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(Circulatory System)
Blood From the Body
 Deoxygenated blood enters the RIGHT ATRIUM from the VENA
 Atrium Contracts forcing the blood through the TRICUSPID
 Ventricle contracts pushing blood through SEMILUNAR VALVE
 Blood flows through either the RIGHT or LEFT PUMONARY
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A heartbeat is a two-part pumping action that takes about a second. As blood collects in the upper chambers (the right and left
atria), the heart's natural pacemaker (the SA node) sends out an electrical signal that causes the atria to contract. This contraction
pushes blood through the tricuspid and mitral valves into the resting lower chambers (the right and left ventricles). This part of the
two-part pumping phase (the longer of the two) is called diastole.
The second part of the pumping phase begins when the ventricles are full of blood. The electrical signals from the SA node travel
along a pathway of cells to the ventricles, causing them to contract. This is called systole. As the tricuspid and mitral valves shut
tight to prevent a back flow of blood, the pulmonary and aortic valves are pushed open. While blood is pushed from the right
ventricle into the lungs to pick up oxygen, oxygen-rich blood flows from the left ventricle to the heart and other parts of the body.
After blood moves into the pulmonary artery and the aorta, the ventricles relax, and the pulmonary and aortic valves close. The
lower pressure in the ventricles causes the tricuspid and mitral valves to open, and the cycle begins again. This series of
contractions is repeated over and over again, increasing during times of exertion and decreasing while you are at rest. The heart
normally beats about 60 to 80 times a minute when you are at rest, but this can vary. As you get older, your resting heart rate
rises. Also, it is usually lower in people who are physically fit.
Blood Enters the Lungs
 Enters the Lung (either right or left lung)
 Blood is deoxygenated
 Oxygenation is accomplished in the air sacs of the lungs at
the same time the CO2 is being expelled
 Oxygenated Blood is returned to heart via RIGHT or Left
Pulmonary Vein. This is the only place where a vein carries
oxygenated blood
Oxygenated Blood from the Lungs
 Enter the LEFT ATRIUM which contracts
 Blood is pushed through the BICUSPID Valve
 Blood enters the Left Ventricle
 Ventricle acts as the pump for the newly oxygenated blood
 Blood is sent through the AORTIC SEMILUNAR VALVE
 Blood then flows from the heart via the AORTA
Coronary Circulation
 Myocardium must have blood to sustain is pumping
 Right and Left Coronary arteries branch off the AORTA just
above the heart
 Branches of these arteries encircle the heart muscle delivering
O2 and nutrients
 Deoxygenated blood from these arteries return via
 Deoxygenated blood enters the atrium via the CORONARY
Systemic Circulation
 Oxygenated blood
leaves the heart via
 As it leaves the
anterior portion of
the heart it forms
Circulation to Head
Arteries of the Head and Upper Torso
Ascending Aorta
 AORTIC ARCH branches into 3 Main arteries carry blood to
arms, neck and head
 Left Common Carotid Artery
 Brachiocephalic Artery – Right Common Carotid, Right
 Left Subclavian Artery – left axillary, left brachial
Descending Aorta
 Coronary Artery – feeding the heart
 More Branches feeding the body wall, stomach, intestines, liver,
 ETC.
