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Muscle Contraction
Special Characteristics of Muscle
Irritability– The ability to receive and
respond to a stimulus.
Contractibility – The ability to shorten
(forcibly) when an adequate stimulus is
The Nerve Stimulus
Skeletal muscle cells must be stimulated by
nerve impulses to contract.
 One motor neuron
(nerve cell) may
stimulate a few muscle
cells or hundreds of
them, depending on the
 Motor Unit – One neuron
and all the muscle cells
it stimulates.
Neuromuscular Junction
Neuromuscular Junction – The region
where a motor neuron comes into close
contact with a skeletal muscle cell.
 The nerve
fiber or axon
(extension of
the neuron)
branches into
a number of
Synaptic Cleft
Synaptic Cleft –
The fluid-filled space
between the nerve
endings and the
muscle cells.
 Nerve endings and muscle cells come into
close contact, but they never touch!
When the nerve impulse
reaches the axonal
terminals, a chemical
referred to as a
neurotransmitter is
 The specific neurotransmitter
that stimulates skeletal muscle
cells is acetylcholine or ACh.
 Acetylcholine diffuses across
the synaptic cleft and attaches
to receptors.
Action Potential
If enough ACh is released, the
sarcolemma at that point
becomes temporarily permeable
to sodium ions (Na+), which
rush into the muscle cells.
 This sudden inward rush gives
the cells interior an excess of
positive ions, which upsets the
electrical conditions of the
This “upset” generates an
electrical current called an
action potential.
Action Potential
Once begun, the action
potential is unstoppable
(similar to the charring
of a twig by a flame)
 It travels over the entire
surface of the
sarcolemma, conducting
the electrical impulse
from one end of the cell
to the other.
 The result is contraction
of the muscle cell.
Action Potential
The events that return the cell to its resting
state include:
1. Diffusion of potassium (K+) ions out of the
2. Operation of the sodium-potassium pump
(moves the sodium and potassium ions back
to their initial positions).
The Sliding Filament Theory
When muscle fibers are activated by the
nervous system, the cross bridges attach
to myosin binding sites on the thin
filaments, and the sliding begins.
The Sliding
Filament Theory
Energized by ATP, each cross bridge
attaches and detaches several times
during a contraction.
 Acts much like
a tiny oar to
generate tension
and pull the thin
filaments toward
the center of the
The Sliding Filament Theory
As this event occurs simultaneously in
sarcomeres throughout the cell, the muscle
cell shortens.
 This whole
series of events
takes just a few
thousandths of
a second.
Role of Calcium in Contraction
The attachment of myosin cross bridges to actin
requires calcium ions.
 The action potential causes the sarcoplasmic reticulum to
release stored calcium ions into the sarcoplasm.
 When the action potential ends, calcium ions are
immediately reabsorbed into the SR storage areas, and the
muscle cell relaxes and settles back to its original length.
Acetylcholine is Broken Down
While the action potential is occurring, ACh
(which began the process) is broken down
by enymes.
 For this reason, a single nerve impulse produces
only one contraction.
 This prevents
continued contraction
of the muscle cell.
 The muscle cell
relaxes until stimulated
by the next round of
ACh release.
Graded Responses
A muscle cell will contract to
its fullest extent when it is
stimulated adequately; it
never partially contracts.
 Skeletal muscles are organs
that consist of thousands of
muscle cells, and they react
to stimuli with graded
responses, or different
degrees of shortening.
Graded Responses
 Graded
muscle contractions can be
produced two ways:
1. By changing the
frequency of
2. By changing the
number of
muscle cells
being stimulated
Muscle Twitches
Muscle Twitches Single, brief, jerky
 Sometimes result as
a result of central
nervous system
 This is not the way
our muscles normally
Muscle Response to
Increasingly Rapid Stimulation
Nerve impulses are delivered to the muscle at a
very rapid rate – so rapid that the cells do not get
a chance to relax completely between stimuli.
 As a result, the effects of the successive
contractions are “summed” (added) together, and
the contraction of the muscle get stronger and
Complete Tetanus
Complete Tetanus (Fused) – Contractions are
completely smooth and sustained.
 The muscle is stimulated so rapidly that no evidence
of relaxation is seen.
 Primary goal: Produce smooth and prolonged
muscle contractions.
 Produces stronger muscle contractions
Incomplete Tetanus
Until the point of complete tetanus is
reached the muscle is said to be exhibiting
unfused or incomplete tetanus.
 Some evidence of relaxation is seen.
Muscle Response to Stronger
 How
forcefully a muscle contracts
depends to a large extent how many of
its cells are stimulated.
 When only a few cells are stimulated, the
contraction of the muscle as a whole will be
 When all the motor units are active and all the
muscle cells are being stimulated, the muscle
contraction is as strong as it can get.
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