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Thursday, February 11, 2016
• OBJECTIVE: I will be able to distinguish
between traits that are inherited or
acquired and create an initial model.
• DO NOW: In your own words, define
Doc #1 – Genetic vs. Non-genetic
• What are heritable traits and how are they
• Everyone is aware that there are similarities
between parents and their children.
• Doc #1 has a list of traits that parents might
share with their children.
• Individually, read each trait and decide on
whether it is mostly genetic or mostly not
• Circle you answer choice for each trait.
1. Eye color
2. Height
3. Hair color
4. Knowing French
5. Ability to ride a bike
6. Having kidneys
7. Chance of developing cancer
8. Having mitochondria in skin cells
9. Being strong
10. Being good at football
Not Genetic
Not Genetic
Not Genetic
Not Genetic
Not Genetic
Not Genetic
Not Genetic
Not Genetic
Not Genetic
Not Genetic
Doc #1 – Genetic vs. Non-genetic
• Number 2:
• In pairs, discuss your choices and decide
on what characteristics make a trait mostly
• Then write your list of characteristics on
the lines. There is not a correct number of
characteristics. List as many as you can.
• Just because something is not totally determined by
genes, it can still be influenced by genes.
– Blood pressure is partially heritable and partially
environmental. Two people with the same genes related to
blood pressure could still differ in their actual blood pressure
because of their eating habits, their exercise habits, and so
– Weight distribution (i.e. location and size of fat reserves) is
partially heritable so two people of exactly the same size and
weight might have different fat stores i.e. one has a larger
gut, the other has larger thighs in part based on their genes.
Obviously weight can also be influenced by the environment
i.e. diet/exercise.
– Fingerprints are only partially heritable. The fetal
environment influences them to some degree.
Doc #1 – Genetic vs. Non-genetic
• #4 - Now that you have characteristics for what
makes a trait genetic, develop a model that
explains how a genetic trait, like dimples, gets
passed on from parents to their children.
• Write or draw your model in the box.
• #5 - Individually, explain your model in your
own words.
Doc #1 – Genetic vs. Non-genetic
• Now discuss and compare your model with your
group. Discuss the points listed on the
• Pick the best model from your group and briefly
describe what that model is.