
How could you explain the matching
hypothesis in terms of operant conditioning?
Essay Question # 2
Evidence suggests that women tend to be more
self-disclosing (telling another person private
information about oneself) than men. Explain
how self-disclosure might help or hinder the
development of interpersonal attraction.
Which theorist(s) investigation love would be
most likely to consider self-disclosure as an
important element in love?
Essay Question # 3
Daryl Bem’s self-perception theory suggests
that behavior determines attitudes. This
counterintuitive notion is reminiscent of the
James-Lange theory of emotion. How are the
two theories similar yet different from each
Essay Question # 4
It’s commonly believed that most political
elections are determined by the public’s
impressions of the candidates rather than the
candidates’ views on the issues. What are
some possible reasons for this irrational voting
behavior? If the public were more
knowledgeable about factors that affect person
perception and attitudes, how might that
knowledge influence voting behavior?
Essay Question # 5
Why do you think so many of the “teachers” in
Milgram’s “shocking” experiment on
obedience administered the highest levels of
shock to their “learners”? In answering this
question you undoubtedly made some sort of
attributions of the teachers’ behavior. Analyze
the attributions you made in terms of what
you’ve learned about attribution theory from
the text.
Good Luck!
Make sure to double check all of your answers
and study them for the upcoming exam.
Remember, AT LEAST FIVE of the questions
from this quiz will make some sort of
appearance on the chapter test along with one
of the essay questions.
Take advantage of this study guide and good
luck on your test!