Types of Vessels
Types of Vessels
carry oxygenated blood away from the heart (one
 Transport blood under
high pressure
Walls are elastic, muscular
and thick
3 layers from interior to
Tunica interna, media, and
Arteries branch into
Arterioles give rise to
Types of Vessels
 Smallest of blood vessels – microscopic
 Connect arterioles to venules
 Walls thin to allow selective permeability of various cells and
substances –
 Nutrients and O2 pass out to surrounding tissue
 Waste CO2 and metabolic waste may enter to be excreted
 Tiny opens allow WBC to leave the bloodstream and enter tissue to
help destroy invading bacteria
 Plasma;a diffuses out of the bloodstream and into tissue spaces
(interstitial fluid) that is returned to the bloodstream in the form of
lymph via lymph vessels
 Diameter so small RBC “march” single file
Types of Vessels
Carry deoxygenated blood
and other waste products for
 Veins similar is size to arteries
 Less elastic and muscular
 Walls much thinner – blood pressure lower
 Thin walls – will collapse easily when not filled with blood
 Contain one – way valves – prevent reflux or back flow of blood
 More valves in lower extremities because of gravity
 Skeletal muscle also assist in Venous return
 Venous blood returns to the heart via the Superior and Inferior
Vena Cava
Blood Pressure
 Heart Pumps Blood into Arteries
 Surge creates pressure on artery walls
 Pressure at the moment of ventricular contraction is
the systolic pressure
 Average Systolic Pressure 120 mm/Hg
 Lessened pressure at ventricular relaxation is diastolic
 Average Diastolic Pressure 80mm/Hg
 120/80
 Hypertension – “High Blood” – When BP is constantly
greater than 140/90
 Sometimes called the SILENT KILLER
 Leads to strokes, heart disease and kidney failure
 Treated with diet, medication and weight loss
 1 out of 5 American have hypertension
 Hypotension – “Low Blood” –When Systolic BP is constantly
lower than 100mm/Hg
 Treated with fluids, medication
Disorders of Blood Vessels
 Aneurysm – ballooning out of an artery – thinning wall and
weakening of the blood vessel
 Sometimes pain and pressure sometimes no symptoms
 Sometime surgically corrected
 Rupture can be life threatening if in brain or a large vessel
like abdominal aorta
 Artery walls thicken – loss of elasticity usually due to old age
 Narrowing of artery – interfering with blood supply
 Can cause hypertension or cardiac infarct
 Deposits of fatty substances form along the walls of the
 Narrowing of artery – interfering with blood supply
 Can cause hypertension or cardiac infarct
 Death of body tissue due to insufficient blood supply caused
by disease (diabetes) or injury
 Pain and darkening skin and underlying tissue
 Attempt to treat with antibiotics
 Usually must amputate affected area
 Inflammation of the lining of a vein, accompanied by clotting
of blood in the vein
 Symptoms can include edema, pain and redness
 Treat with medication, elevation and elastic stockings
 Traveling blood clot
 Pulmonary embolism is clot in lung that can cause
respiratory arrest
Varicose Veins
 Swollen veins resulting from
slowing down of blood flow back
to heart
 Blood backs up; distending the
vein and valves
 Usually caused by hereditary
 Age and pregnancy
 Varicose veins in the walls of the lower rectum and the
tissues around the anus
Cerebral hemorrhage
 Bleeding from blood vessels with the brain
 Can be caused by arteriosclerosis, disease, aneurysm, or
 Can cause permanent damage to brain tissue and/or death
Peripheral Vascular Disease
 Blockage of arteries usually in legs
 Symptoms – pain and cramping in the legs or buttocks
while walking – claudicating
 Must be treated or can progress where amputation is
 Treatments: medication, diet
Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIA)
 Temporary interruption of the blood
flow (ischemia) to the brain or part
of the brain
 Can be caused by narrowing of
carotid artery
 Symptoms include dizziness,
weakness or temporary paralysis
Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) Stroke
 Sudden interruption of blood supply to the brain
 Loss of O2 to brain causing impairment of the brain tissue
and/or death
 3rd leading cause of death in US
