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Genes and Their
Evolution: Population
Chapter 4
 A population is a group of individuals of the same
species who share a geographic area and usually mate
within the group
 The total genetic variation of that population is the
gene pool
 The number of times different genes or alleles occur is
the frequency
 And evolution is change in allele frequency over
 We only look at reproductive populations of
organisms. This is important because to be called a
species, organisms must be able to mate and have
fertile offspring
 Are these different species?
 Lion and tiger
 Horse and donkey
 Dog and wolf
 When reproductive isolation occurs, this means that
two populations are kept from mating
 If enough time passes, these two groups will become
two different species
 This is allopatric speciation
 Example: two groups of beetles get separated by a
river. Over time, enough differences arise that they
become different species and would not be able to
mate again
Population Genetics
 This is the study of changes in genetic material
 More specifically, the change in allele frequency
 allele= different versions of genes
 Frequency= how often they occur
 Microevolution: small-scale; happens in a short
period of time
 Macroevolution: large-scale; occurs over many
generations; speciation
Different Views of
 Darwin thought evolution was small changes
accumulating over long periods of time
 This is phyletic gradualism
 Gould and Eldredge said evolution could have long
periods of no or minor change, interrupted by sudden
change, such as speciation or extinction
 This is punctuated equilibrium
The Two Views
More Types of Evolution
 We know evolution shows common ancestry
 When two related species share phenotypic traits
because of common ancestry, this is parallel
 All primates have eyes close together and 5 fingers
 When distantly related species develop similar
adaptations to similar environments, this is convergent
 Crocodyles and cats have tails because they walk on 4
 Chickens, bees, and bats all have wings to fly
Parallel Evolution
Convergent Evolution
Population Genetics
 We focus on the idea of change over time, especially in
the frequency of alleles
 Example: we are looking at a trait, which we will call
 The two alleles are R and r (dominant and recessive)
 Generation 1 has 50% R and 50% r
 When we come back and look at Generation 2, the
frequency has changed to 40% R and 60% r
 This shows evolution
Population Genetics
 We need evidence that evolution is occurring, and we
do this by looking at the frequencies of alleles in
 If they do not change, there is no evolution
 If they do change, there is evolution
Intro to Hardy-Weinberg
 If the frequency never changed, the population would
be in equilibrium
 So, there is an equation to test for equilibrium
 If the numbers don’t change = equilibrium = no
 If they do change = no equilibrium = evolution
 Godfrey Hardy and Wilhelm Weinberg developed a way to
test for equilibrium in allele frequency
 In order for equilibrium to exist, you must have:
No mutations
No natural selection
Completely random mating
An infinitely large population
Each organism having the exact same number of offspring
 Would this ever occur in nature?
 Don’t let the equation intimidate you!
 Focus on what each part stands for and follow the
 There will only be a couple of questions of this on the
 Here is the equation:
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.00 (100% of population)
p2 = all individuals who are homozygous dominant
q2 = all individuals who are homozygous recessive
2pq = all individuals who are heterozygous
Also important: p + q = 1.00
p = the dominant allele
q = the recessive allele
 A population of snails has a trait for either spotted or
striped shells. Striped shells are dominant. Out of 100
snails, 16 have spotted shells.
 Find the frequencies of SS, Ss, and ss
 The next year we return and find that 25 out of 100
have spotted shells. Why?
 Please use the document titled “HW Explanation” on
BlackBoard to see details and how to solve a problem
Sources of Evolution
 So, evolution is change over time, but how do these
changes arise?
 4 sources:
 Mutation
 Natural Selection
 Gene Flow
 Genetic Drift
 Small errors in DNA, especially during replication
 Most go unnoticed. Some can be harmful and some
 They occur at random
 They are the only source of new genetic variation in a
 Point mutation: a single base is changed
 Frameshift mutation: caused by a deletion or insertion of
genetic information; causes codons to be read incorrectly
 Parts of chromosomes can be mutated, or entire
chromosomes can be mutated
Kleinfelter’s Syndrom: males have extra sex chromosome:
Trisomy 21: person has extra 21st chromosome. AKA Down
Mutation Example
 A point mutation changes the hemoglobin blood cell in some
 This causes sickle-cell anemia. Their blood cells are deformed
and cannot carry enough oxygen
 It is often fatal
 Why do so many sub-Saharan Africans have this mutation?
