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BiochemistryCh 11. Carbohydrates (Cont.)
Nov 18, 2002
ABO Blood Groups
Glycosidic Bonds Between Proteins
and Carbohydrates
N-linked Oligosaccharides
N-linked Oligosaccharides
Protein Glycosylation Takes Place in
the Lumen of the Endoplasmic
Reticulum and in th Goligi Complex
Transport Into The Endoplasmic
Golgi Complex as Sorting Center
Formation of a Mannose 6phosphate Marker
 I-cell Disease: deficient in the phosphotransferase.
Quality-control System for The
Protein Folding in the ER
Mass Spectrometric “sequencing” of
Peptide N-glycosidase F
Peptide N-glycosidase F,
neuraminidase F and b1, 4-galatosidase
Binding Selectivities of Plant Lectins
 Lectins are ubiquitous, being found in
animals, plants, and microorganisms.
 The chief of lectins in animals is to facilitate
cell-cell contact.
C-type in Animals
 A calcium ion acts as a bridge between the
protein and sugar through direct interactions
with sugar hydroxyl groups.
Selectins Mediate Cell-cell
 L: lymph-node
 E: endothelium
 P: activated
blood platelets
Structure of A Part of Influenza
 Influenza virus
recognizes sialic acid
residues present on
glycoproteins. The
viral protein that
binds to these sugars
is called
 Another viral protein, neuraminidase,
cleaves the glycosidic bonds to the sialic
acid residues, freeing the virus to infect the
 Inhibitor of this enzyme are showing some
promise as anti-influenza agents.