 Risk factors include smoking, hypertension, heart disease and
family HX
 90% are caused by blood clots
 10% by bleeding into brain when vessel ruptures
Conduction of the Heart
 Cardiac Cycle – one complete heart beat
Conduction System of the Heart
Heart Rate (HR)
 Heart must contract rhythmically
 Each cycle or beat is about 0.8 seconds
 Average rate of heart in an adult is 72-75 beats/min
 Tachycardia – fast rate – usually over 100
 Bradycardia – slow rate – usually under 60
SA Node – Pacemaker of the Heart
 Conduction System initiates beats in intrinsic by distributing electrical
 Begins with the SA (Sinoatrial) node
 Located in the superior wall of right atrium
 Send the beginning of the electrical impulse over both atria causing them to
contract simultaneously
 Causes blood to flow downward from upper atrial chamber to AV opening
 Bicuspid and Tricuspid valves open
Conduction System
 Semilunar valves closed at this time - no blood to enter
the pulmonary artery or aorta
 Ventricles will relax at this time allowing them to fill
with blood
 Brief pause to allow atria time to complete contraction
 Depolarizes the AV (atrioventricular) node
AV Node
 Located in the lower portion of the right atrium
 AV node stimulates contraction of both ventricles
 Contraction start at the apex and moves toward the atria
 Send impulse down Bundle of His through the ventricular septum
 Bundle divides in right and left branch that further subdivide sending messages up the
ventricular walls by way of the Purkinje fiber network
 Semilunar valves open allowing blood to move into the lungs via the pulmonary artery and
out to body via aorta
 Atrium then relax and AV valves close
Cycle continues
 Ventricles relax
 Semilunar valves closed to prevent the blood flowing back in to
the ventricles
 SA Node signals again
Conduction Defects
Electricity gone haywire
Conduction Abnormalities
 Heart Block – AV damage – SA impulse doesn’t reach
ventricle – ventricles will beat at their own rate – slower
 Damage to SA node – slower heart rate – sometimes
need artificial pacemaker – defibrillation or “shocking”
 Ischemia can lead to Fibrillation – rapid uncoordinated
shuddering of heart muscle
 Cardiac arrest – stopping of conduction
Neural Control
Autonomic Nervous System
Autonomic Nervous System
 Heart enervated by autonomic nervous system –
controls speed of contractions
 Sympathetic NS will speed it up temporarily
 In times of physical or emotional stress
 Will increase availability of O2 and glucose to cells
 Parasympathetic NS will slow it temporarily
 Primarily the vagus nerve
Hormones and Ions
 Hormone
 Thyroxine and epinephrine can also increase heart rate
 Ions
 Low calcium – depresses the heart
 Too much calcium can stop the heart
 Low K+ causes feeble or abnormal beating
 Low Na+ depress heart
Other Factors
faster in babies – gradually decreases through out life in
normal heart
 Age-
 Gender – faster in females
 Temperature – fever and exercise increase HR due to increase
in metabolic rates; cold decreases HR
 Medication – chemically stimulating or decreasing heart;
intentional or side affect
 Diet – digestion increase HR
Cardiac Cycle
Mid to late Diastole
 We will begin with the heart at complete relaxation
 Pressure in heart is low
 Blood flowing passively into atrium from the pulmonary and
systemic systems
 Semilunar valves closed AV valves open
 Atria contract and force blood into ventricles
Cardiac Cycle
Ventricular Systole
 Shortly the ventricles will begin to contract and pressure
increases rapidly
 Pressure closes AV valves
 When intraventricular pressure higher than in large vessels
leaving heart - semilunar valves open
 Blood rushes out of ventricles to vessels
 Atria will be relaxed at this time and their chambers are filling
Cardiac Cycle
Early Diastole
 At the end of Systole ventricles relax
 Semilunar valves snap shut – preventing black flow
 Intraventricular pressure drops
 AV valves forced open
 Ventricles beginning to refill rapidly
 Cycle complete
Cardiac Cycle
 Normally atria contract simultaneously as the ventricles
 Ventricles contract while atria relax
 Diastole – phase of relaxation
 Systole – phase of contraction
 One cycle consists of systole and diastole of both atria and
