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Pub Quiz
Without the Beer
or crisps!!! Sorry!
Round 1 – The natural causes of climate change
Climate refers to the ________weather experienced
over a long period.
Without the greenhouse effect ________ would not
exist. (1)
________ _________ in the atmosphere trap some of
the suns heat in.
List any 4 of the 6 natural causes of climate change. (3)
What greenhouse gas contributes most to global
warming and by how much? (1)
Which of the greenhouse gases stays in the
atmosphere the longest?(1)
Round 2 – The enhanced greenhouse effect (the human causes)
______ is present in all living things. (1)
By how much does generating electricity account
for in the total greenhouse gas emissions?(1)
By what year is the amount of greenhouse gases
expected to double?(1)
What gas does landfill sites/dumps (waste) give
List any 4 of the other 5 human causes of climate
Name two things that give off Chlorofluorocarbons
Round 1 – The natural causes of climate change
Climate refers to the average weather experienced
over a long period.
Without the greenhouse effect life would not exist.
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap some of the
suns heat in.
List any of the 6 natural causes of climate change.
Volcanic activity, Changes in the Earths orbit, Ocean
currents, The changing surface of the earth, living
organisms, changing output of solar radiation.
What greenhouse gas contributes most to global
warming and by how much? Carbon dioxide 72%
Which of the greenhouse gases stays in the
atmosphere the longest? CFCs
Round 3 – Evidence for Climate Change
Use resource 1 to answer question 1-3
What is this graph called? (1)
By how much has carbon dioxide concentrate risen from 1960 to
2008? (1)
In what decade has there been the biggest increase? (1)
Where else is there scientific evidence from on climate change?(1)
Name a mountain range in Asia where there is evidence of glacier
retreat? (1)
By what percent is permanent ice cover in the Arctic contracting at
each decade?(1)
Use resource 2 to answer question 6
List any four effects of extreme weather events shown in resource
2. (4)
Round 2 – The enhanced greenhouse effect (the human causes)
Carbon is present in all living things.
By how much does generating electricity account for in the
total greenhouse gas emissions?1/3
By what year is the amount of greenhouse gases expected to
double? 2050
What gas does landfill sites/dumps (waste) give off?Methane
List any 4 of the other 5 human causes of climate change.
Buildings, Industry, Transportation, Deforestation, Farming
Name two things that give off Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
Aerosols, foam packaging, refrigerators, air conditioning
Round 3 – Evidence for Climate Change
Round 4 – What are the effects of climate change on
MEDCs and LEDCs ( using examples)
List any 2 advantages of climate change to the world?
Name any 2 MEDCs that we discussed in lessons where climate
change will have a negative effect.
Locate any 2 LEDCs that we discussed in lessons where
climate change will have a negative effect?
What is one advantage of climate change for Iceland in the
short term?
What is one disadvantage of climate change for Iceland in the
long run?
What is the key term for people who do not have access to
enough fresh water?
Round 5 – Graph Analysis
Use resource 3 to answer the following questions ( You will have a timed 5
minutes for this round).
How many years between 1900 and 1965 had:
Above average rainfall of 50mm or more? (1)
Below average rainfall of -50 mm or less? (1)
How many years between 1965 and 2000 had:
Above average rainfall of 50mm or more? (1)
Below average rainfall of -50mm or less? (1)
Use resource 4 to answer 5 and 6
5. What is Tokyo’s highest annual temperature and what year did it occur?
What is Paris lowest annual temperature and what year did it occur?
Suggest any two reason why the average annual temperature in Tokyo
is higher than New York? (2)
Round 4 – What are the effects of climate change on
MEDCs and LEDCs ( using examples)
List any 2 advantages of climate change to the world?
Increase in cereal production, Less energy spent in previously colder
climates, nicer weather in UK, ( anyting else relevent)
Name any 2 MEDCs that we discussed in lessons where climate
change will have a negative effect. US New Orleans, Florida, London
in the UK, Iceland,
Locate any 2 LEDCs that we discussed in lessons where climate
change will have a negative effect? Bangladesh, India, Mali, Ethiopia
What is one advantage of climate change for Iceland in the short
term? Produce more hyroelectricity from the glacier melt
What is one disadvantage of climate change for Iceland in the long
run? Tourists may not want to visit when glaciers are gone/ No
hydorelectricity when glaciers have melted
What is the key term for people who do not have access to enough
fresh water?
Water stress
Round 5 – Graph Analysis
How many years between 1900 and 1965 had:
Above average rainfall of 50mm or more? 14
Below average rainfall of -50 mm or less? 1
How many years between 1965 and 2000 had:
Above average rainfall of 50mm or more?1
Below average rainfall of -50mm or less?5
What is Tokyo’s highest annual temperature and what year did it occur?
16.8°C in 1977 (will except one either side of the temp and year)
What is Paris lowest annual temperature and what year did it occur? (2) 9.1°C
in 1918 ( will except one either side of the temp and year)
Suggest any two reason why the average annual temperature in Tokyo is
higher than New York and Paris? (2)
Tokyo has less reflective buildings, less parks, less trees, more traffic, more
Round 6 – Creating a low carbon future
By how much did the developed countries have to reduce their
emissions by 2012 as part of the Kyoto Protocal?
Where did the world leaders meet in December 2009 to
discuss greenhouse emissions?
By how much has China commited to reducing its emissions to
in the new agreement?
List any 3 of the 5 solutions to climate change that countries
could undertake ( think about your table).
What is the name of the sustainable community in Beddington
List any three things individuals could do to help reduce their
carbon footprint?
Round 6 – Creating a low carbon future
By how much did the developed countries have to reduce their
emissions by 2012 as part of the Kyoto Protocal? 5%
Where did the world leaders meet in December 2009 to discuss
greenhouse emissions? Copenhagen
By how much has China commited to reducing its emissions to in the
new agreement? 40%
List any 3 of the 5 solutions to climate change that countries could
undertake ( think about your table).
Carbon capture, Alternative energy use (Renewable energy or
nuclear), Forest sinks, Energy conservation and efficency, Biofuels
What is the name of the sustainable community in Beddington
Surrey? Bedzed
List any three things individuals could do to help reduce their carbon
Recycle, don’t leave appliances on standby, car share, walk short
distances, insulate homes better, use energy saving lightbulbs and
appliances ( anything relevent)
Climate Change Assessment
What to revise
• What is the greenhouse effect?
• What are the natural causes of the greenhouse effect?
• What are the human (enhanced) causes of the greenhouse effect?
• What is the scientific evidence for climate change? (Keeling’s curve,
polar ice cores)
• What is the physical evidence for climate change? (Glacier retreat,
Arctic changes, Extreme weather conditions) Know examples!!!
• What are the advantages of climate change?
• What are the disadvantages of climate change?
Know examples of LEDCs and MEDCs and how they will be affected in
different ways.
• How can we reduce greenhouse gases?
What has/can be done at an international, national. Local and individual
Use your mind map that summarises the topic, your notes, your class activities
and the websites noted in your notes