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Overview of the work of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer
for 2008-2009
Mr. Jukka Uosukainen
Expert Group on Technology Transfer
UNFCCC expert meeting on technologies for adaptation to climate change
Bangkok, 5 April 2008
Relevant provisions of the UNFCCC
“The developed countries and other developed
countries in Annex II shall take all practicable
steps to promote, facilitate and finance, as
appropriate, the transfer of or access to
environmentally sound technologies and know
how to other Parties, particularly developing
country Parties, to enable them to implement the
provisions of the Convention.”…
Article 4.5
The Parties reached a consensus at COP 7
• Decision 4/CP.7
• To adopt the framework for meaningful and effective actions
to enhance the implementation of Art. 4.5 of the Convention.
• To establish an Expert Group on Technology Transfer
(comprises 19 members – three from each of the Africa, Asia
and the Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean regions,
one member from AOSIS, eight members from AI Parties and
one member from other NAI Parties)
• To provide financial support to TT activities through GEF
climate change focal area and the special climate change
The Technology Transfer Framework
• Five key themes and areas are:
- Technology needs and needs assessments
- Technology information
- Enabling environments
- Capacity-building
- Mechanisms for technology transfer
•Emerging two new areas of work in 2004
- Innovative options for financing the
development and transfer of technology
- Technologies for adaptation to climate change
Technologies for adaptation to climate change
•Purpose: To improve the current knowledge and
understanding of adaptation to climate change, including the
assessment of technologies for adaptation to climate change,
the process of technology development and transfer as relevant
to adaptation, and its implications for climate policy.
Technologies for adaptation to climate change
•Workshop was organized in 2005 in Tobago,
Trinidad and Tobago and workshop report was
considered by SBSTA 23;
•Background paper was prepared for the
•Technical paper on technologies for
adaptation was prepared for SBSTA 24.
•Synthesis report on technologies for
adaptation was prepared for SBSTA 27.
Technologies for adaptation to climate change
•Series of technologies already exist to address climate
hazards, but not everybody has knowledge of or access to these
•Existing technologies vary:
•from hard to soft,
•from simple to highly complex,
•from inexpensive to unaffordable,
•from locally available to requiring technology transfer
•The policy implications of facilitating diffusion and enhancing
of technologies for adaptation, as well as the development of
new technologies via national and international mechanisms
would need to be further discussed
Thank you for your attention.