the systole and diastole of both ventricles
 Cycle lasts 0.8 seconds
 First 0.1 seconds, the atria contract and ventricles relax
 0.3 seconds atria are relaxing and ventricles contracting
 Last 0.4 seconds is quiescent period – all chambers in diastole
– heart resting
Heart Sounds
 First sound – Lub – is closing of the AV valves – louder
and stronger sound
 Second sound – dup – closing of the semilunar valves at
the end of systole – sound tends to be short and sharp
 Pause
 Heard with stethoscope
Heart Murmurs
 Abnormal or unusual heart sounds
 Blood flow silent unless strikes obstruction
 Fairly common in children and elderly
 Usually indicate valve problems
 Medication can help some
 Surgery required in severe cases
Blood Pressure
 Pressure exerted at moment of contraction of ventricles –
Systolic Blood Pressure – top number
 Lessened force of the blood when ventricles relax – Diastolic
Blood Pressure – bottom number
 Pressure highest in the arteries close to initial surge of blood
and gradually decreases as it it travels further from heart
 Average BP in adult is 120mmHg/80mmHg
 Directly related to CO and peripheral resistance
Blood Pressure
 Peripheral Resistance – amount of friction encountered by
the blood as it flows through the blood vessels
 Increase by constriction of blood vessels-by SNS or
 Increased by increased blood volume or blood viscosity
Blood Pressure
 ANS – sympathetic division causes vasoconstriction
 Loss of blood
 Gravity after sitting or laying down and rising suddenly
 Exercise – vasoconstriction except in muscles vasodilatation
 Never cause vasoconstriction of blood vessels in heart or brain
Blood Pressure
 Kidneys – alters blood volume
 Increases liquids excretion when BP goes up – decrease blood volume – decrease BP
 Temperature – cold causes vasoconstriction
 Chemicals
 Epinephrine – increase HR – increases BP
 Nicotine – increases HR – increases vasoconstriction - Increases BP
 Alcohol – vasodilator – decrease BP
Blood Pressure Disorders
 Hypotension – low BP
 Systolic below 100
 Usually no cause for concern under normal circumstances
 Orthostatic hypotension – postural changes – increase with old age
 Chronic Low BP can indicate poor nutrition and inadequate levels of
blood proteins
 Circulatory Shock- not enough blood volume in vessels
Blood Pressure Disorders
 Hypertension – high blood pressure
 Pathologic – sustained BP of 140/90 or higher
 People can be asymptomatic for first 10-20 years – slowly causing
unknown damage – silent killer
 Increase resistance causes heart to work harder – over stretching
the heart muscle
 Can be affected by diet, obesity, heredity, race and stress
 Pulse throbs at pressure points throughout body
 Alternating expansion and contraction of an artery as blood flows through it
 Brachial- near crook of elbow
 Common carotid – neck
 Dorsalis pedis – anterior foot
 Temporal – temples on sides of face
 Radial - wrist
 Femoral – groin
 Popliteal – behind knee Posterior tibial - ankle
Cardiac Output - CO
 Amount of blood pumped out of each side of the heart in one minute
 Product of the heart rate (HR) and the stroke volume (SV)
 CO = HR X SV
 Stoke Volume is amount of blood pumped out of ventricles with each
 Normal CO = HR (75b/m) X SV (70 ml/beat)
 CO = 75 X 70
 CO = 5250 ml/min
Cardiac Output
 Average adult has 5000 ml of blood in the entire system
 Entire volume of blood passes through the heart
(therefore through the body) in 1 minute
 Cardiac Output will vary with demands
 Increase with increase volume
 Increases with increased rate
Cardiac Output
 Stroke Volume – volume of blood pumped from the
ventricles with each contraction
 Healthy heart pumps 60% of the blood that enters it – 70 ml
or 2 ounces – with each contraction
CO – Starling’s Law of the Heart
 SV controlled by how much the cardiac muscle cells are stretched
just before they contract
 Increased stretching = stronger contraction
 Amount of stretching affected by venous return- amount of blood
Stroke Volume
Things that affects it
 Slow heart rate allows more time for filling and stretching
 Strong contracting of skeletal muscles affecting venous return –
 Rapid heart rate decreases filling time
 Severe blood loss lowers venous return
