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Local Actions, Global affects
Global warming debate
Learning Objectives
• To outline the arguments for and against
global warming
• To understand other possible reasoning
for temperature increase
• To evaluate evidence that proves and
disproves the theory
Global Warming Investigation
1. What is Global warming?
In section 1, describe and explain what global warming is and
how it works.
2. Are humans to blame?
In section 2, explain the arguments connecting the influence of
human actions and the increased risk of global warming.
3. Is it really just nature?
In section 3, examine and explain arguments that disagree with
human actions and the increased risk of global warming are
being influenced from another source.
4. What is the future going to be like?
In section 4, describe, explain and evaluate the potential
effects of increased global warming in the future, including
social, environmental and economic effects
5. In my opinion, I think….
In section 5, evaluate and conclude your own opinion on why
global warming may be happening and the effects for the
future. In this section also include what can be done to combat
global warming and how successful you think each of these
plans will be.
Global Warming assignment level requirements
Level 5 targets/requirements
Explain how global warming works
Begin to include balanced arguments for and against global warming being a result of human
Explain implications and effects of global warming
Suggest ways to combat global warming in the future
Level 4 targets/requirements
Describe what global warming is
Outline how humans produce CO2
State some of the side effects of global warming
Describe the effects of global warming
Level 6 targets/requirements
Describe and comment on the uneven distribution of CO2 around the world and explain why
Include graphs, diagrams and/or graphs to support arguments in your assessment
In detail, outline the social, economic and environmental effects of increased temperature
on the globe, including positive and negative examples
Explain how plans to combat global warming will work and evaluate how successful each will
be, including sustainable development for the developing world and future
Level 7 targets/requirements
Recognise the causes and consequences of environmental issues and understand a range of
views about them and different approaches to tackling them
Explain what and whom influences decisions over CO2 production around the world and why
CO2 emissions are unlikely to decrease in the short term
Give and explain case studies of examples of global warming occurring now that support or
disprove the global warming debate
Evaluate critically both DVDs and other sources of evidence to support your final conclusion
Examine, explain and conclude the social, economic and environmental issues connected to
global warming and develop how each aspect interacts with one another.
Considerations of sustainable development can affect their own lives as well as the planning
and management of environments and resources
Use the
matrix to
record and
My evaluation of my assignment
Below in the box provided you need to write what you have done well in this assignment and what you think
you need to improve upon. At the end of the self assessment you will need to grade yourself a level.
Pupil Comments:
You will level
your own work
Teacher Comments:
You will self
assess your work
and comment on
what you have
done well and
what you could
do to improve it.
How will I do this?
• This is independent learning.
• You will research global warming using text books, “Data
sheets”, the internet and your notes from the videos that
you have been shown.
• You will prepare a detailed report following the writing
frame, ticking off the tasks as you complete them.
• You will self evaluate your work.
• You will either hand write or word process your report
(Using Word) to hand in P5 4th July.
• You can use computers in HU2 on Thursday lunchtimes.
Where will I find out what I need?
• Geog 2 Page 78-79- Basic info on causes
and effects
• Connections Page 6- Basic info
• Green house effect data sheets
• Effects of global warming data sheets
• The internet
• Using the library in your own time.
Global warming websites that may help you
Government website to calculate carbon footprint
Basic overview of the green house effects, the effects of global warming
and the Kyoto agreement.
Government site providing information and advice on environmental
Government site providing information on global warming.
This site provides evidence from the CH4 Documentary that global
warming is not man made or isn’t in fact actually happening.
1. What is Global warming?
In section 1, describe and explain what global
warming is and how it works.
Gases in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides and
CFC’s (Greenhouse gases) trap the radiation from the sun that is reflected
back from the Earth.
Greenhouse Effect
• The gases in the atmosphere
act like a blanket around our
planet which traps in heat,
making the temperature rise.
• This is called the Greenhouse
Effect and is a natural
process that keeps the planet
warm and sustains life.
• If the greenhouse effect
didn’t exist, the average
temperature on earth would
be around -18ºC.
Is global warming really happening?
• What evidence is there that global warming is
• We can look at changes in temperature, Sea
levels, large pieces of Ice, known as Glaciers
and Ice caps
• You will need to draw out the grid like the
next slide and then watch the next 3 video
clips – make notes on each section.
