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Points to remember about Natural Selection
• Populations evolve, but individuals do not. I.E.,
Natural selection acts on the level of the individual,
but populations are the smallest unit that can evolve.
• Natural selection only works on heritable variations,
not acquired traits.
• Natural selection can only work with what it’s given.
Variations are produced by different genetic
• Natural selection is situational to a given
environment in a given time and place.
– No ideal organism.
– Fitness of a given trait changes.
Population Genetics
The historical context of Darwin’s life and ideas
Evolution is….
• For Darwin (1859): Evolution is gradual
change of heritable traits in a population
across generations, eventually generating
species over time.
• For the Modern Evolutionary Synthesis
(early 20th c.): Evolution is a change in
allele frequency over time
Population Genetics - Terms
• Population: Localized group of individuals of the same
• Species: Group of populations whose individuals can
potentially interbreed
• Gene Pool: Total aggregate of genes in a population at
one time
• Allele: an alternative form of a gene
• Homozygous: have identical alleles for a given trait
(dominant or recessive) (e.g. AA or aa in a diploid)
• Heterozygous: have >1 different alleles for a given
trait (e.g. Aa or aA in a diploid)
Why aren’t all individuals of one species identical?
Genetic Diversity
Genetic Diversity is the product of…
1. Sexual reproduction
2. Genetic recombination
3. Mutation- key form of genetic variation in asexual
reproduction, substrate for ‘new’ genetic material
Provides alternative alleles that may or may not be useful
with changes in environment = raw material for evolution
• R.A. Fisher's Fundamental Theorem of
Natural Selection: the rate of natural
selection is proportional to the degree
of variation within a population
The Modern Evolutionary
Synthesis in action…
Hardy-Weinburg Equilibrium
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
Figure 23.3a The Hardy-Weinberg theorem
Figure 23.3b The Hardy-Weinberg theorem
The Modern Evolutionary
Synthesis in action…
Hardy-Weinburg Equilibrium
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
1.Large population size
2.No gene flow
3.No mutation
4.Random mating
5.No selection
The Modern Evolutionary
Synthesis in action…
• Microevolution (=shift in allele frequencies)
happens when the H-W assumptions fail !
• Small population size –> Genetic Drift
• Migration –> Gene Flow
• Mutation
• Natural Selection
• Nonrandom mating
Genetic Drift: random changes in allele (and
genotype) frequencies from generation to generation
due to sampling error
Genetic Drift, part A: The bottleneck effect
“Alleles” in original population
“Alleles” remaining after bottleneck
Bottleneck effect
Cheetah wildlifephotos/cheetah.jpg
Northern Elephant Seal
• Reduced to 20 individuals in 1896
• Now 30,000 individuals, with no detectable genetic
Genetic Drift, Part B: The founder effect
• Change in allele frequencies when a
new population arises from only a
few individuals
e.g., only a few fish are introduced into a lake
e.g., only a few birds make it to an island
Pterois volitans
•New Atlantic population, maybe from only 10 individuals
Gene Flow
• addition or removal of alleles
due to individuals entering or
leaving a population from another
• On average, two humans differ by 0.1% (1 in 1000 bp).
• Is race a genetic reality?
•NO: ~90% of genetic variation occurs within any
single "race". LOTS OF OVERLAP
•YES: only 10% of the variation can be explained by
Asian, African, or European origin.
Gene Flow
Bluefin Tuna
• random, heritable changes in
DNA that introduces new alleles
into a gene pool
= random, heritable changes in DNA sequences
that introduce new alleles into a gene pool
• X-men.JPG
Modes of natural selection
Modes of selection
Directional selection
Beak size selection in
a Galápagos
population of the
medium ground finch
Diversifying selection
Diversifying selection
Small bill size for soft seeds, large bills for hard
seeds; selection against intermediate sized bills
which crack both types of seeds inefficiently
Stabilizing selection
Stabilizing selection
What maintains genetic
Balancing selection
Heterozygote advantage
Frequency-dependent selection
Neutral variation
Sicle cell anemia is a good example of
heterozygote advantage
The two-fold disadvantage of sex
BUT, genetic diversity allows adaptation to
changing environments
Sexual Selection
• non-random mating where individuals
have sexually dimorphic traits that
make them more attractive to mates
Sexual Selection - how can this be favored?
Sexual selection and the evolution of male appearance