 Cardiac muscle weakening or damage decrease SV
 Heart will try to maintain CO by increasing HR
Pumping Efficiency Problems
 Congestive Heart Failure – efficiency is decreased so that circulation is
inadequate to meet tissue demands
 Usually progressive
 Weakening of heart muscle due to MI, arteriosclerosis or persistent
 Pulmonary congestion occurs when left heart fails – can lead to
pulmonary edema
 Peripheral congestion when right side fails
 If one side fails more stress to other side can lead to total heart failure
Disease of the Heart
Cardiovascular Disease
 Pericarditis
 Infection in the pericardium – the outer layer of the heart
 Symptoms include pain, cough, dyspnea, rapid pulse and fever
 Myocarditis
 Treated with medications
 Inflammation of the cardiac muscle
 Symptoms and treatment same as pericarditis
 Inflammation of membrane lining the heart and covering valves
 Can lead to blood clot
 Can lead to valve difficulties
Rheumatic Heart Disease
 Antibodies fighting rheumatic fever or strep throat can attack the
valves and the lining of the heart
 Can cause valves to stop closing properly
Coronary Artery Disease
 Angina pectoris
 Severe chest pain caused by not enough O2 to heart
 Not a disease but symptoms of narrowing of coronary
 Treat with medication – nitroglycerine – to dilate arteries
 Secondary with by-pass surgery
Myocardial Infarction
 MI or Heart attack – lack of blood supply to heart muscle
causing death of tissue
 Can be caused by narrowing of arteries or blood clot
 Amount of damage will determine mortality and/or
resulting long term problems
 Prevention is the best treatment
 After damage done- medication can strengthen contraction
and or dissolve clots
Cardiac Surgery
Invasive Treatment
 “balloon surgery”
 Small deflated balloon threaded into coronary
artery to reach blockage
 Balloon inflated to push blockage against
artery wall
 Balloon deflated and removed
 If doesn’t work by-pass surgery may be
 Small device threaded into coronary
arty to try to hold the vessel open
after successful angioplasty
 Not always successful long term
 Tries to prevent Heart Attacks or
MI from reoccurring
Coronary Artery By-Pass
 Surgery to detour or by pass the blockage in a coronary
 Healthy blood vessel used
 Not as successful in increasing longevity as once thought
Heart Transplants
 Individual’s heart can no longer function properly
 Due to damage or disease or in some congenital heart
 Must “match” body tissue to prevent rejection by the
recipient's own body
 Donor must “die” for someone needs a transplant
Artificial Hearts
 Last ditch effort
 Used only for short periods of time until a donor heart can
be found
Pacemaker and Implantable
 Pacemaker to take over the work of the SA node
 Defibrillator – implanted to shock heart back into a regular
rhythm – for those at risk or have a history of ventricular
River of
 Specialized connective tissue
 Pumped by the heart
 Carried by the blood vessels
 Composed of:
 Blood cells
 Plasma
 Platelets
Transports O2 to cells for metabolism
Transports CO2 back to lungs
Carries nutrients, ions and water from the digestive tract to all cells
Transports waste for cells to sweat glands and kidneys for excretion
Transports hormones from endocrine glands to target organs
Transports enzymes to cells to regulate chemical processes and chemical
Helps regulate pH through buffers and amino acids
Helps regulate body temperature by helping to regulate H2O content of cells
through Na ions (osmosis)
Clotting mechanism helps prevent fluid loss
Helps protect the body from foreign microorganisms and toxins
Blood Cells - Erythrocytes
 Red Blood cells – contain no nucleus
 95% of blood volume
 Hematopoiesis – formation – in red bone marrow
 Come from stem cells – live for about 120 days
 Appear as biconcave discs- edges thicker than center
 Composed of:
1. Protein (stoma& cytoplasm)
2. Lipids including cholesterol
3. Hemoglobin
Erythrocytes - Hemoglobin
 Combine with O2 in the lungs and transport it to various tissues
 Combine with CO2 in tissues and transport it to the lungs for
 Hemoglobin is a protein – globin and a pigment – heme
 Heme combines with O2 – Globin combines with CO2
 Normal Hemoglobin blood level is 4.8 million RBCS/mm3 in women