Sea Levels
Evidence of
Ice Caps
Figure 1: Photographs taken from the same point of a South American glacier
Figure 2: Photographs taken from the same point of a glacier in the USA
What Is The Evidence Of Global Warming?
Polar Ice Caps
Glacial Retreat
Rising Sea Levels
2. How are humans responsible for producing more Carbon Dioxide?
What are the major sources of carbon dioxide production?
Burning fossil fuels
Having lots of cars on the road
Cutting down trees
For this question, you need to make the points, give examples to support your points
and then explain with as much detail as possible
Are Humans to blame?
In this question you are answering yes –
You must now use PEEEL to explain, give reasons and explore why this is the case
TO answer this question think and consider the following things for your response –
How has life for Humans changed in the last 100 years?
What influence and impact have Humans had on the amount of Carbon Dioxide being produced and why
is this important?
How and why has this change happened –
Increased standard of living and how.
Increased demand and use for natural
Increased electricity use
Increased heating
Changes in Food around the world
Use of transport
Increased holidaying
Development and changes in industry
Use and demand of fossil fuels
Destruction of the rainforest /
World population change
How do these things
influence and change
carbon dioxide
Explain, Explore, give
examples and evidence
and evaluate
Are these changes equal
across the world?
Are some countries /
people more responsible
than others.
Q3. Is it just nature?
In this question, you are required to give evidence and
explanation showing that the warming of the Earth is due
natural reasons and not humans.
• 4 clear reasons why the Earth is warming due to natural causes
• 1. The output of the sun’s energy changes
• 2. The orbit of the Earth around the sun changes
• 3. The tilt of the Earth alters making it closer and further away
from the sun
• 4. The natural wobble of the Earth causes it to become closer
to the Sun.
• Evidence to support this –
• Historically how has climate changed with no input from
TO support with this question we will watch the clip
about natural causes again and then short clip from
the global warming DVD
Influences on causes of
climate change
• The key areas are –
• The Sun: Variations in Solar Output
• Variations in the Earth’s orbit
• Variations in the Earth’s tilt
Some scientists believe that the
global warming we are seeing
has natural causes…
• The Sun: Variations in Solar Output
• Variations in the Earth’s orbit
• Variations in the Earth’s tilt
The history of climate change.
How temperature has
Prehistoric Life
Question 4 The effects of out of control
Climate Change
If athe
may cause
stronger, it
could make
the Earth
plants, than
What if the Earth heats up?
Sea levels around the world could rise.
Cities on coasts would flooding.
What if the Earth heats up?
Temperate places that now receive frequent
rain and snowfall might become hotter and
drier, leading to more drought.
What if the Earth heats up?
Frequent periods of drought would make
it hard to raise crops for food, leading to
What if the Earth heats up?
Forest fires could occur more often.
What if the Earth heats up?
Plants and animals unable to take the heat
may go extinct, and be replaced by heat
tolerant species.
What if the Earth heats up?
Hurricanes, tornadoes and other storms
caused by changes in heat and water
evaporation might occur more frequently
and be more intense.
The effects of Climate Change
In the UK, we expect that because of climate
• Temperatures will increase.
• Winter rainfall will get heavier, increasing
the risk of flooding.
The effects of Climate Change
• Summer rainfall in the UK may reduce considerably,
creating pressure on water resources.
• Sea levels will rise due to melting ice caps, leading
to further coastal erosion and flood risk.
What Is The effects Of Global Warming – click on the camera?
Threat to Ski resorts
The potential future – Click
on different videos
Understanding the green
house effect
The effects of carbon
Penguins under threat
Rising Sea Levels in Maldives
The future of global warming
Penguins under threat
Effects of climate change
What is happening in
the Arctic is a
"tipping point”
Scientists worry that climate change is
progressing so rapidly that, within
decades, humans may be helpless to slow
There is a or
reverse the trend.
the ‘tipping
point’ beyond
theis Earth's
can cause
change is likely
change climate
in the environment
to beaunstoppable.
itself triggers
far greater increase in
global temperatures.
What can we do for the future?
Carbon footprint