 Because it protects against malaria, the #1 killer in Africa
 If a person is heterozygous for the sickle-cell trait, he/she will
have enough normal blood to carry oxygen and enough affected
blood to kill malaria parasites that enter body
 Watch:
Malaria and Sickle-Cell
 The malaria/sickle-cell relationship is a balanced
 The heterozygous trait balances one negative trait with
another, giving the person a better chance of surviving
 This is selected for, and is also an example of natural
 Pp. 317-320
Natural Selection
 Survival of those best adapted to current
environmental pressures
 Based on the idea of fitness: number of offspring
produced in a lifetime
 Has nothing to do with strength, speed, or intelligence
 Is just how good are you at surviving and making
Natural Selection
 Read the box on p. 104
Who has better fitness?
Male, Harvard degree,
$500,000 salary, no kids
Male, high school drop
out, unemployed, 7 kids
Types of Natural
 Directional: selection
shifts in one direction
 Example: large beak
sizes in finches when
droughts leave only
hard food to eat
Types of Natural
 Stabilizing: selection
favors the average and is
against the extremes
 Example: birth
weight. Babies in the
normal range survive
more than premature
ones or obese ones
Types of Natural
 Disruptive: selection
favors the extremes, and
against the average.
Leads to speciation
 Example: beetles are
reproductively isolated
until 2 new species are
Example of Natural
 In Great Britain, most moths were light colored to
blend in to the environment
 With the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s, the smog
and soot produced changed the environment to be
 Did the light moths have the advantage still?
 No, they were eaten and darker moths survived. This
changed allele frequencies
Practical Example #2
(from lecture 2)
 Can you see viruses or bacteria?
 They are alive and, like everything else, they evolve
 Can evolve in a matter of hours
 This is why not taking antibiotics/medication correctly
leads to drug resistance
When people do not take medication correctly
Yellow = weak viruses
Purple = medium viruses
Red = strong viruses
When people do not take medication correctly
Yellow = weak viruses
Purple = medium viruses
Red = strong viruses
Genetic Drift
 This is an over-representation or an under-
representation of traits because of a small sample size
 Example: In a class of 25 people, I find that 20 have
Type B blood, 3 have Type O and 2 have Type AB
 Does this accurately reflect the frequency of blood
types in the entire human population?
 What about Type A?
Genetic Drift
 This shows why large populations are healthier…there
is more variation
 Endogamous groups only breed within their
 Exogamous groups breed with members outside their
 Which is better for variation and health?
2 Types of Genetic Drift
 1. Founder Effect: a small group breaks off from the
original population and forms its own group
Will that small group accurately reflect all the variation of
the original population?
Huntington’s Chorea and Tay Sachs: genetic defects that are
exaggerated due to founder effect and genetic drift
 2. Population Bottleneck: when a population is reduced
drastically, there is not enough variation to keep it going
Can cause extinction
This is what happens to endangered species
Genetic Drift: Founder
 A small group of original population creates new
 Some traits will be over-represented
 Some traits will be lost
Genetic Drift: Bottleneck
 Severe reduction in population
 Loss of variation
Gene Flow
 Movement of genes and mixture of them through
 Not only migration: have to mate as well, in order to
add variation
 So it is migration and nonrandom mating
 If there is no gene flow between 2 populations, they
could evolve into 2 different species
 With global travel and more open-mindedness in
cultural ideals, our human gene pool has had a large
increase in gene flow and variation
Gene Flow
 Variation is the key to success!
 Why is inbreeding so bad?
 It limits variation in the gene pool and can increase
harmful mutations
 Read pp.113-115, including box on p. 114
 Why is biodiversity important?
 Why should we worry about our actions as humans?
 Why should we participate in conservation?
Review Questions
 What is the difference between microevolution and
 How does the Hardy-Weinberg equation show that
evolution occurs?
 What are the sources of evolution? What are some