to 5.4 in men
Blood Cells - Leukocytes
White Blood Cells
Contain no pigment and have a nucleus
General function – combat inflammation and infection
Larger than RBC
Have ability to leave blood and move into tissue
5000 – 90000/mm3
Live only a few days normally but only a few hours during an
 2 sub categories – granular and non-granular
Leukocytes - Granular
 Neutrophils – most common leukocytes
 Most active
 Move into cells and phagocytize (consume) foreign
substances and secrete lysozyme which helps destroy certain
 Pus consists of dell debris, fluid and dead neutrophils
Leukocytes - Granular
 Eosinophils – combat irritants, such as pollen that cause allergies
 Produce antihistamines
 Also can attack some worm parasites
Leukocytes - Granular
 Basophiles – combat irritants
 Release heparin (an anticoagulant) histamine (an
inflammatory substance) and serotonin (vasoconstrictor) into
the tissues
Leukocytes – Non - Granular
 Monocytes – phagocytotic
 Largest leukocytes
 When they leave the blood they increase in size
 Phagocytize bacteria, dead cells and/or cellular debris
Non Granular
 Lymphocytes – involved in production of antibodies
 Play a crucial role in the immune system’s response
 Smallest of leukocytes
 Involved in controlling cancer cells, destroying
microorganisms and rejecting foreign tissue implants
Blood Cells - Thrombocytes
 Platelets
 Disc shaped cellular fragments with a nucleus
 Prevent fluid loss when blood vessels are damaged by
 Life span about 1 week
 Produced by red bone marrow
 Fluid part of the blood
 91% of plasma is water
 7% proteins- albumin and fibrinogen and globulins
 Rest is solutes such as ions, nutrients, waste products, gases,
enzymes and hormones
 Initiates osmotic pressure
 Helps control water balance between
blood and tissues
Plasma Proteins - Globulins
 Some act as transport molecules for hormones
and carry them to target organs
 Some are antibodies – important in the
immune system
Plasma Proteins - Fibrinogen
 Vital in blood clotting
Clotting of the Blood
 Coagulation – the
process of the clotting
of the blood
 Must occur to stop
 Unnecessary clotting
can clog a vessel
Clotting of the Blood
 Vessel damage – leakage occurs
 Thromboplasin produced (needs Vit K)
 As blood platelets flow over the roughened area they
disintegrate, releasing thromboplasin
 Thromboplasin + Ca = Thrombin
 Thrombin + fibrinogen = fibrin
 Fibrin are gel-like threads that layer themselves over the cut,
creating meshlike network
 Network traps RBC, platalets and plasma creating a blood
 Serum oozes out of the cut – slowly drying creating a crust
(scab) over the treads
 Clotting time is 5-15 min in adults
Blood Types
 4 major types – A, B, AB and O
 Blood type is inherited
 Determined by the presence or absence of the blood
glyoprotein called antigen located on the surface of the
 A has A antigen
 B has B antigen
 AB has both
 O has neither
Blood Groups - Antibodies
 Protein in the plasma called
 A has “b” antibodies
 B has “a” antibodies
 AB has no antibodies
 O has both
Blood Types
 Important to know type when receiving transfusion
 Antibodies can react with antigens of the same type –
clumping of blood cells
 A must receive A or O blood
 B must receive B or O blood
 AB can receive all types
 O can donate to all types (universal donor)
Rh factor
 Antigen found on the surface of the RBC
 If someone has it they say they are Rh+
 If someone does not have it Rh Important to know in transfusions
 Important to know if Mother is Rh- and unborn baby is
Blood Disorders
Blood types
Blood Disorders - Hemophilia
 Hereditary disorder
 Blood clots slowly or abnormally
 Only in males
 Can be treated with clotting factors
 Avoid trauma
Blood Disorders - Leukemia
 Cancerous or malignant condition
 Abnormally high production of WBC that do not fight
 Displace the normal # of RBC- thus interfering with
amount of O2 circulating in the blood
 Treatment – radiation, and/or chemotherapy
Blood Disorders - Anemia
 Deficiency of RBC and amount of hemoglobin
 Varying degree of dyspnea, pallor, palpitations and fatigue
 Can be caused by bleeding or extreme destruction of
malformation of RBC
 Types:
 Pernicious – Vit B-12 deficiency
 Aplastic – bone marrow doesn’t produce enough RBC and
