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Liveable and Just Toolkit:
Key messages and features
Professor John Wiseman and Taegen Edwards
McCaughey Centre:
VicHealth Centre for the Promotion of Mental Health and Community Wellbeing,
Melbourne School of Population Health, University of Melbourne
The Liveable and Just
‘Climate change is the biggest global health threat of
the 21st Century. Effects of climate change on health
will affect most populations in the next decade and
put the lives and wellbeing of billions of people at
increased risk.’
- Costello, A. et al (Lancet and University College London), ‘Managing
the health effects of climate change’, The Lancet, Vol. 373, 2009
The Liveable and Just
• Aims to provide an accessible, practical starting point for local
communities and local governments seeking to address the social
and equity impacts of climate change
• Aims to be relevant and useful to a broad range of local
government councillors and staff
• Has been developed in response to strong demand for accessible,
up to date information and resources
• Has been informed by extensive input and feedback from local
government councillors and staff
The Liveable and Just
• Is informed by the recognition that local impacts of climate
change – and local responses - vary widely
• Recognises that there are a broad range of views about climate
change – and a diverse range of expertise and experience
• Is based on the assumption that well informed discussion and
practical tools are an essential basis for effective action
• Brings together extensive information, tools, resources and links
• Is the beginning of a journey…
•Why focus on social and equity impacts of climate change?
•What are they?
•How do they affect local government?
1. Key messages
“Climate change will have its greatest effect on those who have
the least access to the world’s resources and those who have
contributed least to its cause. Without mitigation and
adaptation, it will increase health inequity especially through
negative effects on the social determinants of health in the
poorest communities.”
- Costello et al. “Managing the Health Effects of Climate Change”, The
Lancet, Vol. 373, 2009
Climate change and social injustice must be tackled
1. Key messages
1. Key messages
1. Key messages
Many, if not all, local government activities are affected.
…home and community care (HACC) programs, maternal and child health
services, family and children’s services, disability services, cultural
development e.g. festivals, public art etc, leisure and recreation services,
public health planning and services, community safety measures e.g. street
lighting, fire prevention plans, footpath construction and maintenance,
waste management, maintenance of the Food Act (1984), counselling and
support groups, land use management, granting permits for farmers
markets, reticulated sewerage and septic tanks, stormwater management,
swimming pools, housing planning schemes, emergency planning, reducing
energy usage of council buildings and operations, community education
programs, maintenance of walking and bike paths, libraries and public
buildings, community jobs programs, support for tourism industry and area
vitality, local economic development, migrant and indigenous services,
support for sports clubs…
1. Key messages
There is a clear case for local government action.
Core local government business
Doing things better, not doing more things
Seeking win-win (climate & social justice) outcomes has benefits
Local government not alone, but critical
1. Tools and
1. Tools and
• International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)
Climate Change Adaptation Toolkit
• 5 useful actions to get started
• Where to look for relevant training opportunities, key organisations
• Resources on: climate science; health and social impacts; template
presentation and video clip re climate change and health
•Understanding vulnerability of people and communities to climate change
•What can local government do?
2. Key messages
• Climate change impacts bring new
vulnerabilities, but can also
exacerbate existing vulnerabilities
• Short term strategies include actions
to reduce vulnerability to specific
events and emergencies
• Long term strategies include policies
and programs to strengthen local
resilience and reduce underlying social
• BOTH are critical
2. Key messages
While local governments cannot identify and reduce
vulnerability to climate change alone, they can take
important steps to:
• Collect and analyse appropriate data - working with those
potentially affected – to determine who is most vulnerable to what
• Integrate vulnerability reduction strategies into everyday council
business – working across different council areas
• Work with community members and other organisations to align
planning and create joint vulnerability reduction strategies
2. Case studies
• Insert case study example – Hobsons Bay
2. Tools and
• Discussion starter – Asking who is most vulnerable in your area
• Sources of information to help identify vulnerability
• Case Studies: SECCCA; Darebin; Hobsons Bay; Kingston-Bayside
• Resources on: Heatwave planning, Southern Grampians and Glenelg
Primary Care Partnership local adaptation framework, vulnerability
assessment models, guidelines for assessing vulnerability to
emergencies, Future Coasts and Sydney Coastal Councils
•What is community engagement on climate change?
•Why is it important?
•How can local government do it well?
3. Key messages
A broad spectrum of activities fits within the heading of
‘community engagement on climate change’.
Examples of purpose: seeking community input into a plan or policy;
helping citizens understand; helping local governments understand;
inspiring action/changed behaviour…
Examples of technique: kitchen table conversations; visioning and
scenario development workshops; community events and festivals;
deliberative forums; leadership and training programs…
3. Key messages
Effective community engagement on climate change is
both necessary and beneficial.
• Contributes to informed consideration of trends and impacts
• Helps to ensure decisions and actions are locally-owned i.e.
tailored to and supported by local communities
• Strengthens support for, and relevance of, council actions
• Builds trust and positive relationships with parts of the community
• Promotes a sense of shared responsibility in responding to climate
3. Key messages
3. Tools and
• Effective engagement toolkit – DSE
• International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Spectrum
• Links to projects highlighting different climate change engagement
techniques with diverse audiences
• Case studies: Rural Women in a Changing Climate regional
gatherings; engaging without talking about climate change
• Strategies to address key challenges inherent to the climate
change problem
• Checklist – Are you being strategic?
• 5 quick ideas for action
3. Tools and
•What does community resilience to climate change mean?
•What can local government do to help build local resilience?
4. Key messages
• Resilience is a useful concept for understanding the ability of people
and communities to adapt and respond proactively to climate change.
• Need to build general resilience, but also address specific needs and
opportunities arising from climate change
4. Key messages
There are already many initiatives addressing climate
change and building community resilience at the
same time.
Win-win strategies include:
Energy efficiency home audits, retro-fits – focus on low-income households
Community-owned renewable energy projects
Low-emissions transport – community buses, cycling, walking etc
Community gardens, local buy food schemes
Sustainability-focussed projects involving public housing residents inc
conversion to solar PV, locally grown food markets, bike repair and riding
• Cross-generational learning about living in a world of limited resources
• Localised, networked systems for producing and delivering food, water
and energy
4. Key messages
Local governments can help support and promote local
projects which build community resilience to climate
change in several different ways.
e.g. tailoring grants programs
e.g. developing and implementing projects
e.g. removing regulatory barriers
e.g. fostering local networks
e.g. communicating local concerns
e.g. informing and empowering local citizens
4. Tools and
Community Indicators Victoria
Community Resilience Manual
Funding sources
Where to find more detailed case study info
• Resources on: Transition Towns; community climate action toolkit;
further information on resilience concepts and characteristics;
community capacity building guidelines for housing workers;
building resilience in rural communities toolkit; community
builders NSW clearinghouse; community gardens toolkit & networks
Feedback welcome
Contact details:
Prof John Wiseman
[email protected]
Taegen Edwards
[email protected]
McCaughey Centre: VicHealth Centre for the Promotion of Mental
Health and Community Wellbeing,
Melbourne School of Population Health, University of Melbourne