Sickle Cell Disease
 Chronic disease inherited from both
 RBC form in crescent shapes that carry
less O2
 Almost exclusively in blacks
 Treatment drugs and transfusions
 Sickle Cell Trait is when only one
parent is affected
Blood Disorders - Septicemia
 Presence of a pathogen or toxin in the blood
 Blood infection
 Treated with antibiotics
 Can cause death if untreated or not treated quickly enough
Blood Disorders - Thalassemia
 Also called Cooley’s anemia
 Defect in RBC formation
 Fatigue, enlarged spleen, bone deformaties
 Medication and transfusions
 Affects blacks and Mediteranian descent
Blood Disorders - Malaria
 Infectious disease
 Caused by protozoan parasite
 Tropical climates – by
 Cause symptoms of anemia,
tachycardia, fever, chills,
nausea flu like symptoms, and
coma and death
Blood Disorders - Mononucleosis
 Mono – Kissing Disease – Glandular Fever
 Caused by Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)
 Symptoms fever, malaise, sore throat, enlarged
 Increase number of WBC - lymphocytes
 Spread by person-to-person contact
 Saliva is the primary method of transmitting
 Coughing or sneezing, causing small droplets of
infected saliva and/or mucus to be suspended in the
air which can be inhaled by others.
 Sharing food or beverages from the same container
or utensil
 Can lead to liver damage or spleen rupture
Interaction with Other Body Systems
 Blood flows to the skin to aid in the temperature control for the body
 Blood flow to skin brings O2 and nutrients to and are moves wastes
from skin and glands
 Dilation of vessels in the dermis occurs when we are embarrassed;
resulting in “blushing”
 Skin absorbs sunlight to indirectly allow for the production of Ca
needed in muscular contraction of the heart
Muscular System
 Exercising muscles receive increase blood flow delivering O2 and
nutrients and removing wastes
 Cardiac and smooth muscles contractions maintain blood flow and blood
 Exercise helps prevent cardiovascular disease
 Diaphragm contraction allows breathing sending O2 to lung for blood to
pick it up for delivery to body
 Heart is a muscle
 Blood delivers O2 and nutrients for health and function of muscles and
connective tissues
Skeletal System
 Bones store and release calcium to maintain blood levels –
cardiac muscle needs Ca to contract
 Bones are site of hematopoisesis
 Bones (sternum and ribs) protect the heart
 Long bones protect important arteries
 Blood provides O2 and nutrients for health and function of the
bones and removal of wastes
Nervous System
 Brain and spinal cord depend on blood flow for survival
 ANS regulates heartbeat and blood pressure
 Pain felt in “heart attacks” help send signals to the person
that they need to seek medical attention
 Blood flow aids in waste removal from nervous system
Respiratory System
 Respiratory system provides the exchange of O2 and
CO2 with the red blood cells
 Respiratory movements aid in venous blood return to
 Heart provides the O2 and nutrients for health of the
respiratory cells and for waste removal
Digestive System
 Digestive system breaks down food and nutrients into
forms that can be absorbed and transported in the blood
 Iron and B vitamins are provided by the digestive system
for red blood cell formation
 Heart provides the O2 needed to maintain digestive
function and metabolism and for waste removal
Reproductive System
 Increased blood volume allows penis to maintain erection
 Increased blood volume during sexual arousal in both sexes
allow sexual “readiness”
 Estrogen helps maintain vascular health in females
 Blood provides O2 and nutrients for health and function of
reproductive organs and for waste removal
Excretory System
 Kidneys filter the blood of wastes and excess electrolytes
and water
 Kidneys help control blood volume and blood pressure
 Blood pressure helps maintain kidney function
 Blood provides nutrients and O2 for cells of the excretory
system and for waste removal
Endocrine System
 Blood stream transports hormones to target sites
 Epinephrine , thyroxin and antidiuretic hormones effect
blood pressure
 Epinephrine , thyroxin effect heart rate
 Blood supplies O2 and nutrients for health and function
of endocrine glands and for waste removal